No one is immune to the possibility of a concussion or traumatic brain injury, although athletes, children, senior citizens, and those with ‘high-risk’ jobs are much more likely to suffer head and brain injuries. No head injury should be taken lightly. If you or someone you know is recovering from a brain injury, brain injury rehabilitation services can provide the care and support needed for recovery.


Untreated Concussion

The long-term effects of untreated concussions, under-treated concussions, or mistreated concussions can be wide-ranging.

The potentially significant health issues caused by post-concussion syndrome can show up in many areas of life, including some areas you may not suspect.

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Traumatic Brain Injury

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury.  Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a type of head injury that can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head. This type of injury can disrupt the normal function of the brain. TBI can also lead to death.

The common persistent symptoms of mild concussions or an intense brain injury for TBI patients include:

  1. Chronic headaches
  2. Fatigue and drowsiness
  3. Memory issues and brain fog
  4. Trouble concentrating
  5. Mood swings and irritability
  6. Light sensitivity and blurry vision
  7. Sleep problems

The long-term effects of TBI are wide-ranging and may include some areas you may not even suspect. For example, TBI can cause problems with cognitive function, emotional regulation, and physical health. There are significant risks for untreated concussions. 

Concussion young football APEX

If you or someone you know has suffered a concussion, it is important to seek medical attention right away. The sooner a concussion is treated, the better the chances for a full recovery. There are many effective treatments available for concussions, but they must be started as soon as possible after the injury.

Here are 5 areas of life where a person with untreated concussion symptoms may struggle long after the brain injury has occurred:

Download Our 10 Tips for a Better Brain eBook

Through state-of-the-art brain mapping, objective neurological testing, intensive research-based brain training, and nutritional intervention, we are able to assess and train the brain to perform at peak condition. Take the firsts step today!
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Student-athletes who suffer concussions may be sidelined, not only from sports activities but also from classes. It is not uncommon for students to miss weeks or even months of school while dealing with symptoms of concussion.

Symptoms such as eye pain, blurred vision, memory loss, attention disorders, reading comprehension problems, and fatigue can make it nearly impossible for children and adolescents to focus and concentrate on schoolwork with any degree of success.


It can be difficult to cultivate or nurture meaningful relationships when you are dealing with long-term challenges caused by brain injury. Symptoms such as ‘brain fog’, chronic pain, and emotional dysregulation can damage relationships with family members, friends, and colleagues.

Job performance:

Focus, brain fog, attention, coordination, and mental timing are significantly impairing most head injuries. These problems can have a profound negative impact on job performance. Left untreated, or inappropriately treated, the effects of these injuries can be long-lasting and often lead to decreased hours on the job, extended leaves of absence, demotions, further injury, and even termination of employment.

Physical ability:

Balance issues, vertigo, dizziness, sensitivity to light, headaches and other severe head pain syndromes, heart rate irregularities, digestive issues, and even seizures are just some of the physical problems experienced by those with one or more concussions.

Mental health:

Mental illness and behavioral disorders include ADHD, anxiety, depression, phobias, PTSD. Addiction is often the end result for many with untreated head injuries. Stress and emotional turmoil, as well as long-term inflammatory responses and altered neurotransmitter function caused by head injury. It will very likely cause mental health challenges left untreated.

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The bottom line is – you should always seek a thorough examination by a qualified practitioner after any head injury. There absolutely is hope for those suffering from the after-effects of concussions and post-concussion syndrome here are patient Stories: Post Concussion Treatment & Recovery Journeys

Proper assessments and intervention strategies specific to your injury are the keys to improvement. For instance: quantitative EEG (qEEG) and neurofeedback, vestibular and balance therapy, assessment and treatment of eye movement, and physical training modalities such as the Interactive Metronome, are just some of the strategies that, if applied appropriately, can help you reduce and even eliminate many of the challenges and symptoms listed above.

At APEX Brain Centers we offer this hope through specific, comprehensive Brain Training for these treatable injuries.

Call us now at 828.708.5274 if you or a loved one has, or thinks they may have untreated concussions.

Dr. Michael S. Trayford is a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist and Neurofeedback Specialist with over 20 years of experience in the practice of advanced functional neurology. He is one of the most highly sought-after brain rehabilitation specialists because of the life-changing outcomes his patients consistently experience. After over a decade in private practice and working alongside other pioneers in the field, Dr. Trayford developed his multimodal intensive brain training and rehabilitation program built around the science of Neuroplasticity – the ability of the brain to learn and grow dependent upon the stimulation it receives from its environment. He later founded APEX Brain Centers to combine his ground-breaking rehabilitation approach with a unique patient and caretaker-centered care model. Under Dr. Trayford’s leadership, APEX Brain Centers has successfully treated thousands of patients and earned the reputation of a world-renowned brain training and rehabilitation practice. Since its inception, Dr. Trayford has been a leader of the Brain Training revolution treating patients worldwide. In addition, he is a published journal contributor and international lecturer. His experience with various patients of all ages and neurological conditions has given him a unique perspective on brain health and human performance. He is also well-versed in collaborating with other health care professionals, making him an invaluable asset to any care team. Dr. Trayford was awarded the Functional Neurologist of the Year distinction by the International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation, where he is a proud member and conference lecturer. Currently, he serves on the Advisory Council for the Dementia Society of America and the Board of Directors for the International Society for Neuroregulation and Research. He is also a servant leader who has dedicated his adult life to serving multiple communities through Rotary International and other notable causes. When he’s not treating patients, Dr. Trayford usually reads or researches anything related to the brain, human performance, and leadership. He also loves spending time outdoors with his wife Denise, their two daughters, and dogs in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina.


  1. Sania on December 28, 2024 at 4:29 pm

    about 3 years ago during covid i got hit on the side of my head basically on my temple area. i lost quite a lot of blood but didn’t lose consciousness. i was immediately taken to a nearby clinic where they only cleaned my wound every few visits and let it heal over time. i never got it sitched or got it checked by any professionals since i was terrified of needles and my guardians didn’t think much of it either. now it’s only a small scar that’s barely visible but i think i am suffering the consequences. i get frequent throbbing headaches out of nowhere just on the side where i got hit, feel nauseous and dizzy when i stand up, bright lights and loud noises overwhelme me and these occurs all at the same time when i get the headaches otherwise i feel like i’m quite fine. though i’m now skeptical whether i have long term damages from that injury. is this as serious as i think it is or am i just being paranoid?

    • DR. MICHAEL S. TRAYFORD on January 4, 2025 at 1:05 am

      If you are experience the symptoms you describe, you are not paranoid as they are very real symptoms. While not diagnosing you as we know nothing of your full history, these symptoms are consistent with post-concussion syndrome. If they persist, please get checked out, and feel free to call us at 828.708.5274 if you’d like to discuss options for care.

      • Jesse Gottleib on January 31, 2025 at 12:19 am

        Dr. Trayford how can I tell you my story? I have been struggling for 7 months now and have seen 12 doctors including some of the top neuro-ophthalmologist at John’s Hopkins. I would love your input on what I am now being told is post concussion syndrome.
        Thank you Jesse

        • DR. MICHAEL S. TRAYFORD on January 31, 2025 at 1:42 pm

          Hello Jesse. Please call our office at 828.708.5274 to set up a time to discuss with us. Take care.

  2. Michael on December 4, 2024 at 10:00 pm

    Dr Trayford,

    In August of 2017, I suffered a concussion due to a bicycle crash. 4 months later I had another bicycle crash and while I never lost consciousness, I may have lightly smacked my head on the ground and suffered another concussion. I was wearing helmets during both events. The first concussion, I was in the hospital for 2 days…other injuries as well. The 2nd, I didn’t seek medical attention due to the severity of the crash. Here is my question, I can not lay under a vehicle to do mechanical work, looking up without getting dizzy. This has been an ongoing issue for quite some time and I just chalked it up to old age (52) and other issues. However, this past weekend I had an opportunity to drive a Tesla Model S Plaid. The intense g-forces generated during acceleration made me feel like I was going to “black-out”. It was NOT an enjoyable experience. I have never experienced this before, driving fast cars. I know you are going to suggest medical attention, which I am willing to do, but I am curious, have you ever seen anything like this before?
    Thanks in advance.

    • DR. MICHAEL S. TRAYFORD on December 6, 2024 at 1:34 am

      Hello, and thanks for reaching out. While unable to provide a diagnosis without having anything other than subjective information; it appears, simply put, that there is likely a mismatch of information from your inner ear vestibular organs and your neck muscles (which are heavily connected) to your brain. This is very common after whiplash injuries and rapid acceleration will certainly exacerbate the symptoms you describe. Given the chronicity of the issue, it most likely will not resolve on its own as your brain has learned a new normal with regard to these systems. Vestibular, neck, and eye movement rehabilitation (preferably done concurrently) is critical for addressing these issues. Hope this helps. Feel free to call if you’d like to discuss further – 828.708.5274.

  3. Kerri Vilt on January 31, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Dr Trayford , I have some concerns for my 26 yr old son who lives about two hours from our home. He fainted, possibly from dehydration but potentially an unknown factor. As a result he suffered a concussion and a hairline fracture. He woke when being carried in by a friend he was assisting outdoors. I’m unclear if he was out for greater or less than 5 minutes but I understand time lapsed and he was quite some walking distance from the place he fell. He remembered expressing he needed a moment and that’s it. Initially he suffered a severe headache, also chest pains(something that concerns me. He was taken to the ER and kept over night. A CT was done and he was referred to a neurosurgeon. He stayed home 5 days and now back to work. I’m concerned his next appointment isn’t until sometime in February. The date of injury was mid January. What are the best questions to ask test to pursue in this case in a practical manner of speaking. Thank you.

    • DR. MICHAEL S. TRAYFORD on February 5, 2024 at 6:18 pm

      Hello. Best to call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss as there is much to consider here.

  4. Ben on September 29, 2021 at 8:52 pm

    I am 18 and have been playing a relaxed softball league. One week ago I was sliding into third and their right fielder threw the ball and it struck the back of my head. I was not wearing a helmet. I was turned away, but I doubt the ball was traveling very fast. I did not have any side effects such as headache, excessive sleep etc. Should I be worried of a serious concussion, and should I seek treatment regardless? Will I become less intelligent if I leave this untreated?

    • admin on October 5, 2021 at 12:33 pm

      Hello Ben:

      If you have no signs and symptoms, there is likely not a concussion; although only a detailed evaluation by a qualified practitioner can tell for sure. If you have any concerns, reach out to us to schedule a consultation – 828.708.5274. Take care.

