APEX Brain Centers

The Journey to Recovery: Living and Coping with Stroke

Experiencing a stroke can be life-changing and the subsequent journey to recovery can be challenging both for the individual and their loved ones. At APEX Brain Centers, we understand the importance of a comprehensive approach to help individuals regain their independence and quality of life following a stroke. 

The recovery process following a stroke often involves relearning skills lost and adapting to new challenges, which can take time and patience. In our practice, we have seen significant improvements in stroke survivors’ mental health when combined with functional neurology assessments and interventions. Our expertise in providing a mix of neurological and metabolic rehabilitative therapies makes other therapies more effective, ultimately helping stroke survivors progress on their journey to recovery.

Supporting stroke survivors during their recovery includes acknowledging the emotional aspect of the journey as well. At APEX Brain Centers, we prioritize addressing both the physical and emotional needs of individuals affected by stroke, adopting a holistic approach that emphasizes functional neurology, low-level laser therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, neurofeedback, balance and vestibular therapies, eye movement rehabilitation, frequency-based modalities, and metabolic, and nutritional therapies. This integrated approach assists and empowers stroke survivors in their journey, allowing them to make strides in reclaiming their independence and living a fulfilling life.

Stroke Types, Risk Factors, and Symptoms

Strokes can be classified into two main types: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic strokes are caused by a blood clot that blocks blood flow to the brain, while hemorrhagic strokes occur when a blood vessel ruptures and bleeds into the surrounding brain tissue. Ischemic strokes account for about 87% of all stroke cases, while hemorrhagic strokes are relatively less common but often more severe.

The severity of a stroke can vary widely, depending on factors such as the location in the brain and extent of brain tissue affected, as well as the duration of blood flow disruption. Common stroke symptoms include:

  • Weakness or paralysis on one side of the body
  • Difficulty speaking or understanding speech
  • Impaired coordination and balance
  • Vision problems
  • Numbness or tingling sensations
  • Bowel/Bladder dysfunction
  • Cognitive impairment

Stroke Causes

Stroke causes can be divided into two main categories: modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. Modifiable risk factors are those that can be controlled or managed through lifestyle choices, while non-modifiable risk factors are those that cannot be changed.

Modifiable risk factors include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Physical inactivity
  • Obesity/Belly fat

Non-modifiable risk factors include:

  • Age (older adults are at higher risk)
  • Family history of stroke
  • Ethnically/racial background (strokes are more common among African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans)
  • Genetic makeup (although, the good news is that gene expression can be modified) 

Understanding the types, risk factors, and symptoms of strokes is crucial in managing this serious medical condition. At APEX Brain Centers, we use a comprehensive approach, which includes risk assessment, lifestyle modification guidance, advanced diagnostics, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing support, to empower individuals to take control of their health and minimize the risk of stroke. Through our dedication to stroke prevention and recovery, APEX Brain Centers is making a significant difference in the lives of those at risk of strokes, and aiding in recovery when these events happen.

The Immediate Aftermath: Stroke Survival and Medical Intervention

Immediate Medical Interventions

When it comes to stroke treatment, it is crucial to act quickly. The sooner a stroke patient receives medical care, the better the chances of minimizing brain injury and optimizing recovery. Physicians typically initiate treatment with medication, such as clot-busting drugs like tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), to restore blood flow to the brain and reduce the damage caused by the stroke. In more severe cases, doctors may perform surgery to remove the clot or repair damaged blood vessels.

By offering a continuum of care that begins after the critical moments of a stroke have been addressed, through rehabilitation and long-term recovery, APEX Brain Centers ensures that stroke survivors receive the best possible chance at recovery and rehabilitation. 

Stroke Unit Care

After the initial treatment, many stroke patients are transferred to specialized stroke units or step-down facilities that provide comprehensive care tailored to their individual needs. These units consist of a multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, and other professionals who collaborate to create personalized rehabilitation plans.

Stroke units play a vital role in ensuring that stroke survivors receive specialized care designed to optimize their recovery. The close monitoring, specialized therapies, and immediate interventions offered in these units can significantly improve outcomes and reduce complications.

