APEX Brain Centers

APEX Approach

Training the ADD and ADHD Brain: Top 3 Exercises

Training the ADD and ADHD Brain - I am excited to announce that I am now a contributing writer to the NaturalNews Network. The NaturalNews Network is a non-profit collection ...

3 Real Life Examples of Brain Plasticity

3 Real Life Examples of Brain Plasticity - Brain plasticity, also known as neuroplasticity, is the brain’s ability to change and grow over time in response to its environment. Changes ...

APEX Brain Centers Opens in South Asheville

February 2014 – Mountain Xpress – APEX Brain Centers Opens in South Asheville Click the link below to view the complete media article: https://mountainx.com/blogwire/apex_brain_centers_opens_in_south_asheville/

What is Neurofeedback and QEEG?

While it is just one of a number of potentially life-changing interventions in our 'Brain Intensive' training program here at Apex Brain Centers, it is important to take a moment ...
The Wave of the Not-So-Distant Future – ‘Brain Intensive’ Training

The Wave of the Not-So-Distant Future – ‘Brain Intensive’ Training

The Wave of the Not-So-Distant Future - While one of the biggest buzzwords in the learning and behavioral disorder treatment arena, among others, is ‘Intensive’; there are numerous takes on ...

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Get your questions answered and understand treatment options by one of our board-certified physicians with extensive functional neurology experience.

Consultations are free, 15-minute phone calls, scheduled Monday through Friday.

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Schedule a free, confidential consultation with one of our board-certified physicians.