  5. Mason Collins on September 4, 2021 at 3:54 am

    I recently was riding my bike on a downward hill at an 8% incline decline i have to ride it back up. Anyways at some point I lost control of the bike and I did a flip with bike and landed on my head. The only noticeable thing was some pain sure but my vision turned black in my left eye. Recently since the incident I have had slight memory loss I have developed a stutter I never had and I get headaches with a sharp pain in my left eye. I also had gotten an ear infection recently and i thought that might be why I couldn’t balance. But recently i have finished the medication and there is no more pain but I can still lose balance while walking. Should i be concerned these are all linked?

    • admin on September 8, 2021 at 7:10 pm

      It would be best for you to call the office for a free consult to discuss as there is much to consider here. 828-708-5274. As always, if any severe symptoms develop/persist, get to your doctor or emergency room. We hope to hear from you soon.

  6. Hermien Cloete on March 7, 2020 at 7:22 pm

    Dr Miachael Trayford. I would like to ask you for helping us. My friend is 64 years old he took me to hospital and the same night while waiting for me he got a stroke and fell from the stairs. He had a huge cut on the right side of his head. They transfer him to another hospital. The drs said he would,nt make it. They didn’t do any thing like no operation, nothing, he was in an coma and they kept him sedated. He was in hospital for 2 months, he got better and we have to help him walk again. He cannot regonise anything and loss his memory. He dont know what is a fruit. When we went to see the neuro surgeon het shows us on his labtop that there was a hole in his brain and that is the reason that he cannot identify anything because the hole in his brain cannot send signals to the other brain. His memory will not come back. He is musch better but the pumping pain in his head is terrible. It comes and goes and then his vision is blurry. They took a MRI scan but said there is nothing that they can do for him. Can you dr perhaps tell us what cause the pumping pain and he also battle to swallow sometimes. Thank you so much. Mrs Cloete

    • admin on March 8, 2020 at 4:53 pm

      Hello Hermien:

      So sorry to hear of your friend. It is difficult for us to give any type of opinion or impression based on limited information and no examination. Please call the office if you’d like to discuss possibility of having him evaluated here, or even by distance consultation. 828.708.5274. Thank you.

  7. Ana on October 30, 2019 at 3:23 am

    Over the summer, I backed up into a tree which sent my head flying into my steering wheel. I couldn’t see, blacked out for a couple of minutes. I was confused about the accident and couldn’t walk straight. Also my pupils were dilated. I went to a fast pace and they did a physical concussion test and said I had one and sent me to the local hospital. I then took a CT Scan and to the hospital’s surprise everything came back normal and they sent me on my way. I now went from an A student in High school to a failing student in college and have headaches and backaches constantly. I had all the signs of a concussion but how come the CT Scan said differently.. Someone please explain

    • admin on October 30, 2019 at 12:25 pm


      Sorry to hear of your injuries and struggles. This is all quite common after concussion, and concussion will not show up on CT scan – they are purely structural tests and concussions are more functional injuries. They would show up in faulty balance, eye movements, cognitive tests, etc.

      This is what we do every day. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss further. We have a great deal of concussion resources on our website, Youtube, and FB pages. Also, on our podcast –

    • Corrie on December 25, 2023 at 12:30 pm

      My ex-boyfriend had bettered me very hard in a domestic violence dispute I had a large goose egg in the middle of my eyes and this was over a month ago and it’s hurting again I seems like the bump has moved down a little bit but I feel the bump and when I raise my eyebrows I can feel it and it hurts

      • DR. MICHAEL S. TRAYFORD on December 27, 2023 at 2:33 pm

        Please to get checked out by your primary care physician, urgent care, or ER as there is always the possibility of bleeding in the brain. Also, this should be reported to the authorities if not done so already; and, there are hotlines to call if you need to speak with someone – 800-799-7233. Take care of yourself!

  8. Tammy on September 12, 2019 at 4:22 pm


    I was involved in a vehicle accident (someone pulled out in front of me when I had the green arrow to turn left) and then slammed on his brakes because he heard horns honking, which caused me to slam on mine but still hit. Doing 10,300 damage to the front of my vehicle. I went to the ER because I had a bad headache within 30 minutes. Doctor there said I had whiplash to neck and low back strain. Never said anything about a concussion. He had referred me to an orthopedic. I went to see the DO 3 days later. She said I also have a concussion. This happened 39 days ago. I am in Physical Therapy 2x wk. I am still getting BAD headaches behind my eyes and all across base of skull. The PT did something new (manipulation 2 days ago) and had me face down for heat and estim. Upon sitting up, I was extremely dizzy. Should this still be going on? Should I be face down with face in hole on table?

    • admin on September 12, 2019 at 9:24 pm


      Sorry to hear of your struggles. Difficult for us to comment on what you should or should not be doing with your PT given we have not seen you for evaluation. Generally speaking, you should not be doing anything that would provoke symptoms as described. (i.e. certain positions, manipulation, etc.).

      It is not uncommon for folks to have symptoms this long after injury if not treated in a timely manner and correctly. There is much to look at in addition to the neck (i.e. balance systems, eye movements, etc.). As your eyes, inner ear balance centers and postural muscles of the neck are all connected. If you miss treating any one, you could miss the problem. There are also other factors at play that would need to be addressed like cranial nerves, brainstem function, etc.

      Feel free to call the office for a free consult if you’d like more info on what can be done to get this behind you – 828-318-7405.

  9. Frank Shepard on May 5, 2019 at 10:58 pm

    I suffered a TBI in Korea while in the USMC in 1987. Medevaced to a Seoul hospital. I was unconscious in excess of what I was told to be 24 hours. Later I sustained a concussion on a helicopter. For years I have known something was wrong and now, I have been searching for answers. Over the years, I have experienced; Depression, dizziness (hospitalized) , heart rate that slows to the point that I pass-out (numerous doctors examined with no answers), slurred speech, anxiety that keeps me away from social interactions, tremors and loss of balance (it is very visible when it happens) along with the occasional splitting headaches and high pitched ringing in my ears. As I age, I struggle with understanding peoples speech and as my wife often notes, my words often make no sense. I can’t seem to remember the most simple details in everyday life sometimes.

    No, I have never been treated at the VA.

    My wife has pushed into finding out what has been wrong and what if anything can be done.

    • admin on May 5, 2019 at 11:17 pm


      Sorry to hear of your struggles. Everything you list can fall into the category of post-concussion syndrome, or non-resolved effects of TBI and mTBI.

      Also, most of what you list (particularly heart rate and fainting spells), can be considered as possible dysautonomia – which is a complication of TBI in many.

      This is certainly not a diagnosis as we would need to perform appropriate history, exam, and diagnostic testing.

      This is something we work with every day in practice. Please call our office at 828-708-5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Take care and hang in there – there is great hope for many in your situation.

      Thank you for your service in the military – we are very grateful!

  10. Deneka on May 31, 2018 at 12:37 pm

    Hi! I have a boyfriend who is currently having major chest pains and headaches not on a daily basis, yet it comes and goes and sometimes it’s repetitive. He told me he use to play football and I asked him did he have any trouble with chest pains or a headache before he got hit severely he told me no, so I think it’s due to an untreated concussion. He’s 20 years old now and I think he was 16 or 17 years old. So do ou think it’s symptoms of an untreated concussion? Also this morning he had extra pain which was his neck and side and i think it’s progressing so I would love to find out as soon as possible…he said he had an x Ray done on his chest because that was what I was mainly concerned about last summer and he said they found nothing abnormal, so now I definitely know all his pain is due to the brain

    • admin on May 31, 2018 at 3:13 pm


      From a pure ’cause and effect’ standpoint, it certainly could be due to concussion given he didn’t have it before. Headaches are easier to relate to it, of course. Chest pain could be due to breathing abnormalities many develop after hits to the head (i.e. shallow breathing that can cause contraction of chest muscles, etc.). Can’t lend much more opinion without an evaluation from our end.

      Please call, or have him call us, at 828.708.5274 for free consult to discuss further. We get folks come to us from around the country for this sort of thing every week.

      Take care!

    • admin on May 31, 2018 at 3:16 pm

      He may also take a brain injury survey here to see if he is experiencing other symptoms related to concussion:

  11. Kim on March 15, 2017 at 5:40 am

    Hi, my son was knocked off his cycling bike he was only 7 yrs old then. Due to this he ended up having head injury. He has 7 plates in different areas of his skull. I was told he may suffer when he was older. He is now 23 yrs he has blackout been sick not being able to move sometimes or has the shakes sweating dizziness. But i took him to the doctors but he was more concerned that his heart was beating to fast so he has been having tests done for his heart for over a yr now and still no answers. I always said it could be due to his head injury. Do i take him back to the doctors and insist on him being seen by a brain specialist or let them carry on doing more tests with his heart

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 15, 2017 at 2:39 pm


      So sorry to hear of your son’s struggles. Changes in control of heart rate are quite common after all types of brain injuries, particularly traumatic ones.

      In addition to the heart doctors, he should be seen by a functional neurologist –

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation as there is much to discuss with a complicated case such as this. This is a great area of focus here in our clinic with positive outcomes in many similar cases.

      We look forward to hearing from you.

      • Shruti Kansal on March 23, 2017 at 2:21 am

        Hi Doc,
        In December 2016, I had a small head injury banging my head from the front against a metal gate and falling backwards resulting in fracture of the nose, stitches on the forehead and other things like confusion, headaches, dizziness, feeling exhausted bring with people, difficulty processing what people were saying, confusion, etc. There as nothing worrying in the CT scans.
        My GP concluded it was a concussion.
        Last week, though dizziness, decreased cognitive ability persists though better since the accident, headaches increased and I consulted a neurologist. He recommended a CT scan has come out all clear. Also, my Vitamin D was 7.98, getting deficient. He didn’t comment further and said everything was ok , and I should take these multivitamins. He recommended a psychiatrist too .

        For a fact I know, these headaches are not psychological. I didn’t have any of these before the accident. I feel lost. Your article is giving me hope that I am not imagining things. Plus does vitamin d deficiency plat a role in reducing the recovery process?

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 23, 2017 at 11:54 am


          You are not alone in feeling lost. Unfortunately when symptoms persist long after a hit to the head, many medical providers do not know what to do and refer to psychiatrists and the like because they cannot “see” these injuries with imaging. I did a webinar on this very topic that you can see here –

          When concussion symptoms persist beyond 3 months or so, this is post-concussion syndrome. The problems are just as real as when you hit your head, and oftentimes worse as your brain has adjusted to being dizzy, with pain, etc.; which may not be good in the long run.

          Please give us a call at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss options for you. We have folks traveling to us from around the country for these sort of problems every week.

          Take care!

