APEX Brain Centers

Unraveling Concussions: Comprehensive Guide to Causes and Cures

Concussions, often referred to as the “invisible injury,”  are more common than you might think, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. 

While you may already be familiar with the basics of what a concussion is and its symptoms, this guide will provide you with valuable insights into the underlying causes, risk factors, effective cures, and the latest treatments available. 

Comprehensive Guide to Concussions

Understanding the underlying causes and risk factors of concussions is of paramount importance for several compelling reasons. It enables us to implement effective prevention strategies, reducing the incidence of concussions in various settings, from sports to everyday activities. It also aids healthcare professionals in diagnosing and treating concussions more accurately and promptly, optimizing the chances of a full recovery and minimizing long-term consequences. Additionally, understanding the causes and risk factors allows for tailored interventions and support, acknowledging that different populations, such as children or the elderly, may require specialized care. 

Ultimately, this understanding fosters greater awareness among individuals, empowering them to take proactive measures to protect themselves and their loved ones from the potential devastating effects of concussions, thereby enhancing overall public health and safety.

At APEX Brain Centers, we are dedicated to thoroughly understanding the causes, symptoms, and rehabilitation methods surrounding concussions to deliver the best possible care for those suffering from this condition.

The Role of Rotational Forces: Twisting the Brain

To truly comprehend how concussions occur, it’s essential to delve into the intricate mechanics of rotational forces and how they affect the brain. This phenomenon is a crucial aspect of understanding why concussions can have such a wide array of symptoms and complications; and, why any blow to the head or whiplash injury must be considered a concussive force.

The Brain as a Delicate Structure

First, it’s important to envision the brain as a remarkably delicate organ suspended within the skull. Think of it as a gelatin-like substance bathed in cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid cushions and supports the brain, helping to protect it from the forces that the skull encounters during daily activities.

Rapid Rotational Movement: The Culprit

The pivotal moment leading to a concussion often involves rapid rotational movement of the head. This can happen in various scenarios, such as a tackle in football, a car accident, or even a fall. When the head suddenly changes direction or rotates swiftly, the brain’s inertia causes it to lag behind the movement, leading to a twisting motion within the skull.

The Consequences of Twisting and Shearing

This twisting and shearing action is where the real danger lies. It can have several adverse effects on the brain:

Disruption of Neural Connections: The brain is a complex network of interconnected neurons, responsible for all our thoughts, actions, and bodily functions. When the brain twists, these delicate connections can become disrupted or damaged. This disruption can lead to a wide range of neurological symptoms, from physical and cognitive impairment to sensory disturbances.

Strain on Nerve Fibers: Nerve fibers in the brain can experience significant strain during rapid rotational movement. This strain can cause micro-tears in these fibers, impairing their ability to transmit signals effectively. Consequently, this can result in the cognitive and motor dysfunction often associated with concussions.

Damage to Blood Vessels: The twisting action can also damage blood vessels within the brain. This can lead to bleeding or leakage of blood, which may contribute to the formation of hematomas and increase intracranial pressure, potentially making the concussion a more severe form of traumatic brain injury.

The Brain’s Adaptive Response

Remarkably, the brain is not entirely defenseless in the face of rotational forces. It employs a variety of protective mechanisms to mitigate damage, such as the cerebrospinal fluid mentioned earlier, which acts as a shock absorber.

However, these mechanisms have their limits. In the case of a forceful and rapid rotation, the brain’s protective measures may not be sufficient to prevent injury. This is why even seemingly minor incidents, like a slip and fall, can result in concussions when the head experiences sudden rotational forces.

Understanding the role of rotational forces in concussions provides a deeper appreciation of the complexities of head injuries. It underscores the need for vigilance in preventing and managing concussions, as well as the importance of protective gear and safe practices in sports and daily life to reduce the risk of these traumatic brain injuries.

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Causes of Concussions: Bumps, Falls, and Risk Factors

Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury that result from a direct blow to the head or violent shaking of the head and upper body (whiplash). They can occur in various situations, but certain activities and circumstances present an increased risk. In our practice at APEX Brain Centers, we emphasize understanding these risk factors to provide comprehensive care to individuals with brain injuries.