By combining the expertise of stroke units with the specialized neurological care offered by APEX Brain Centers, stroke survivors receive a comprehensive and holistic approach to their recovery journey; which can often last years. This collaborative effort ensures that every aspect of their health, from immediate medical interventions to long-term neurological rehabilitation, is diligently addressed, ultimately leading to the best possible outcomes for stroke survivors.

Stroke Recovery: The Role of Rehabilitation in Recovery

Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in stroke recovery, as it provides individuals with the necessary support and therapies to regain their independence and improve their quality of life. At APEX Brain Centers, we focus on providing comprehensive rehabilitative care and adaptation strategies to address the needs of individuals recovering from a stroke.

Types of Stroke Rehabilitation Therapies

Our foundational neurological and metabolic rehabilitative therapies make most other therapies more effective by providing a more solid neurological foundation to work from. Some of the therapies we utilize include:

  • Functional neurology: This approach assesses and addresses the root cause of neurological issues, aiming to improve brain function.
  • Low-level laser therapy: This non-invasive treatment can help stimulate the healing process and reduce inflammation in affected areas.
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: By increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to cells, this therapy can aid in recovery and promote optimum brain health.
  • Neurofeedback: This therapy uses real-time feedback to help individuals learn to self-regulate brain activity, assisting in cognitive improvement.

Focus on Mobility and Control

In addition to the therapies listed above, our stroke rehabilitation efforts also emphasize mobility and control. We utilize various therapies to address these aspects of recovery, such as:

  • Balance and vestibular therapies: These therapies aim to improve balance, coordination, and spatial awareness; as well as to help regain functions in affected limbs and improve speech.
  • Eye movement rehabilitation: Targeting the eye muscles, this therapy helps improve vision, visual processing, balance, and cognitive function.
  • Frequency-based modalities: These therapies use specific frequencies of electrical and electromagnetic stimulation, vibration, sound, and light to stimulate the nervous system and promote healing.
  • Metabolic and nutritional therapies: By addressing underlying metabolic and nutritional imbalances, these therapies can support overall brain function and stroke recovery.

Adaptation Strategies for Stroke Survivors

  • Building Physical Strength and Mobility: Occupational exercises and physical therapies play a crucial role in restoring mobility and independence.
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation and Strategies: Stroke survivors may experience cognitive deficits. Rehabilitation and the use of memory aids can help. Also, a little know fact, improving physical function improves cognitive abilities!
  • Speech and Communication Tips: Speech therapy can aid in improving communication skills, while technology can provide alternative means of expression.
  • Assisted Technologies: Various technologies, from mobility aids to communication methods and devices, can greatly enhance the quality of life for stroke survivors.

At APEX Brain Centers, we have over two decades of experience helping individuals recover from strokes. It is through our comprehensive approach, emphasizing these modalities and more, that we are able to provide effective rehabilitation and support for those on their journey to recovery.

Emotional Journey After Stroke

Understanding Emotional Health

After a stroke, survivors often experience significant changes in their emotional health. These changes can include feelings of depression, anxiety, grief, anger, and a range of other emotions. The journey to recovery can be challenging, but at APEX Brain Centers, we understand the importance of addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of stroke recovery. 

In our practice at APEX Brain Centers, we focus on helping with the emotional aspects of stroke recovery by providing comprehensive care to address the needs of individuals with brain injuries. 

Role of Support Entities Post-Stroke

Support entities play a critical role in the emotional journey after a stroke. These entities can include family, friends, support groups, and healthcare professionals. We at APEX Brain Centers recognize the importance of these support networks and strive to involve them in our patients’ recovery process.

As part of our comprehensive care approach, we work closely with our patients’ support networks to ensure they are involved in the recovery process and understand the unique challenges faced by stroke survivors. By doing so, we help foster a supportive environment that promotes emotional healing and overall well-being.

In conclusion, addressing the emotional journey after a stroke is an essential aspect of comprehensive care. At APEX Brain Centers, we strive to provide the necessary resources, treatments, and support to help our patients navigate this challenging time and work towards optimal emotional health as part of their recovery.