      • Stephanie on April 3, 2017 at 1:59 am

        About a year ago I had a cycling accident (yes I was wearing a helmet) and was transported by ambulance. I don’t know what caused the accident. I began having cognitive issues and dizziness/ nausea. I was sent to a neurologist who said I had post concussive syndrome and that it would clear up ‘in 6-8 months)
        At the time I was training for an ironman competition. I managed to finish training and go to the competition but during the race I passed out. No one ever explained why. I am unsure if I hit my head during that fall or not.
        Since then I have dealt with the PCS. In the last 4 months it seems to have gotten worse. I have missed work several times. I’ve quit running because when I do run, I can’t function the next day. I get episodes that I call ‘the wall of stupid’: I can no longer think or even sit up! I MUST lie down
        I am beginning to feel crazy! What the heck is wrong with me?

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 3, 2017 at 7:17 pm


          Untreated PCS can lead to so many challenges, including poor regulation of vital functions of heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, etc.; as well as challenges with fuel delivery and utilization within the brain and body. Either one or both of these issues may have led you to pass out during the race; along with several other possibilities.

          In many, especially women, these symptoms can in fact get worse over time due to hormonal influences impeding recovery (particularly in athletes).

          Best for you to call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further. We see your type of challenges on a regular basis and can run you through some options to accelerate your recovery.

          Take care.

          • jeff pennell on April 5, 2017 at 2:53 pm

            Hey doc, im an 18 year old male, and when i was younger, about 6-7-8 years ago i tried jumping over 2 skateboards on a scooter.. that didnt go well as i fell and scraped my side bad and bumped my head pretty hard on the concrete.. cant remember if i had a headache after i did it but im kinda worried now.. when i shake my head back and forth(normally not hard) i have just the slightest pain in the back of my head. i also get dizzy really really easily.. any help??

          • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 6, 2017 at 9:35 am


            Shaking your head lightly causing dizziness can indicate that there was some injury to the balance systems in your inner ear and brainstem. Only full history, evaluation and specific testing can tell for sure. Also, there is often much that can be done to correct these issues if assessed appropriately.

            Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you. Please call with a parent or guardian if they are involved with your health care decision making.

            Take care!

          • Sharita on January 22, 2025 at 12:33 am

            At age of between 3 to 5 years old. I have fallen from 3rd floor of the building. My legs injured has visible large marks as steel got stuck inside my legs. I might gets head injury too as everyone around me thought i got died/unconscious. I couldn’t remember nothing but heard from family. Just got first aid as a treatment. Now i am 36 years old mom i have two boys 12 years and 7 years. I been through with depression and anxiety .Recently i am struggling to remember anything it seems like i am patient of dementia. Barin fog, dizzy spells, faint,tremor. Blackouts, have found tinitus. Always needto carry a pocket diary.

            Accident at age of 3-5 years age can affects at age of 36??
            Please give me answers why i am struggling a lots. Have done MRI/SCAN only found tinitus nothing else.

          • DR. MICHAEL S. TRAYFORD on January 25, 2025 at 5:47 pm

            Hello, and so sorry to hear of your struggles. Best to call the office at 828.708.5274 to discuss privately. Take care.

  12. Kim on March 15, 2017 at 5:40 am

    Hi, my son was knocked off his cycling bike he was only 7 yrs old then. Due to this he ended up having head injury. He has 7 plates in different areas of his skull. I was told he may suffer when he was older. He is now 23 yrs he has blackout been sick not being able to move sometimes or has the shakes sweating dizziness. But i took him to the doctors but he was more concerned that his heart was beating to fast so he has been having tests done for his heart for over a yr now and still no answers. I always said it could be due to his head injury. Do i take him back to the doctors and insist on him being seen by a brain specialist or let them carry on doing more tests with his heart

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 15, 2017 at 2:39 pm


      So sorry to hear of your son’s struggles. Changes in control of heart rate are quite common after all types of brain injuries, particularly traumatic ones.

      In addition to the heart doctors, he should be seen by a functional neurologist –

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation as there is much to discuss with a complicated case such as this. This is a great area of focus here in our clinic with positive outcomes in many similar cases.

      We look forward to hearing from you.

      • Shruti Kansal on March 23, 2017 at 2:21 am

        Hi Doc,
        In December 2016, I had a small head injury banging my head from the front against a metal gate and falling backwards resulting in fracture of the nose, stitches on the forehead and other things like confusion, headaches, dizziness, feeling exhausted bring with people, difficulty processing what people were saying, confusion, etc. There as nothing worrying in the CT scans.
        My GP concluded it was a concussion.
        Last week, though dizziness, decreased cognitive ability persists though better since the accident, headaches increased and I consulted a neurologist. He recommended a CT scan has come out all clear. Also, my Vitamin D was 7.98, getting deficient. He didn’t comment further and said everything was ok , and I should take these multivitamins. He recommended a psychiatrist too .

        For a fact I know, these headaches are not psychological. I didn’t have any of these before the accident. I feel lost. Your article is giving me hope that I am not imagining things. Plus does vitamin d deficiency plat a role in reducing the recovery process?

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 23, 2017 at 11:54 am


          You are not alone in feeling lost. Unfortunately when symptoms persist long after a hit to the head, many medical providers do not know what to do and refer to psychiatrists and the like because they cannot “see” these injuries with imaging. I did a webinar on this very topic that you can see here –

          When concussion symptoms persist beyond 3 months or so, this is post-concussion syndrome. The problems are just as real as when you hit your head, and oftentimes worse as your brain has adjusted to being dizzy, with pain, etc.; which may not be good in the long run.

          Please give us a call at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss options for you. We have folks traveling to us from around the country for these sort of problems every week.

          Take care!

      • Stephanie on April 3, 2017 at 1:59 am

        About a year ago I had a cycling accident (yes I was wearing a helmet) and was transported by ambulance. I don’t know what caused the accident. I began having cognitive issues and dizziness/ nausea. I was sent to a neurologist who said I had post concussive syndrome and that it would clear up ‘in 6-8 months)
        At the time I was training for an ironman competition. I managed to finish training and go to the competition but during the race I passed out. No one ever explained why. I am unsure if I hit my head during that fall or not.
        Since then I have dealt with the PCS. In the last 4 months it seems to have gotten worse. I have missed work several times. I’ve quit running because when I do run, I can’t function the next day. I get episodes that I call ‘the wall of stupid’: I can no longer think or even sit up! I MUST lie down
        I am beginning to feel crazy! What the heck is wrong with me?

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 3, 2017 at 7:17 pm


          Untreated PCS can lead to so many challenges, including poor regulation of vital functions of heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, etc.; as well as challenges with fuel delivery and utilization within the brain and body. Either one or both of these issues may have led you to pass out during the race; along with several other possibilities.

          In many, especially women, these symptoms can in fact get worse over time due to hormonal influences impeding recovery (particularly in athletes).

          Best for you to call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further. We see your type of challenges on a regular basis and can run you through some options to accelerate your recovery.

          Take care.

          • jeff pennell on April 5, 2017 at 2:53 pm

            Hey doc, im an 18 year old male, and when i was younger, about 6-7-8 years ago i tried jumping over 2 skateboards on a scooter.. that didnt go well as i fell and scraped my side bad and bumped my head pretty hard on the concrete.. cant remember if i had a headache after i did it but im kinda worried now.. when i shake my head back and forth(normally not hard) i have just the slightest pain in the back of my head. i also get dizzy really really easily.. any help??

          • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 6, 2017 at 9:35 am


            Shaking your head lightly causing dizziness can indicate that there was some injury to the balance systems in your inner ear and brainstem. Only full history, evaluation and specific testing can tell for sure. Also, there is often much that can be done to correct these issues if assessed appropriately.

            Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you. Please call with a parent or guardian if they are involved with your health care decision making.

            Take care!

  13. sadef on March 3, 2017 at 4:50 am

    Thanks Doctor. Am 31 and i had my concussion almos a year ago. Somebody hit me on my head i cant recall who it is. I had black out for more than 2 1/5 hr. when i woke up i was totaly dioriented. I went to the doctor though they discharged me saying i have to rest after MRI and CT scans but the left part from my breast down is till now slightly numb. No headaches, atlist non that i can remember but my eyes were seeing indivually for the first week. My right hand and leg was very weak that i could not raise my hand and walking was hard that i have to walk slowly and make small steps else i will fall and my left ear was ringing really hard. I could not speak and make any sound loud. But it has all reduced now slowly, my ear still rings but not like before, i can speak just few words. I limb while walking now and my arm is still week i have to apply force or strength to do things and i my fingers shakes too. I want to ask, how long will it take me and will any of above mentioned syptom be permanent?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 4, 2017 at 8:36 am


      There are no easy answers given the symptoms you describe. Only a full neurological evaluation and tests of various functions can help determine what is going on and what type of recovery you could expect.

      Best to call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

    • Gael on March 11, 2017 at 12:15 pm

      Dr.Michael I’m only ten but sometimes when i run I start feeling lightheaded and also it feels like my brain is pumping blood what do you think I have?

      • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 11, 2017 at 9:15 pm


        We are unable to form any opinion on symptoms of this nature online. Please notify your parents/guardians of this sensation immediately and have them contact your doctor. After, you can have your parents/guardians contact us at 828.708.5274 for further evaluation if needed.

        Take care.

  14. sadef on March 3, 2017 at 4:50 am

    Thanks Doctor. Am 31 and i had my concussion almos a year ago. Somebody hit me on my head i cant recall who it is. I had black out for more than 2 1/5 hr. when i woke up i was totaly dioriented. I went to the doctor though they discharged me saying i have to rest after MRI and CT scans but the left part from my breast down is till now slightly numb. No headaches, atlist non that i can remember but my eyes were seeing indivually for the first week. My right hand and leg was very weak that i could not raise my hand and walking was hard that i have to walk slowly and make small steps else i will fall and my left ear was ringing really hard. I could not speak and make any sound loud. But it has all reduced now slowly, my ear still rings but not like before, i can speak just few words. I limb while walking now and my arm is still week i have to apply force or strength to do things and i my fingers shakes too. I want to ask, how long will it take me and will any of above mentioned syptom be permanent?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 4, 2017 at 8:36 am


      There are no easy answers given the symptoms you describe. Only a full neurological evaluation and tests of various functions can help determine what is going on and what type of recovery you could expect.

      Best to call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

    • Gael on March 11, 2017 at 12:15 pm

      Dr.Michael I’m only ten but sometimes when i run I start feeling lightheaded and also it feels like my brain is pumping blood what do you think I have?

      • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 11, 2017 at 9:15 pm


        We are unable to form any opinion on symptoms of this nature online. Please notify your parents/guardians of this sensation immediately and have them contact your doctor. After, you can have your parents/guardians contact us at 828.708.5274 for further evaluation if needed.

        Take care.