Sports-Related Injuries

Participation in contact sports, such as football, hockey, soccer, BMX, and wrestling, significantly increases the likelihood of sustaining a concussion. These activities involve physical contact and collisions, which can lead to head injuries. Athletes and sports organizations should take precautions, including proper protective gear and enforcing safety rules to minimize the risk of concussions.

Here’s a closer look at how sports-related injuries can lead to concussions:

Football: The high-impact nature of football, with players colliding at high speeds, makes it a hotspot for concussions. Helmets provide some protection, but they can’t eliminate the risk entirely. Hits to the body can cause whiplash, which also leads to concussions.

Soccer: Surprisingly, soccer ranks high among sports with a concussion risk. Head-to-head collisions, unintentional elbow strikes, or hard falls on the field can result in concussions, even without helmets.

Hockey: Hockey players are at risk due to the physicality of the game and the possibility of being hit by the puck or colliding with other players on the ice.

A Note About Protective Gear: While helmets and protective gear are standard in most of these sports, they don’t eliminate the risk entirely. The force of an impact, whether from another player or the ground, can still lead to a concussion.

Falls: A Common Risk, Especially for Vulnerable Groups

Falls represent a widespread and often underestimated cause of concussions, particularly among vulnerable demographic groups such as the elderly and young children. Ensuring a safe environment with proper supervision and clear walkways can help prevent falls and head injuries.

The forceful impact on hard surfaces is a fundamental reason why falls can result in concussions. And, reaching to grab something while falling can cause whiplash. When someone, regardless of age, loses their balance or slips, the potential for injury is significant. 

Here’s why this is a concern:

Force of Impact: When an individual falls and their head collides with a hard surface, such as concrete floors, pavements, or even tile floors, the force generated can be substantial. This force is transferred to the head, leading to rapid acceleration and deceleration of the brain within the skull, which can result in a concussion. Even without a direct impact to the head, the trauma sustained in a whiplash injury while protecting the head can cause a concussion and possible brainstem injury.

Seemingly Minor Accidents: It’s crucial to emphasize that even seemingly minor falls can lead to concussions. You don’t need to fall from a great height to sustain a head injury. A slip on a wet surface or a trip on uneven ground can generate enough force to cause a concussion.

Lack of Protective Gear: Unlike sports that often require protective gear like helmets, everyday falls typically occur without any protective equipment. This leaves the head vulnerable to direct impact with the ground or other hard surfaces.

Understanding the increased risk of concussions among vulnerable groups like the elderly and young children requires recognizing the unique challenges they face:

Elderly Individuals

Reduced Balance: As people age, their sense of balance may decline. This can result from various factors, including changes in muscle strength, joint flexibility, and sensory perception. Reduced balance makes it more likely for elderly individuals to lose their footing and fall.

Diminished Coordination: Age-related changes in coordination can also contribute to falls. Slower reaction times and difficulties in correcting balance can lead to stumbles and accidents.

Fragile Bones: Elderly individuals often have more fragile bones, increasing the likelihood of fractures and head injuries when they fall.

Young Children

Developing Motor Skills: Young children are still in the process of developing their motor skills, which include balance and coordination. This developmental stage makes them prone to stumbling, tripping, or falling during various activities.

Curiosity and Exploration: Children’s natural curiosity often leads them to explore their surroundings, sometimes without a full understanding of potential dangers. This adventurous spirit can result in unexpected tumbles and falls.

Higher Center of Gravity: Young children have a higher center of gravity compared to adults, which can make them less stable and more susceptible to losing balance.

It’s crucial to emphasize that while falls can lead to concussions, they are preventable to a significant extent. For the elderly, balance and strength exercises can improve stability and reduce the risk of falling. Additionally, fall detection devices and home modifications can provide added safety. For young children, close supervision, childproofing the home (like gates near stairs), and teaching safe play habits are essential strategies to prevent falls and reduce the risk of concussions. In both cases, raising awareness about the risks of falls and taking proactive steps can help protect these vulnerable groups from the potentially serious consequences of concussions.