Empowering Stroke Survivors

Role of Caregivers

The role of caregivers is crucial in the journey towards recovery for stroke survivors. Caregivers provide assistance and support, allowing survivors to regain confidence and independence. At APEX Brain Centers, our approach to helping with stroke recovery includes providing resources, education, and guidance for caregivers. This ensures they are well-equipped to manage the unique challenges that come with caring for a stroke survivor.

An important aspect of caregiving is emotional support, as stroke survivors often face mental health challenges alongside physical difficulties. By offering understanding, patience, and encouragement, caregivers help create a positive environment that improves recovery outcomes.

In addition to emotional support, caregivers also play a vital role in helping stroke survivors follow their personalized rehabilitation plans. This can include assisting with physical exercises, monitoring medication schedules, providing transportation to medical appointments, and being social support as it has clearly been shown that those who have experienced brain injuries tend to see a decline in their social networks as many don’t know how to “act” around brain injury survivors.

The Importance of Independence

One of the primary goals of stroke recovery is to foster a sense of independence in survivors. This not only improves their overall quality of life but also contributes to mental wellbeing and rate of recovery. Working on regaining independence in daily activities, such as dressing, eating, and personal hygiene, is a crucial part of the rehabilitation process. This encourages the acquisition of new skills and strengthens existing ones, ultimately leading to increased self-esteem and self-sufficiency.

Both caregivers and a focus on independence play critical roles in empowering stroke survivors on their journey towards recovery. By incorporating these elements into a comprehensive care plan, we at APEX Brain Centers strive to provide the best possible outcomes for our patients.

Life Post-Stroke

Quality and Purpose of Life

Life after a stroke can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that there is hope and potential for a fulfilling life. At APEX Brain Centers, we believe in helping individuals find meaning and purpose in their lives post-stroke. We tailor individualized rehabilitation plans that encompass neurological, physical, metabolic, and cognitive therapies while helping survivors set achievable goals. Emotional support, community engagement, and empowering independence are emphasized to boost self-esteem and self-sufficiency. We also encourage survivors to explore passions, hobbies, or career aspirations, fostering a renewed sense of purpose. Re-establishing a sense of purpose is the non-measurable factor that can have one of the greatest impacts on stroke survivors. Long-term follow-up care ensures continued growth and adaptation, making sure stroke survivors can lead fulfilling lives beyond the challenges of stroke recovery.

We understand that each stroke survivor’s journey is unique and may face individual obstacles. By providing personalized care and attention to our patients, we strive to help them regain their independence, cognitive function, and overall well-being. Our goal is to support stroke survivors as they rediscover their sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Role of Communities and Relationships

Strong and supportive communities and relationships are crucial to the recovery process after a stroke. This includes family members, friends, and healthcare professionals at every stage of recovery. 

At APEX Brain Centers, we recognize that having a network of caring individuals can make all the difference in one’s recovery journey. We actively encourage our patients to maintain their personal relationships and seek out additional support as needed, whether it’s from support groups, medical professionals or online communities. Many need education on how to interact with stroke survivors, and organizations like the Brain Injury Association of America can help.

Our comprehensive care approach involves collaborating with various healthcare providers to ensure patients receive the most appropriate and effective care possible. By working together, we can help stroke survivors overcome challenges and thrive in their life post-stroke.

While life after a stroke can be difficult, with the right support and resources, stroke survivors can regain their independence, improve their quality of life, and rebuild their communities and relationships. At APEX Brain Centers, we are proud to contribute to this process by providing exceptional care and a comprehensive approach to recovery.

Resources and Tools

Resource Availability

Having the right resources and tools is essential for stroke recovery. We offer a range of tools to help stroke survivors regain their independence, improve their quality of life, and maintain optimum mental health. 

In addition to the functional neurology therapies we offer, other tools and resources such as American Stroke Association resources and Stroke Onward can also be useful for both patients and caregivers navigating the recovery process.