  15. Rhianna on March 2, 2017 at 2:01 am

    I’m not sure if I am just overthinking this or worrying. I’m 21 and about 9 years ago my oldest brother threw a soft ball sized ice ball at my head, it left a bump as big as the ice ball. My mother took me to the hospital and the doctor told me it was a cyst and that I had an concussion. I’ve had many in my time… But it still hurts in the spot where the so called cyst was and causes me a great deal of migraines. I’m not sure if this has anything to do with it but I have suffered from severe depression and anxiety since. Brain fog, every symptom that is shown in this article I have. I’m worried about the pain that still comes along with the head aches. I had gotten an MRI and they said everything was normal… But the pain still keeps coming back along with the migraines and everything is getting worse. Rome hospital is a joke and I feel I need a second opinion… Please tell me it’s not my imagination…

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 2, 2017 at 12:44 pm


      If you are experiencing pain is is highly likely that it is not just your imagination.

      Given your history of many concussions and the symptoms you describe, you may very well be experiencing the remnants of those concussions, or post-concussion syndrome. Headaches are a very common part of this.

      We’d be more than happy to consult with you and have you come in for a full evaluation, as post-concussion cases are a large part of what we see on a daily basis with successful outcomes in the majority of cases.

      Best to call 828.708.5274 to schedule a brief free consultation to see what direction is best for you. We have folks up in your area (if it is Rome, NY you are referring to) that have come down here for similar evaluations that you might be able to speak with should you choose to travel here.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  16. Rhianna on March 2, 2017 at 2:01 am

    I’m not sure if I am just overthinking this or worrying. I’m 21 and about 9 years ago my oldest brother threw a soft ball sized ice ball at my head, it left a bump as big as the ice ball. My mother took me to the hospital and the doctor told me it was a cyst and that I had an concussion. I’ve had many in my time… But it still hurts in the spot where the so called cyst was and causes me a great deal of migraines. I’m not sure if this has anything to do with it but I have suffered from severe depression and anxiety since. Brain fog, every symptom that is shown in this article I have. I’m worried about the pain that still comes along with the head aches. I had gotten an MRI and they said everything was normal… But the pain still keeps coming back along with the migraines and everything is getting worse. Rome hospital is a joke and I feel I need a second opinion… Please tell me it’s not my imagination…

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 2, 2017 at 12:44 pm


      If you are experiencing pain is is highly likely that it is not just your imagination.

      Given your history of many concussions and the symptoms you describe, you may very well be experiencing the remnants of those concussions, or post-concussion syndrome. Headaches are a very common part of this.

      We’d be more than happy to consult with you and have you come in for a full evaluation, as post-concussion cases are a large part of what we see on a daily basis with successful outcomes in the majority of cases.

      Best to call 828.708.5274 to schedule a brief free consultation to see what direction is best for you. We have folks up in your area (if it is Rome, NY you are referring to) that have come down here for similar evaluations that you might be able to speak with should you choose to travel here.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  17. Tonya on March 1, 2017 at 2:34 pm

    Hi there I am 38 years old lady Iam a carpenter I was framing walls training a young guy he was hitting in the to plates with a 8 pound mauld hammer he hit me in the head and I was fine he never knocked me out only dates me for a few I got down got into the car went to the hospital and then I freaked out the 2 Doc had to Sa date me so they can stich me up 4 stitches so they let me go home because I was find the next day I went to work felt good that night when I got into bed I was spinning for 23 hours my husban and daughter took me to the hospital at 6 am I could not walk talk open my eyes eat or move everthing hurt they did a cat scan the was bleeding on the brain the took me off work for 2 days or so I was still spinning a lot 1 hours here 4 hours there I stays at work till 4 months could no perform my work right cant go up stair cant look up can’t can’t turn my head so now it been 2 years on beta hesitant and anytriplin and oxycodne and still have so much pain my head starts to hurt then my eyes get messed up then shard pain feels like some hit me all over again like inside of my head is bleeding and feel like my head shakes and shocks gose thro still haveing bad spinds to the point I can no longer drive or do much can’t go out it triggers me with lode noise or walking with light it hurts my Body feels like someone hit ever part with a big truck i taste is gone and I just don’t know what eles to try my neck is so bad please help me I would rather to have been dead then dealing with this ever day I so depressed

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 1, 2017 at 8:39 pm


      Very sorry to hear of your struggles since the injury.

      Given all that is going on, best you call the office to discuss over a free consultation. 828.708.5274.

      We look forward to speaking with you.

      Take care.

  18. Tonya on March 1, 2017 at 2:34 pm

    Hi there I am 38 years old lady Iam a carpenter I was framing walls training a young guy he was hitting in the to plates with a 8 pound mauld hammer he hit me in the head and I was fine he never knocked me out only dates me for a few I got down got into the car went to the hospital and then I freaked out the 2 Doc had to Sa date me so they can stich me up 4 stitches so they let me go home because I was find the next day I went to work felt good that night when I got into bed I was spinning for 23 hours my husban and daughter took me to the hospital at 6 am I could not walk talk open my eyes eat or move everthing hurt they did a cat scan the was bleeding on the brain the took me off work for 2 days or so I was still spinning a lot 1 hours here 4 hours there I stays at work till 4 months could no perform my work right cant go up stair cant look up can’t can’t turn my head so now it been 2 years on beta hesitant and anytriplin and oxycodne and still have so much pain my head starts to hurt then my eyes get messed up then shard pain feels like some hit me all over again like inside of my head is bleeding and feel like my head shakes and shocks gose thro still haveing bad spinds to the point I can no longer drive or do much can’t go out it triggers me with lode noise or walking with light it hurts my Body feels like someone hit ever part with a big truck i taste is gone and I just don’t know what eles to try my neck is so bad please help me I would rather to have been dead then dealing with this ever day I so depressed

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 1, 2017 at 8:39 pm


      Very sorry to hear of your struggles since the injury.

      Given all that is going on, best you call the office to discuss over a free consultation. 828.708.5274.

      We look forward to speaking with you.

      Take care.

  19. Ally on February 21, 2017 at 7:21 pm


    I’ve been struggling with whether to say anything. But I was hit in the cheek/lower temple (by an elbow) a few times, two years ago. The swelling was so bad I couldn’t see when I looked down and my eye turned red. I went to the hospital and they said it wasn’t broken. A day later, I went back to work, working 14 hours a day teaching, which was really hard on my brain. It might sound strange, but by the end of the day, I could barely think, or feel. I just kept going to work because if I didn’t I could get fired and lose my visa. I never took time to rest, but eventually the swelling went down and the pain subsided. Never completely. Now, maybe I’m crazy, but if I think about it the pain comes back, and I get a headache. My cheek bone feels ever-so-slightly bigger than the other side. And I feel tired 80% of the time. I feel like a different person. Even though they checked it right after the incident and said nothing was broken, I don’t know what to do at this point. They never said there was a brain injury or anything, and said that it would be fine. I’ve tried to go back since but they always just tell me I am fine. I’ve had my eyes checked and they told me they are perfect. But I still get headaches, I get sad… really sad. Angry about the whole thing. And I just want to feel like myself again. I’m only 33, not super young, but still fairly young. What can I do to help the pain? If it’s been 2 years, can it still be dangerous? Will it be like this for the rest of my life?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on February 22, 2017 at 4:15 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles. With the type of trauma you describe it is likely that you suffered a concussion, particularly with the continued symptoms you describe. Pain, fatigue, thinking issues, etc. are all part of what is called post-concussion syndrome.

      Not sure who you have seen for this, but apparently you are not fine as they say. There are many functional tests that can be done to determine what is going on with your brain and what, if any, residuals there are from your injury. Please take a look an article I just wrote on the subject of doctors not listening to or understanding these injuries – There are links at the bottom of that article to other related articles and videos that describe much of what you are going through.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss further as there is great hope in many cases to lessen and sometimes get past these symptoms.

      Take care.

  20. Ally on February 21, 2017 at 7:21 pm


    I’ve been struggling with whether to say anything. But I was hit in the cheek/lower temple (by an elbow) a few times, two years ago. The swelling was so bad I couldn’t see when I looked down and my eye turned red. I went to the hospital and they said it wasn’t broken. A day later, I went back to work, working 14 hours a day teaching, which was really hard on my brain. It might sound strange, but by the end of the day, I could barely think, or feel. I just kept going to work because if I didn’t I could get fired and lose my visa. I never took time to rest, but eventually the swelling went down and the pain subsided. Never completely. Now, maybe I’m crazy, but if I think about it the pain comes back, and I get a headache. My cheek bone feels ever-so-slightly bigger than the other side. And I feel tired 80% of the time. I feel like a different person. Even though they checked it right after the incident and said nothing was broken, I don’t know what to do at this point. They never said there was a brain injury or anything, and said that it would be fine. I’ve tried to go back since but they always just tell me I am fine. I’ve had my eyes checked and they told me they are perfect. But I still get headaches, I get sad… really sad. Angry about the whole thing. And I just want to feel like myself again. I’m only 33, not super young, but still fairly young. What can I do to help the pain? If it’s been 2 years, can it still be dangerous? Will it be like this for the rest of my life?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on February 22, 2017 at 4:15 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles. With the type of trauma you describe it is likely that you suffered a concussion, particularly with the continued symptoms you describe. Pain, fatigue, thinking issues, etc. are all part of what is called post-concussion syndrome.

      Not sure who you have seen for this, but apparently you are not fine as they say. There are many functional tests that can be done to determine what is going on with your brain and what, if any, residuals there are from your injury. Please take a look an article I just wrote on the subject of doctors not listening to or understanding these injuries – There are links at the bottom of that article to other related articles and videos that describe much of what you are going through.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss further as there is great hope in many cases to lessen and sometimes get past these symptoms.

      Take care.

  21. Joyve on February 19, 2017 at 5:41 pm

    Hi! I fell on the truck 3 days ago , I fell backwards. It hit my head hard , I didn’t see stars or brury visions . It was hurt , my neck is hurt last couple days that about it . Do you think I need to see a doctor ?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on February 20, 2017 at 8:21 am


      It seems you may have experienced a whiplash type of injury with the neck pain you report. Given the hit to the head, be mindful of any other symptoms you begin to experience. See this webinar I did for a list of possible symptoms – Many realize later onset effects of concussion, although hopefully that will not be the case here.

      In the meantime, seek out a local chiropractor or massage therapist to deal with the neck discomfort as they work well with whiplash injuries.

      If you begin to experience any other symptoms, please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consult to discuss further; or, if emergency, call 911 or get to emergency room.

      Take care!

  22. Joyve on February 19, 2017 at 5:41 pm

    Hi! I fell on the truck 3 days ago , I fell backwards. It hit my head hard , I didn’t see stars or brury visions . It was hurt , my neck is hurt last couple days that about it . Do you think I need to see a doctor ?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on February 20, 2017 at 8:21 am


      It seems you may have experienced a whiplash type of injury with the neck pain you report. Given the hit to the head, be mindful of any other symptoms you begin to experience. See this webinar I did for a list of possible symptoms – Many realize later onset effects of concussion, although hopefully that will not be the case here.

      In the meantime, seek out a local chiropractor or massage therapist to deal with the neck discomfort as they work well with whiplash injuries.