Car Accidents: Whiplash and Concussions

Motor vehicle accidents remain a significant contributor to concussions due to the abrupt and forceful nature of collisions. The sudden deceleration, coupled with the potential for head impact against vehicle components or objects inside the car, underscores the substantial risk that accidents on the road pose in causing concussions.

Sudden Deceleration: During a car crash, the vehicle rapidly decelerates, causing the occupants’ bodies to continue moving forward. This can result in the head striking the steering wheel, dashboard, or windows, leading to a concussion.

Whiplash: The rapid back-and-forth motion of the head and neck, commonly known as whiplash, can often cause concussions. Even when seatbelts are worn, the head may still experience substantial forces.

Airbags: While airbags are designed to protect drivers and passengers, they can sometimes cause concussions due to the abrupt inflation and deflation during a collision.

Alcohol-Related Concussions: A Hazard in Recreational Activities

Alcohol consumption can dramatically increase the possibility of experiencing a concussion. Drinking impairs judgment, balance, and coordination, making individuals more susceptible to falls and accidents, physical altercations, and car accidents. Limiting alcohol intake and encouraging responsible drinking are essential steps in preventing alcohol-related head injuries.

Here’s how alcohol use can lead to concussions:

Impaired Judgment and Coordination: Alcohol consumption can impair cognitive function, decision-making abilities, and coordination. Individuals under the influence may engage in risky behaviors or become less adept at avoiding hazards, increasing their vulnerability to falls and accidents.

Lack of Inhibition: Under the influence of alcohol, individuals may exhibit a lack of inhibition and take risks they would otherwise avoid. This can result in situations where they are more prone to accidents and head trauma.

Reduced Pain Perception: Alcohol can dull the perception of pain, which means that individuals may not immediately recognize the seriousness of an injury, including a concussion, after an accident or fall.

Implications for Recovery: When alcohol is involved in a concussion, it can complicate the recovery process. Alcohol can interfere with the brain’s healing mechanisms, potentially prolonging the symptoms and recovery time associated with concussions.

It is vital to be aware of the risk factors associated with concussions and take appropriate precautions to minimize the chance of injury. We at APEX Brain Centers are committed to helping individuals with concussion symptoms through our comprehensive care approach. Our focus includes functional neurology, low-level laser therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and neurofeedback, among others, which supports recovery and promotes optimum mental health. By understanding the causes and risk factors of concussions, we can better address the needs of our patients and help prevent future head injuries.

Factors Influencing Concussion Severity: Not One Size Fits All

While the causes of concussions are fairly consistent, the severity of these injuries can vary widely. Several factors can influence the severity of a concussion, making it a complex condition to diagnose and manage:

Children: Young children, including infants and toddlers, are more vulnerable to concussions due to their developing brains and less robust protective mechanisms. Research has shown that concussions may present differently across developmental stages, making it crucial to adapt our assessment and intervention strategies accordingly.

Teenagers: Adolescents may exhibit more concussion symptoms compared to younger children. With increasing age, teenagers tend to experience a larger effect on concentration and other cognitive functions; often not considered by the individual or their caregivers as being related to the concussion. This observation highlights the importance of tailoring our functional neurology assessments and interventions to meet the unique needs of this age group, as emphasized by the Age a Factor in Concussion Symptom Severity study.

Elderly Individuals: In contrast to younger age groups, elderly individuals may display distinct patterns of concussion symptoms. As individuals age, the impact of a concussion can often be more pronounced, particularly affecting cognitive functions like memory, concentration, and processing speed. Recognizing these age-related differences underscores the necessity of tailoring our functional neurology assessments and interventions to cater to the specific requirements of the elderly population, as emphasized by the Age as a Factor in Concussion Symptom Severity study.

Athletes: While athletes are likely the most susceptible demographic for sustaining concussions, they are also the group most likely to not report their symptoms for fear of being sidelined. The “culture of non-reporting” is widespread across all sports and the athletes, coaches, parents, and providers need to be aware of this phenomenon in the best interest of their health and well-being.