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Through state-of-the-art brain mapping, objective neurological testing, intensive research-based brain training, and nutritional intervention, we are able to assess and train the brain to perform at peak condition. Take the firsts step today!
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Utilizing Technology for Stroke Recovery

Advancements in technology have greatly benefited the field of stroke recovery and rehabilitation. One of the promising approaches we utilize is the neuro-sensorimotor integrator (NSI). This valuable tool helps improve hand-eye coordination, fine and gross motor skills, attention, focus, reaction time, memory and more.

Another cutting-edge technology we employ in our practice is the Interactive Metronome. The IM, for short, is designed to improve motor timing and planning, as well as reaction time, attention, focus, and impulse control. The IM is also being used widely for a common stroke symptom called aphasia, or the inability to understand or produce speech effectively.

Advancements in low-level laser technology have made it possible for us to assist those with little or no mobility, as with stroke, in reducing belly fat effectively in an effort to preserve and enhance brain function. The Zerona Z6 laser is a state-of-the-art device that is the first treatment FDA-cleared for the reduction of body circumference; without drugs or surgery! Research into the impact of belly fat and overall fat mass on the brain shows a clear connection to brain atrophy (shrinkage). By reducing fat mass, we are better able to support stroke patients, alongside our effective metabolic and nutritional therapies. 

These are just a few of the many “hi-tech” tools we can employ, in addition to more manual physical and neurological therapies, that can accelerate the recovery process in those who have suffered a stroke.

Incorporating tools, resources, and the latest technology into our therapies at APEX Brain Centers enables us to provide comprehensive care to address the needs of individuals with brain injuries. We are committed to helping stroke survivors on their journey to recovery and improving their overall mental and physical well-being.

APEX Brain Centers is Here to Support Your Stroke Recovery

The path to recovery following a stroke is undoubtedly demanding, but at APEX Brain Centers, we are fully committed to providing unwavering support to stroke survivors. Our holistic approach, encompassing individualized treatment plans and a variety of time-tested therapies, is designed to empower individuals to reclaim their independence and regain their quality of life.

Recognizing the vital importance of addressing both the physical and emotional dimensions of stroke recovery, we actively engage caregivers, support networks, and communities in the rehabilitation journey. Our dedication to integrating leading-edge technology and resources into our rehabilitation strategies reflects our unwavering commitment to improving the lives of stroke survivors.

For those seeking assistance on their road to recovery after a stroke, we urge you to connect with APEX Brain Centers. With personalized care and guidance, we can embark on this journey together, fostering recovery, independence, and a future filled with fulfillment. Don’t hesitate to take that pivotal first step. Contact us today.

Dr. Michael S. Trayford is a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist and Neurofeedback Specialist with over 20 years of experience in the practice of advanced functional neurology. He is one of the most highly sought-after brain rehabilitation specialists because of the life-changing outcomes his patients consistently experience. After over a decade in private practice and working alongside other pioneers in the field, Dr. Trayford developed his multimodal intensive brain training and rehabilitation program built around the science of Neuroplasticity – the ability of the brain to learn and grow dependent upon the stimulation it receives from its environment. He later founded APEX Brain Centers to combine his ground-breaking rehabilitation approach with a unique patient and caretaker-centered care model. Under Dr. Trayford’s leadership, APEX Brain Centers has successfully treated thousands of patients and earned the reputation of a world-renowned brain training and rehabilitation practice. Since its inception, Dr. Trayford has been a leader of the Brain Training revolution treating patients worldwide. In addition, he is a published journal contributor and international lecturer. His experience with various patients of all ages and neurological conditions has given him a unique perspective on brain health and human performance. He is also well-versed in collaborating with other health care professionals, making him an invaluable asset to any care team. Dr. Trayford was awarded the Functional Neurologist of the Year distinction by the International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation, where he is a proud member and conference lecturer. Currently, he serves on the Advisory Council for the Dementia Society of America and the Board of Directors for the International Society for Neuroregulation and Research. He is also a servant leader who has dedicated his adult life to serving multiple communities through Rotary International and other notable causes. When he’s not treating patients, Dr. Trayford usually reads or researches anything related to the brain, human performance, and leadership. He also loves spending time outdoors with his wife Denise, their two daughters, and dogs in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. https://www.linkedin.com/in/drmichaeltrayford/

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