      If you begin to experience any other symptoms, please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consult to discuss further; or, if emergency, call 911 or get to emergency room.

      Take care!

  23. Margo on February 15, 2017 at 9:04 pm

    Hi, my name is Margo and I have sustained a multitude of concussions throughout by life. I am only 12 so that is a short amount of time to suffer 6 concussions. The reason I am here is because my friend accidentally hit me with a very hard snow ball. I was ok then only a tiny bruise but not it’s the days following and I have had headaches and tiredness. I am still in sports right not because I do not have the courage to tell my mom. She would kill me because she knows I know how fragile my brain is now. I am also going away for February break and I do not want to miss it. If u have any suggestions or comments please let me know.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on February 16, 2017 at 9:06 am


      So sorry to hear of your concussions.

      You would need to contact us with your parent/s to discuss any further.

      Please have them call us at 828.708.5274 and we can all talk together and see what can be done as this needs to be looked into given the symptoms you are experiencing.

      Take care and we hope to talk with you soon.

  24. Margo on February 15, 2017 at 9:04 pm

    Hi, my name is Margo and I have sustained a multitude of concussions throughout by life. I am only 12 so that is a short amount of time to suffer 6 concussions. The reason I am here is because my friend accidentally hit me with a very hard snow ball. I was ok then only a tiny bruise but not it’s the days following and I have had headaches and tiredness. I am still in sports right not because I do not have the courage to tell my mom. She would kill me because she knows I know how fragile my brain is now. I am also going away for February break and I do not want to miss it. If u have any suggestions or comments please let me know.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on February 16, 2017 at 9:06 am


      So sorry to hear of your concussions.

      You would need to contact us with your parent/s to discuss any further.

      Please have them call us at 828.708.5274 and we can all talk together and see what can be done as this needs to be looked into given the symptoms you are experiencing.

      Take care and we hope to talk with you soon.

  25. Elaine on January 22, 2017 at 1:36 pm

    Like any other child growing up in the 50s and 60s ,I had a number of dings to the head while growing up.
    Then in Aug. 2013 I was hit directly in my left eye by a hard rubber ball at close range. It knocked me to the ground and luckily my glasses saved my eye. I was told at the hospital that I had whiplash and a concussion. I was given suggestion s on how to help this, no screen time etc and to see and ophthalmologist .
    Three months later a ladder fell from the hooks on the ceiling in our garage and it bounced off some boxes and it hit me across my entire forehead. I was knocked out and when I regained consciousness I was unable to formulate words. Again , a diagnosis of a concussion and whiplash.
    The following year , Dec. 2014 , I fell off an icy curb and smashed my forehead on the pavement.
    In Sept. 2015 I had enough of my struggles blaming my head for everything so I took a large rubber mallet to the right side of my head. After about 10 hits I snapped out of the daze and went to my physician. Again whiplash but lots of psychological support after this.
    Last weekend I slipped on ice twice and hit my front right temporal lobe on the frame of my car.
    I have a headache off and on all week. What can I do to protect my head from these multiple accidents?
    I am afraid to go outside, I am afraid of stairs . I am afraid of most daily life skills for fear of what may happen. Please advise .

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 23, 2017 at 7:50 pm


      This is quite a significant sequence of events with the number of injuries you describe over the years.

      With each successive concussion, most will experience further insult to systems that control balance, eye movements, depth perception, reaction time, etc.; which will lead to further injury.

      The ultimate protection is to rehabilitate these systems to the highest degree possible so that you are prepared both physically and mentally for everyday situations.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further as there are effective options for rehabilitation in most cases.

    • Elaine on January 23, 2017 at 9:17 pm

      Thank you for this information. I have extreme difficulty understanding when people speak to me as my short term memory is damaged . Could you possibly send me the consultation in writing so I can absorb it after reading it over and over , I can also get someone to assist me with this. Thanks,

      • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 23, 2017 at 9:30 pm

        Please check your email for response – thank you.

    • Heather Daphen on January 30, 2017 at 11:18 am

      Asafa from Epilepsy last night I had a fit affect my head on a metal bed frame

      • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 30, 2017 at 8:21 pm


        Please call the office at 828.708.5274 to schedule a free consultation to discuss further as your message is a bit unclear.

        Thank you.

  26. Elaine on January 22, 2017 at 1:36 pm

    Like any other child growing up in the 50s and 60s ,I had a number of dings to the head while growing up.
    Then in Aug. 2013 I was hit directly in my left eye by a hard rubber ball at close range. It knocked me to the ground and luckily my glasses saved my eye. I was told at the hospital that I had whiplash and a concussion. I was given suggestion s on how to help this, no screen time etc and to see and ophthalmologist .
    Three months later a ladder fell from the hooks on the ceiling in our garage and it bounced off some boxes and it hit me across my entire forehead. I was knocked out and when I regained consciousness I was unable to formulate words. Again , a diagnosis of a concussion and whiplash.
    The following year , Dec. 2014 , I fell off an icy curb and smashed my forehead on the pavement.
    In Sept. 2015 I had enough of my struggles blaming my head for everything so I took a large rubber mallet to the right side of my head. After about 10 hits I snapped out of the daze and went to my physician. Again whiplash but lots of psychological support after this.
    Last weekend I slipped on ice twice and hit my front right temporal lobe on the frame of my car.
    I have a headache off and on all week. What can I do to protect my head from these multiple accidents?
    I am afraid to go outside, I am afraid of stairs . I am afraid of most daily life skills for fear of what may happen. Please advise .

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 23, 2017 at 7:50 pm


      This is quite a significant sequence of events with the number of injuries you describe over the years.

      With each successive concussion, most will experience further insult to systems that control balance, eye movements, depth perception, reaction time, etc.; which will lead to further injury.

      The ultimate protection is to rehabilitate these systems to the highest degree possible so that you are prepared both physically and mentally for everyday situations.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further as there are effective options for rehabilitation in most cases.

    • Elaine on January 23, 2017 at 9:17 pm

      Thank you for this information. I have extreme difficulty understanding when people speak to me as my short term memory is damaged . Could you possibly send me the consultation in writing so I can absorb it after reading it over and over , I can also get someone to assist me with this. Thanks,

      • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 23, 2017 at 9:30 pm

        Please check your email for response – thank you.

    • Heather Daphen on January 30, 2017 at 11:18 am

      Asafa from Epilepsy last night I had a fit affect my head on a metal bed frame

      • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 30, 2017 at 8:21 pm


        Please call the office at 828.708.5274 to schedule a free consultation to discuss further as your message is a bit unclear.

        Thank you.

  27. bryan D sposite on January 19, 2017 at 11:11 pm

    I got in a car accident july 26 2015 woke up in the hospital about 5 hrs after it happened they said I had a concussion i never really did anything about it i blew it off like it wasn’t a big deal they gave me a doctor to go see but i never did the left side of my head is completely numb except when i get my head aches then it feels like a knife is in my head it shuts me down for the day when i get them iv tried to take ibuprofen but that gives me a burning sensation on the left side of my head and makes the headache worse i thought with time it would go away but it never really has my memory is terrible ill be in the middle of a conversation and forget what i was talking about im just looking to see what your opinion are and see if anyone is going through the same thing and what have you done to get through it i hate feeling this way and i hate feeling lost

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 20, 2017 at 8:01 am


      Sorry to hear of your struggles. First off, you are not alone. What you describe is quite common in folks dealing with post-concussion syndrome. In addition to headaches, people also deal with visual difficulties, light and sound sensitivities, dizziness, and so much more.

      Given the length of time between the injury and now, a full evaluation of neurological functions is critical as your brain and body have likely made compensations due to the challenges you are dealing with. There is absolutely hope for relief in many cases such as yours. Watch a few of these videos labeled concussion and you will likley see yourself in what these folks talk about.

      We can send more information along should you choose to do something about it. Headaches are often the first to relieve to varying degrees in most cases as we start to improve functions of eye movements, joint and muscle activity, etc.

      Please feel free anytime to call and schedule a free phone consultation to discuss further – 828-708.5274.

      Take care.

    • m&m on January 28, 2017 at 8:48 pm

      Feeling lost in your mind is such a horrible feeling. Checking out in the middle of conversations and even at the beginning of them is embarrassing. I haven’t endured all you have but I do understand the feelings you have described. I’m not sure if mine was initially started by two quad wrecks in a row I had in 2010 or the stroke like episode the following year… but I do know it progressively got worse and I remember very little about my life before then except select few moments with no real emotion tied to them. No real long term and my short term is minute knowing what I’m doing and the next can be in total confusion/lost. I hope you get better. Being lost is really no feeling id wish on anyone. The headaches and dizziness either. Tasks and simple things are a nightmare… and stress… man. Good luck.

  28. bryan D sposite on January 19, 2017 at 11:11 pm

    I got in a car accident july 26 2015 woke up in the hospital about 5 hrs after it happened they said I had a concussion i never really did anything about it i blew it off like it wasn’t a big deal they gave me a doctor to go see but i never did the left side of my head is completely numb except when i get my head aches then it feels like a knife is in my head it shuts me down for the day when i get them iv tried to take ibuprofen but that gives me a burning sensation on the left side of my head and makes the headache worse i thought with time it would go away but it never really has my memory is terrible ill be in the middle of a conversation and forget what i was talking about im just looking to see what your opinion are and see if anyone is going through the same thing and what have you done to get through it i hate feeling this way and i hate feeling lost

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 20, 2017 at 8:01 am


      Sorry to hear of your struggles. First off, you are not alone. What you describe is quite common in folks dealing with post-concussion syndrome. In addition to headaches, people also deal with visual difficulties, light and sound sensitivities, dizziness, and so much more.

      Given the length of time between the injury and now, a full evaluation of neurological functions is critical as your brain and body have likely made compensations due to the challenges you are dealing with. There is absolutely hope for relief in many cases such as yours. Watch a few of these videos labeled concussion and you will likley see yourself in what these folks talk about.

      We can send more information along should you choose to do something about it. Headaches are often the first to relieve to varying degrees in most cases as we start to improve functions of eye movements, joint and muscle activity, etc.

      Please feel free anytime to call and schedule a free phone consultation to discuss further – 828-708.5274.

      Take care.

    • m&m on January 28, 2017 at 8:48 pm

      Feeling lost in your mind is such a horrible feeling. Checking out in the middle of conversations and even at the beginning of them is embarrassing. I haven’t endured all you have but I do understand the feelings you have described. I’m not sure if mine was initially started by two quad wrecks in a row I had in 2010 or the stroke like episode the following year… but I do know it progressively got worse and I remember very little about my life before then except select few moments with no real emotion tied to them. No real long term and my short term is minute knowing what I’m doing and the next can be in total confusion/lost. I hope you get better. Being lost is really no feeling id wish on anyone. The headaches and dizziness either. Tasks and simple things are a nightmare… and stress… man. Good luck.