Gender: Research suggests that women may be more susceptible to concussions and could experience different symptom profiles. Hormonal differences and variations in neck strength may contribute to this disparity.

Pre-existing Medical Conditions: Conditions like migraines, learning and behavioral disorders, or previous concussions can increase the risk of severe symptoms. Individuals with a history of head injuries may be more susceptible to recurrent concussions and prolonged recovery times.

Understanding the causes of concussions goes beyond the surface level. It requires an appreciation of the diverse scenarios in which concussions can occur, the mechanics of head injuries, and the various factors that influence the severity of these injuries. Armed with this knowledge, individuals can take steps to minimize their risk and seek appropriate care when needed.

Cures and Treatments for Concussions: Navigating the Path to Recovery

Recovery from a concussion is a multifaceted journey, involving various stages of treatment and care. Understanding the comprehensive approach to managing concussions is essential for individuals who have experienced this traumatic brain injury and their support networks. 

At APEX Brain Centers, we prioritize a comprehensive approach that addresses their unique needs. Our approach includes an emphasis on functional neurology, low-level laser therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and neurofeedback. We also utilize balance and vestibular therapies, eye movement rehabilitation, frequency-based modalities, metabolic and nutritional therapies, and home care programs to support recovery and promote optimum mental health.

Let’s explore in greater detail the steps involved in the treatment and recovery process: 

Immediate Response after a Concussion

Medical Evaluation and Diagnosis

Seeking prompt and professional evaluation is a pivotal step in concussion management:

Importance of Professional Assessment: At APEX Brain Centers, we are experts in head injuries and can assess the severity of the concussion and determine the appropriate course of treatment. We focus on providing comprehensive care to address the needs of individuals with brain injuries. 

Imaging Tests: In some cases, we may order imaging tests such as CT scans or MRIs to rule out more severe injuries, like intracranial bleeding or skull fractures. These tests help guide treatment decisions.

When a concussion occurs, the immediate response plays a crucial role in mitigating further damage and ensuring a smoother recovery:

Rest and Physical Inactivity: Rest is paramount in the early stages of recovery. The brain needs time to heal, and engaging in strenuous physical activities can exacerbate symptoms and prolong recovery. Medical professionals often recommend a period of complete rest immediately following a concussion, although movement or “active recovery” is a strategy we employ with great success. Avoiding strenuous exercise and maintaining a regular sleep schedule are key aspects of rest management.

Cognitive Rest: Reducing mental strain is equally vital. Activities that demand concentration, such as studying or working on a computer, can prolong recovery. Cognitive rest involves limiting such activities to allow the brain to recuperate.

Avoiding Screen Time: Screen time, whether on computers, smartphones, or televisions, can worsen symptoms like headaches and dizziness. Limiting screen exposure is advisable during the initial stages of recovery.

Restorative Therapies for Concussions

Concussion recovery demands a multifaceted therapeutic approach that encompasses various modalities and strategies. At APEX Brain Centers, we combine a range of therapies under the umbrella of Restorative Therapies, driven by evaluation and diagnostic testing, to promote healing and support optimum mental health.

Functional Neurology, Laser Therapy, and More

Our approach begins with an emphasis on Functional Neurology, which forms the foundation of our concussion recovery program. In addition, we harness the power of Low-Level Laser Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Neurofeedback, metabolic and nutritional therapies, and more to address the physical and neurological aspects of recovery.

Physical Rehabilitation for Cognitive Enhancement

Rehabilitation Exercises: Physical therapies are a core component of our approach, helping individuals regain balance, coordination, and strength. We develop customized exercise programs tailored to each person’s unique needs.

Vestibular and Visual Therapy: Specialized therapies target common post-concussion symptoms, such as balance problems and visual disturbances. These therapies are instrumental in helping individuals regain stability and improve their visual and balance processing capabilities.

Emotional Well-being and Cognitive Functionality

Our experience over the past two decades shows that mental health services become significantly more impactful when combined with functional neurology assessments and interventions.

Cognitive Therapy and Mental Health Support: Concussions can significantly impact mental health and cognitive function. To address this, our team collaborates with mental health professionals who specialize in assessing and managing symptoms such as anxiety and depression. These professionals play a pivotal role in ensuring emotional well-being during the recovery process.