  29. Cassi on December 4, 2016 at 11:03 am


    I have been reading about brain injuries a bit lately because I had a pretty serious car accident on Halloween this year. My brakes went out in my Grand Am and I rear-ended a jeep head on. That being said I, unfortunately, totaled the car. There were no apparent major injuries in the beginning. The jeep involved was drivable and people inside were pissed but completely fine medically. Anyway, unlike my passenger and the others involved I didn’t have my seatbelt on. I don’t remember my head actually hitting anything (the airbags did deploy,) but since the incident, I’ve had a lot of odd issues. They were so severe in the beginning I called my PCP’s office and they suggested I make an appointment with my eye doctor since the most serious symptoms at the time were more vision related. That being said I made an appointment, but it was going to take about a week and a half to actually see the doctor. At that point, it was about three weeks post wreck and my vision issues were getting a bit better so I canceled my appointment. (I have medical but not vision insurance.) However, now I seemingly have the same issues again. I’ve been having problems with balance which is very off for me, problems concentrating, problems finding words, problems actually doing/getting finished with my homework (I’m a senior in college,) I’ve been sleeping way more than normal which really sucks because I already have narcolepsy, I have been having constant head and neck pain, sensitivity to light which is abnormal for me, really irritable/easy to anger/getting really anger for no reason which is also unlike me, my speech is slower and it’s taking me longer to do simple things, I just don’t care about things that would normally worry me to death, eye pain, blurred vision (I wear contacts and have an astigmatism in one eye so I don’t know if this is related or not.) For the first two weeks after my wreck I had problems focusing my vision. My vision looked like a camera attempting to focus. When reading a specific sentence in a book a few words would come into focus with everything surrounding it completely blurred, then it would quickly all come into focus, then all blur, then a few words at a time would come into to focus as I read down the page with the background still blurry. It was like a camera with a small aperture setting/ small depth of field. It was weird. It made it difficult to read and drive…actual I got super behind in school because I couldn’t really do any homework and I live 30 mins away and didn’t feel comfortable driving.
    Anyway, I thought if it was a concussion the symptoms would get better soon. Some have and some haven’t. I go to so many specialists already I just don’t want to go to my doctor with something else if it isn’t serious enough, if that makes sense. Just wanted someone else’s opinion. Not sure this is the right place for that, but considering some of the comments I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try. My family sees how hard school has been this semester, but I haven’t really spoken about any other sysmptoms with them…they’d just tell me to get over it or it’d be better soon. I’m not sure that’s true though considering what I’ve read. Hopefully, I’m being paranoid and worrying for no reason, and it’s just something that will have lingering effects for a bit and thus wasting your time as well. However, any clarification, literature, or advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 4, 2016 at 7:15 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles.

      In many cases, without appropriate treatment the symptoms will remain and can even get worse; particularly when balance and eye movement systems are involved (which are connected).

      This absolutely is the right place for you to be looking as we place great emphasis on evaluation and rehabilitation of these and other systems injured in these types of situations. School will naturally be a challenge until visual movement and balance systems are corrected as they have much to do with learning.

      There is a great deal of literature out there and simple searches for ‘balance and cognition’, ‘eye movements and learning or behavior’, etc. will turn up a lot. Here’s an article I wrote on this very topic – You’ll find more on our website.

      Most important thing is that you get evaluated and treated to get you back on track. The longer these issues stand, the more the nervous system learns these faulty patterns of balance, eye movements, learning, etc.

      Please call us right away at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your options.

      Also, here’s a link to podcasts I’ve done on this topic for more info, and to hear from some folks that have gotten past what you’ve been through.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  30. Cassi on December 4, 2016 at 11:03 am


    I have been reading about brain injuries a bit lately because I had a pretty serious car accident on Halloween this year. My brakes went out in my Grand Am and I rear-ended a jeep head on. That being said I, unfortunately, totaled the car. There were no apparent major injuries in the beginning. The jeep involved was drivable and people inside were pissed but completely fine medically. Anyway, unlike my passenger and the others involved I didn’t have my seatbelt on. I don’t remember my head actually hitting anything (the airbags did deploy,) but since the incident, I’ve had a lot of odd issues. They were so severe in the beginning I called my PCP’s office and they suggested I make an appointment with my eye doctor since the most serious symptoms at the time were more vision related. That being said I made an appointment, but it was going to take about a week and a half to actually see the doctor. At that point, it was about three weeks post wreck and my vision issues were getting a bit better so I canceled my appointment. (I have medical but not vision insurance.) However, now I seemingly have the same issues again. I’ve been having problems with balance which is very off for me, problems concentrating, problems finding words, problems actually doing/getting finished with my homework (I’m a senior in college,) I’ve been sleeping way more than normal which really sucks because I already have narcolepsy, I have been having constant head and neck pain, sensitivity to light which is abnormal for me, really irritable/easy to anger/getting really anger for no reason which is also unlike me, my speech is slower and it’s taking me longer to do simple things, I just don’t care about things that would normally worry me to death, eye pain, blurred vision (I wear contacts and have an astigmatism in one eye so I don’t know if this is related or not.) For the first two weeks after my wreck I had problems focusing my vision. My vision looked like a camera attempting to focus. When reading a specific sentence in a book a few words would come into focus with everything surrounding it completely blurred, then it would quickly all come into focus, then all blur, then a few words at a time would come into to focus as I read down the page with the background still blurry. It was like a camera with a small aperture setting/ small depth of field. It was weird. It made it difficult to read and drive…actual I got super behind in school because I couldn’t really do any homework and I live 30 mins away and didn’t feel comfortable driving.
    Anyway, I thought if it was a concussion the symptoms would get better soon. Some have and some haven’t. I go to so many specialists already I just don’t want to go to my doctor with something else if it isn’t serious enough, if that makes sense. Just wanted someone else’s opinion. Not sure this is the right place for that, but considering some of the comments I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try. My family sees how hard school has been this semester, but I haven’t really spoken about any other sysmptoms with them…they’d just tell me to get over it or it’d be better soon. I’m not sure that’s true though considering what I’ve read. Hopefully, I’m being paranoid and worrying for no reason, and it’s just something that will have lingering effects for a bit and thus wasting your time as well. However, any clarification, literature, or advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 4, 2016 at 7:15 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles.

      In many cases, without appropriate treatment the symptoms will remain and can even get worse; particularly when balance and eye movement systems are involved (which are connected).

      This absolutely is the right place for you to be looking as we place great emphasis on evaluation and rehabilitation of these and other systems injured in these types of situations. School will naturally be a challenge until visual movement and balance systems are corrected as they have much to do with learning.

      There is a great deal of literature out there and simple searches for ‘balance and cognition’, ‘eye movements and learning or behavior’, etc. will turn up a lot. Here’s an article I wrote on this very topic – You’ll find more on our website.

      Most important thing is that you get evaluated and treated to get you back on track. The longer these issues stand, the more the nervous system learns these faulty patterns of balance, eye movements, learning, etc.

      Please call us right away at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your options.

      Also, here’s a link to podcasts I’ve done on this topic for more info, and to hear from some folks that have gotten past what you’ve been through.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  31. Garfield Abrahams on December 4, 2016 at 9:43 am

    Hello doc
    About 11 years ago a bucket fell on my head causing a concussion,from then on I had a lil bump on the head took it for nothing but sometimes it hurts and feel bruised but then it would stop but since lately it hurts constantly and I get headaches to the spot and the whole head,drowsiness excessive yawning feeling down not wanting do do anything sensitive to light and loud noises what could I do

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 4, 2016 at 7:01 pm


      There is much that can be done for persistent headaches related to concussion, as well as for many other symptoms people experience.

      First and foremost, especially given the long time since injury, evaluation by a qualified functional neurologist is of prime importance to determine neurological status and what course of action would be most appropriate.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 4, 2016 at 7:04 pm

      Also, please listen to my podcasts on concussion in the meantime for more info –

  32. Garfield Abrahams on December 4, 2016 at 9:43 am

    Hello doc
    About 11 years ago a bucket fell on my head causing a concussion,from then on I had a lil bump on the head took it for nothing but sometimes it hurts and feel bruised but then it would stop but since lately it hurts constantly and I get headaches to the spot and the whole head,drowsiness excessive yawning feeling down not wanting do do anything sensitive to light and loud noises what could I do

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 4, 2016 at 7:01 pm


      There is much that can be done for persistent headaches related to concussion, as well as for many other symptoms people experience.

      First and foremost, especially given the long time since injury, evaluation by a qualified functional neurologist is of prime importance to determine neurological status and what course of action would be most appropriate.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 4, 2016 at 7:04 pm

      Also, please listen to my podcasts on concussion in the meantime for more info –

  33. Joe on November 22, 2016 at 10:34 am

    Hello Doctor,
    A year ago, I was thrown from a utility vehicle and took a hard hit to the head not to mention all the other trauma issues. I do not recall the aftermath of the accident. I recall hitting my the back of my head on the ground after a flip and roll and then all I remember is everything going black and a horrific ringing/buzzing inside my head. After that, I have a few brief “blocks” of things I recall, such as telling my boss about thee accident and his non-concern, my hands and left arm killing me, throwing up on my way home from work, my wife trying to get me to go the doctor/hospital. It is amazing to me now that I would not go but she said I would become fighting mad at the suggestion and just say that I was perfectly fine.

    Today, I still have very loud ringing in my head, it sounds like it is behind me if that makes any sense. It doesn’t compare at all to a ringing in the ears like you may get after going to a concert. I never had ringing like this before in my head or ears except for maybe brief periods after attending concerts or loud events after which the ringing would be gone. Also, I have headaches at least 4-5 days a week and I never had headaches before. Sometimes, I have dizzy spells and focusing issues although this has improved a lot. The most troubling thing is that I have great difficulty remembering things I was just exposed to. I lose items constantly and have a lot of trouble keeping things organized. I have no problems remembering things 30 years ago in a crystal clear way. For instance, I can watch a movie tonight and by tomorrow I can not remember hardly anything about it. Also, I am so apathetic about everything, have no interest in anything that used to interest me, and feel like I am constantly in a daze or like everything is not quite real somehow.

    Does any of this make any sense to you as it relates to being hit in the head and is there anything that I can do about this now.

    Thank you.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 22, 2016 at 3:45 pm


      This all makes perfect sense – I’ve done much writing, lectures and video on the topic of post-concussion symptoms and, more importantly, what can be done about them. Here’s one example in video format –

      What you describe in an ideal fit for what we do here at APEX. Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consult to discuss further. In the meantime, watch some of these videos here as these folks who have been through what you have will describe much of what you say, and the fact that they were able to do something about it.

      We hope to speak with you soon!

  34. Joe on November 22, 2016 at 10:34 am

    Hello Doctor,
    A year ago, I was thrown from a utility vehicle and took a hard hit to the head not to mention all the other trauma issues. I do not recall the aftermath of the accident. I recall hitting my the back of my head on the ground after a flip and roll and then all I remember is everything going black and a horrific ringing/buzzing inside my head. After that, I have a few brief “blocks” of things I recall, such as telling my boss about thee accident and his non-concern, my hands and left arm killing me, throwing up on my way home from work, my wife trying to get me to go the doctor/hospital. It is amazing to me now that I would not go but she said I would become fighting mad at the suggestion and just say that I was perfectly fine.

    Today, I still have very loud ringing in my head, it sounds like it is behind me if that makes any sense. It doesn’t compare at all to a ringing in the ears like you may get after going to a concert. I never had ringing like this before in my head or ears except for maybe brief periods after attending concerts or loud events after which the ringing would be gone. Also, I have headaches at least 4-5 days a week and I never had headaches before. Sometimes, I have dizzy spells and focusing issues although this has improved a lot. The most troubling thing is that I have great difficulty remembering things I was just exposed to. I lose items constantly and have a lot of trouble keeping things organized. I have no problems remembering things 30 years ago in a crystal clear way. For instance, I can watch a movie tonight and by tomorrow I can not remember hardly anything about it. Also, I am so apathetic about everything, have no interest in anything that used to interest me, and feel like I am constantly in a daze or like everything is not quite real somehow.

    Does any of this make any sense to you as it relates to being hit in the head and is there anything that I can do about this now.

    Thank you.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 22, 2016 at 3:45 pm


      This all makes perfect sense – I’ve done much writing, lectures and video on the topic of post-concussion symptoms and, more importantly, what can be done about them. Here’s one example in video format –

      What you describe in an ideal fit for what we do here at APEX. Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consult to discuss further. In the meantime, watch some of these videos here as these folks who have been through what you have will describe much of what you say, and the fact that they were able to do something about it.

      We hope to speak with you soon!

  35. David Rucker on November 21, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    I’m 34 years old, I suffered several concussions playing football as young as 17 untreated. I played through every concussion which I’ve read wasn’t the smartest thing. If I’m having problems mentally (memory) etc. What are some things I can do to combat the damage. Thanks in advance for your help.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 22, 2016 at 10:21 am


      The best way to recover function and deal with damage that has likely occurred with repetitive head traumas would be to enroll in an intensive brain training/rehab program focusing on the main avenues of brain health (cognitive, physical, metabolic and lifestyle). Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consult to discuss further as this is an area of great success in our center.

      In the meantime, please watch some of the concussion related videos here to see from those in your shoes what they have been through and what has worked best for them –

      Also, I have a good number of podcasts I’ve devoted to this very topic. Listen in here for a host of knowledge and stories related to concussion –

      We hope to hear from you soon!

  36. David Rucker on November 21, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    I’m 34 years old, I suffered several concussions playing football as young as 17 untreated. I played through every concussion which I’ve read wasn’t the smartest thing. If I’m having problems mentally (memory) etc. What are some things I can do to combat the damage. Thanks in advance for your help.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 22, 2016 at 10:21 am


      The best way to recover function and deal with damage that has likely occurred with repetitive head traumas would be to enroll in an intensive brain training/rehab program focusing on the main avenues of brain health (cognitive, physical, metabolic and lifestyle). Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consult to discuss further as this is an area of great success in our center.

      In the meantime, please watch some of the concussion related videos here to see from those in your shoes what they have been through and what has worked best for them –

      Also, I have a good number of podcasts I’ve devoted to this very topic. Listen in here for a host of knowledge and stories related to concussion –

      We hope to hear from you soon!

  37. Nupur on November 18, 2016 at 3:39 pm

    Hi, I’m 31 years old and I had a head injury in Oct 2008. As per me it was a normal but its Nov 2016 (8 years completed), it still pains sometimes specially when I touch that portion of my head. And also I feel emotional dysregulation, very emotional or some times I find myself very rude, no concentration on my work, sometimes memory loss.
    What should I do?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 19, 2016 at 7:06 am


      As you have read in this particular article, there is much that can occur, even years after a head injury.

      If you would like to explore treatment options to address your concerns, please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation.

      It’s never too late to address these concerns.

      Take care!

  38. Nupur on November 18, 2016 at 3:39 pm

    Hi, I’m 31 years old and I had a head injury in Oct 2008. As per me it was a normal but its Nov 2016 (8 years completed), it still pains sometimes specially when I touch that portion of my head. And also I feel emotional dysregulation, very emotional or some times I find myself very rude, no concentration on my work, sometimes memory loss.
    What should I do?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 19, 2016 at 7:06 am


      As you have read in this particular article, there is much that can occur, even years after a head injury.

      If you would like to explore treatment options to address your concerns, please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation.

      It’s never too late to address these concerns.

      Take care!

  39. Ury on November 12, 2016 at 9:34 pm


    So my 10 year old son suffered a concussion during football. I took him to get checked right away and they determined through a scan that it was a mild concussion. I kept him out of school a week, and he has recently made his entry back this past week. My question is this: yesterday he was playing with his sibling who accidentally smacked him with his palm in the back of the head. Can this smack cause him further trauma? Is it advisable to go back in to the doctor? Thanks for your advice.


    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 14, 2016 at 8:52 pm


      Any subsequent trauma after a concussion should be addressed, particularly if any symptoms were increased as a result of the second hit.

      They very likely won’t do any new scans unless things have changed with his symptoms.

      Always best to err on the side of caution and call the doctor that saw him to discuss further.

      Should he have continued symptoms, please feel free to call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consult to discuss further.

      Take care and best to your son.

  40. Ury on November 12, 2016 at 9:34 pm


    So my 10 year old son suffered a concussion during football. I took him to get checked right away and they determined through a scan that it was a mild concussion. I kept him out of school a week, and he has recently made his entry back this past week. My question is this: yesterday he was playing with his sibling who accidentally smacked him with his palm in the back of the head. Can this smack cause him further trauma? Is it advisable to go back in to the doctor? Thanks for your advice.


    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 14, 2016 at 8:52 pm


      Any subsequent trauma after a concussion should be addressed, particularly if any symptoms were increased as a result of the second hit.

      They very likely won’t do any new scans unless things have changed with his symptoms.

      Always best to err on the side of caution and call the doctor that saw him to discuss further.

      Should he have continued symptoms, please feel free to call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consult to discuss further.

      Take care and best to your son.

  41. Megan on November 8, 2016 at 4:35 pm

    Hi, when I was in the third grade I fell on cement while in a school trip. I don’t remember blacking out but I don’t remember much really. I just remember being really dizzy and just sitting down with a headache. To be honest i don’t know if i had a concussion. Ever since I’ve had headaches almost everyday and even migraines. I went to the doctor and just told me to eat better have lots of water but I still get them. Also i have t sleep on a smooth pillow or else my head will hurt. I can’t lay on a flat surface or my head will start to hurt. I take aspirin but it’s not strong enough anymore and i don’t know what other types of medicine to take.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 14, 2016 at 8:45 pm


      Please contact us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation if you’d like to discuss further.

      There is much that can be done for headaches in many cases of prior head trauma.

  42. Megan on November 8, 2016 at 4:35 pm

    Hi, when I was in the third grade I fell on cement while in a school trip. I don’t remember blacking out but I don’t remember much really. I just remember being really dizzy and just sitting down with a headache. To be honest i don’t know if i had a concussion. Ever since I’ve had headaches almost everyday and even migraines. I went to the doctor and just told me to eat better have lots of water but I still get them. Also i have t sleep on a smooth pillow or else my head will hurt. I can’t lay on a flat surface or my head will start to hurt. I take aspirin but it’s not strong enough anymore and i don’t know what other types of medicine to take.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 14, 2016 at 8:45 pm


      Please contact us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation if you’d like to discuss further.

      There is much that can be done for headaches in many cases of prior head trauma.

  43. Morgan on November 8, 2016 at 7:00 am

    I got hit in head yesterday with a basketball by a friend it hurt for most of the day so I went to the nurse to get an ice pack, and then this morning I felt better

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 14, 2016 at 8:44 pm


      Please let us know if we can be of any assistance should any symptoms arise.

      Take care.

  44. Morgan on November 8, 2016 at 7:00 am

    I got hit in head yesterday with a basketball by a friend it hurt for most of the day so I went to the nurse to get an ice pack, and then this morning I felt better

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 14, 2016 at 8:44 pm


      Please let us know if we can be of any assistance should any symptoms arise.

      Take care.

  45. Krystal on November 5, 2016 at 12:41 pm

    In the end of march 2014, I was head butted. It that left me with a concussion, and a broke nose and a small section of my sinus cavity about my left eye. I remember the hit and the moments after clearer then the moments before and months after. I had tunnel vision at the time. I waited a week to go to the er and do not remember much the doctor told me other then there was a lot of bruising, to consider myself very lucky and he did not know what caused the injury, did not think a head butt was the cause and didn’t believe i actually knew. I suffered severe headaches, dizziness and double vision at that time. It took around 4 months for theses symptoms to end. About a year ago I began getting severe headaches again about once a week. The only thing I have found to get rid of the headache is 800 MG of ibuprofen and aplying pressure to the spot I was hit. I know it isn’t good to take so much ibuprofen so frequently. The headaches are centered in the same spot that hurt from the injury and the spot is extremely tender to the touch during and a couple days after the headaches. Can the headaches I’m having now be a result of the injury or is it more likely just a coincidence? If they are caused by it what might I be able to do to help get rid of them?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 6, 2016 at 1:09 pm


      The short answer is yes, the headaches can absolutely be a result of the injury.

      Given the long-standing nature of your injury and flare up of symptoms, best you call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss options for you.

      There is a great deal that can be done to help you try and get past these headaches.

      I hope to speak with you soon.

  46. Krystal on November 5, 2016 at 12:41 pm

    In the end of march 2014, I was head butted. It that left me with a concussion, and a broke nose and a small section of my sinus cavity about my left eye. I remember the hit and the moments after clearer then the moments before and months after. I had tunnel vision at the time. I waited a week to go to the er and do not remember much the doctor told me other then there was a lot of bruising, to consider myself very lucky and he did not know what caused the injury, did not think a head butt was the cause and didn’t believe i actually knew. I suffered severe headaches, dizziness and double vision at that time. It took around 4 months for theses symptoms to end. About a year ago I began getting severe headaches again about once a week. The only thing I have found to get rid of the headache is 800 MG of ibuprofen and aplying pressure to the spot I was hit. I know it isn’t good to take so much ibuprofen so frequently. The headaches are centered in the same spot that hurt from the injury and the spot is extremely tender to the touch during and a couple days after the headaches. Can the headaches I’m having now be a result of the injury or is it more likely just a coincidence? If they are caused by it what might I be able to do to help get rid of them?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 6, 2016 at 1:09 pm


      The short answer is yes, the headaches can absolutely be a result of the injury.