Coping Strategies: Our doctors provide individuals with effective coping strategies to manage post-concussion psychological symptoms. These strategies empower individuals to navigate the emotional challenges that often accompany head injuries.

By combining these therapies and modalities, we create a holistic approach that supports physical, neurological, emotional, and cognitive aspects of recovery. At APEX Brain Centers, our goal is to provide comprehensive care that not only facilitates healing but also promotes long-term mental health and well-being.

Consequences and Complications

In our practice at APEX Brain Centers, we often witness the wide range of consequences that concussions can have on individuals. Some common complications resulting from concussions include lasting effects such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, and confusion. These complications might vary in severity, but they all can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.

The long-term effects of concussions should not be underestimated. One serious condition that can develop as a result of repeated brain injuries is chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). CTE is a degenerative brain disorder that may lead to symptoms similar to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, making early detection and management crucial for individuals with a history of brain injuries.

Role of Research and Development

As we continue to unravel the mysteries of concussions, research plays a crucial role in helping us better understand the causes of these traumatic brain injuries and develop effective strategies for mitigating damage and promoting recovery. By studying the complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain, researchers aim to identify ways to minimize both short-term symptoms and long-term cognitive implications such as psychological and behavioral changes.

One key area of research in concussion management is the investigation of chemical changes that occur in the brain following a traumatic injury. By understanding these cellular and molecular alterations, we can develop interventions that target specific processes and pathways to mitigate the damage. Additionally, studying factors that influence recovery, such as age and sex, can help us tailor our approaches to meet the unique needs of each individual.

Another promising avenue of research is the exploration of innovative, non-invasive therapies that have the potential to promote brain healing and improve cognitive function. Our application of neurofeedback, for example, aims to improve brain function by helping individuals learn to self-regulate neural activity. This approach has shown potential for reducing psychological symptoms and enhancing cognitive and physical performance in individuals who have sustained a concussion.

As we continue to build a stronger understanding of the causes, consequences, and potential interventions for concussions, we remain dedicated to incorporating research findings into our practice. By keeping our finger on the pulse of the latest developments, we aim to offer our clients the most advanced and effective strategies for helping them overcome the challenges associated with traumatic brain injuries, provide support based on the needs and achieve the best possible outcomes for their health and well-being.

Dr. Michael S. Trayford is a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist and Neurofeedback Specialist with over 20 years of experience in the practice of advanced functional neurology. He is one of the most highly sought-after brain rehabilitation specialists because of the life-changing outcomes his patients consistently experience. After over a decade in private practice and working alongside other pioneers in the field, Dr. Trayford developed his multimodal intensive brain training and rehabilitation program built around the science of Neuroplasticity – the ability of the brain to learn and grow dependent upon the stimulation it receives from its environment. He later founded APEX Brain Centers to combine his ground-breaking rehabilitation approach with a unique patient and caretaker-centered care model. Under Dr. Trayford’s leadership, APEX Brain Centers has successfully treated thousands of patients and earned the reputation of a world-renowned brain training and rehabilitation practice. Since its inception, Dr. Trayford has been a leader of the Brain Training revolution treating patients worldwide. In addition, he is a published journal contributor and international lecturer. His experience with various patients of all ages and neurological conditions has given him a unique perspective on brain health and human performance. He is also well-versed in collaborating with other health care professionals, making him an invaluable asset to any care team. Dr. Trayford was awarded the Functional Neurologist of the Year distinction by the International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation, where he is a proud member and conference lecturer. Currently, he serves on the Advisory Council for the Dementia Society of America and the Board of Directors for the International Society for Neuroregulation and Research. He is also a servant leader who has dedicated his adult life to serving multiple communities through Rotary International and other notable causes. When he’s not treating patients, Dr. Trayford usually reads or researches anything related to the brain, human performance, and leadership. He also loves spending time outdoors with his wife Denise, their two daughters, and dogs in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. https://www.linkedin.com/in/drmichaeltrayford/

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