      Given the long-standing nature of your injury and flare up of symptoms, best you call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss options for you.

      There is a great deal that can be done to help you try and get past these headaches.

      I hope to speak with you soon.

  47. Vanessa on October 31, 2016 at 2:34 pm

    I hit my head 2 days ago with the the edge of my coffee table. I was connecting some wires and as I came up I miss calculated where the table was an came up full force. I started bleeding the table was glass/metal I went to the urgent care and they put 2 staples in. I didn’t have a concussion they said I didn’t feel any symptoms just sore in that area and a slight headache. I slept thru the night my bf would check on me every 3 hours just to make sure I was fine. The next day I woke up fine my head was still sore in the area but nothing extreme. I was tired throughout the day but that might have something to do with my bf waking me every 2-3 hours that night I still have a slight headache should I be worried?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 31, 2016 at 3:08 pm


      A headache would be expected for a few days after a hit like that. Make note of any increase in symptoms, or the addition of symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, vision disturbance, etc., and seek further care if so.

      You may call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further if the headache persists.

      Take care.

  48. Vanessa on October 31, 2016 at 2:34 pm

    I hit my head 2 days ago with the the edge of my coffee table. I was connecting some wires and as I came up I miss calculated where the table was an came up full force. I started bleeding the table was glass/metal I went to the urgent care and they put 2 staples in. I didn’t have a concussion they said I didn’t feel any symptoms just sore in that area and a slight headache. I slept thru the night my bf would check on me every 3 hours just to make sure I was fine. The next day I woke up fine my head was still sore in the area but nothing extreme. I was tired throughout the day but that might have something to do with my bf waking me every 2-3 hours that night I still have a slight headache should I be worried?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 31, 2016 at 3:08 pm


      A headache would be expected for a few days after a hit like that. Make note of any increase in symptoms, or the addition of symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, vision disturbance, etc., and seek further care if so.

      You may call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further if the headache persists.

      Take care.

  49. Jasmine on October 31, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    9 days ago my husband had a ladder fall on his head, we did not go to the doctors. But I am worried about him. He did not lose consciousness or black out and he can remember the whole thing. But as of now he has light sensitivity and he has been getting dizzy more often. What do you recommend?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 31, 2016 at 1:38 pm


      Dizziness and light sensitivity are indicators that a concussion might have occurred. Loss of consciousness does not happen in many cases of concussion.

      If symptoms are worsening, you should bring him to an urgent care/ER to rule out more serious issues like swelling or fluid collection in the brain.

      You can call us after and schedule a free consultation to discuss treatment options for him as there is much that can be done for the types of symptoms you mention.

      We look forward to hearing from you soon – 828.708.5274.

  50. Jasmine on October 31, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    9 days ago my husband had a ladder fall on his head, we did not go to the doctors. But I am worried about him. He did not lose consciousness or black out and he can remember the whole thing. But as of now he has light sensitivity and he has been getting dizzy more often. What do you recommend?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 31, 2016 at 1:38 pm


      Dizziness and light sensitivity are indicators that a concussion might have occurred. Loss of consciousness does not happen in many cases of concussion.

      If symptoms are worsening, you should bring him to an urgent care/ER to rule out more serious issues like swelling or fluid collection in the brain.

      You can call us after and schedule a free consultation to discuss treatment options for him as there is much that can be done for the types of symptoms you mention.

      We look forward to hearing from you soon – 828.708.5274.

  51. Isabela on October 27, 2016 at 7:34 am

    Yesterday I was playing indoor soccer with my friends and I fell head first to the wooden floor. I’m just thirteen years old. The nearest adult told me to take a rest and that she was gonna check if I had a concussion. I had sleepiness, confusion, getting sad or mad for no reason, a bit of memory loss, and nausea. I said it probably is a concussion but, my parents told me not to worry. They gave me Tylenol pills and massaged my back, also my head. My question is, should I still get medical help or not? I need advice please

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 29, 2016 at 7:30 pm


      Please call us at the office with your parents for a free consultation to discuss as we cannot advise on this forum – 828.708.5274.

      Should you experience continued symptoms as you describe, urge them to take you to your doctor or emergency clinic.

  52. Isabela on October 27, 2016 at 7:34 am

    Yesterday I was playing indoor soccer with my friends and I fell head first to the wooden floor. I’m just thirteen years old. The nearest adult told me to take a rest and that she was gonna check if I had a concussion. I had sleepiness, confusion, getting sad or mad for no reason, a bit of memory loss, and nausea. I said it probably is a concussion but, my parents told me not to worry. They gave me Tylenol pills and massaged my back, also my head. My question is, should I still get medical help or not? I need advice please

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 29, 2016 at 7:30 pm


      Please call us at the office with your parents for a free consultation to discuss as we cannot advise on this forum – 828.708.5274.

      Should you experience continued symptoms as you describe, urge them to take you to your doctor or emergency clinic.

  53. raster on October 25, 2016 at 10:16 pm

    A hammer hit my head this summer. Since that time I’ve had 4 very mild concussions with mild symptoms. This week I managed to hit my head just about every day doing everyday mundane things. I am quite exhausted from this and have trouble sleeping, etc. I have doctors approval to work from home for 2 weeks but any very very slight hit to the head gives me some symptoms. I am very concerned because a lot of my problems related to lifestyle and/or behavioral problems. I hit my head on the bus friday, hit my head in the attic sunday, hit my head on the mannequin sunday, and today and barely hit it on the car seat and it gave much lighter symptoms compared to the other days but it still spurred the symptoms. I don’t know what to do at this point because any hit to the head causes symptoms and I cannot stop hitting my head. I get to work from home for 2 weeks but I think I need long term safety measures and behavioral changes. Are these little taps to my head considered concussions if they cause symptoms? Have you ever had a client wear a helmet around everywhere they went?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 29, 2016 at 7:35 pm


      There are no simple answers here. What is most concerning is that you keep hitting your head so many times. I am unclear as to why this would be, but only a consultation of sorts would help us to see if we can provide any answers for you, or to see how we can help from a treatment standpoint.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free brief consultation to discuss what options there might be for you.

      Take care.

  54. raster on October 25, 2016 at 10:16 pm

    A hammer hit my head this summer. Since that time I’ve had 4 very mild concussions with mild symptoms. This week I managed to hit my head just about every day doing everyday mundane things. I am quite exhausted from this and have trouble sleeping, etc. I have doctors approval to work from home for 2 weeks but any very very slight hit to the head gives me some symptoms. I am very concerned because a lot of my problems related to lifestyle and/or behavioral problems. I hit my head on the bus friday, hit my head in the attic sunday, hit my head on the mannequin sunday, and today and barely hit it on the car seat and it gave much lighter symptoms compared to the other days but it still spurred the symptoms. I don’t know what to do at this point because any hit to the head causes symptoms and I cannot stop hitting my head. I get to work from home for 2 weeks but I think I need long term safety measures and behavioral changes. Are these little taps to my head considered concussions if they cause symptoms? Have you ever had a client wear a helmet around everywhere they went?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 29, 2016 at 7:35 pm


      There are no simple answers here. What is most concerning is that you keep hitting your head so many times. I am unclear as to why this would be, but only a consultation of sorts would help us to see if we can provide any answers for you, or to see how we can help from a treatment standpoint.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free brief consultation to discuss what options there might be for you.

      Take care.

  55. Caitlin on October 24, 2016 at 4:44 pm

    I had a wreck Sept. 7. (2016)
    I had came over hill going 55mph and was messing with my radio. When I looked up it was too late. I hit the back of a truck that was a complete stop in the road (because another vehicle in front of this person was turning). One of things that happened was my head hit the windshield. I went to the ER to have my injuries examined but I had no assessment for internal injuries nor head injuries. I found out the next day a clinic that I had a mild concussion. I did not have any treatments for this. I am a nursing student at a university and am having more trouble than I ever have will making good grades in some of my classes. This is very discouraging because I have always been an A – B student. I’m curious if things are not “sticking” as well as they use to because of concussion and what I can do to better myself.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 25, 2016 at 12:28 pm


      So sorry to hear of your accident.

      Memory, focus, attention, learning, etc. issues are quite common after concussion and are very likely related to the accident.

      There is hope for many to get past symptoms of this nature and the sooner the intervention, the better.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss some options for you.

      We look forward to speaking with you soon.

      In the meantime, here are some podcasts I have done on the topic to help understand your situation better.

  56. Caitlin on October 24, 2016 at 4:44 pm

    I had a wreck Sept. 7. (2016)
    I had came over hill going 55mph and was messing with my radio. When I looked up it was too late. I hit the back of a truck that was a complete stop in the road (because another vehicle in front of this person was turning). One of things that happened was my head hit the windshield. I went to the ER to have my injuries examined but I had no assessment for internal injuries nor head injuries. I found out the next day a clinic that I had a mild concussion. I did not have any treatments for this. I am a nursing student at a university and am having more trouble than I ever have will making good grades in some of my classes. This is very discouraging because I have always been an A – B student. I’m curious if things are not “sticking” as well as they use to because of concussion and what I can do to better myself.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 25, 2016 at 12:28 pm


      So sorry to hear of your accident.

      Memory, focus, attention, learning, etc. issues are quite common after concussion and are very likely related to the accident.

      There is hope for many to get past symptoms of this nature and the sooner the intervention, the better.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss some options for you.

      We look forward to speaking with you soon.

      In the meantime, here are some podcasts I have done on the topic to help understand your situation better.

  57. Michael on October 23, 2016 at 7:53 pm

    Hi first time commenter. I was wearing a football helmet when my head trauma occurred. I was playing as a linebacker when a football was thrown over my head. So I leaped and when I tried landing I wasn’t able to I was off balance. I fell on my back and when that happened the back of my helmet and head hit the ground quite hard. I have had long term vision problems, at the time I was wearing contacts. As I stood up my left eye was rolled to the left side of my ocular device. I thought it was just my contact that was out of place but I was wrong. I have never came out and discussed this problem with any special attention. I was seeing straight and the inside side of my eye. It was only for 10 seconds then my eye reverted back to seeing straight. This happened my junior year in high school (2006) time has passed. Since now (2016), I’ve Later on been having multiple issues with emotion, schizo episodes, loss of memory, memory blocks, control of anxiety, controlling my impulse, and tripping out when my heart rate increases, and now including a mild case of plantar fascia it is. If I were to reveal my medical history to any doctor you would understand. Did this case cause my plantar fascia. Because I have always been healthy. I play basketball and my physician says it’s just because of that. But I don’t believe it one bit. I just get feelings of voidness that is very vivid. Now when I blink I see images of colors that remind me of my disability. I feel I need to hear some medical advice. But I will also be disclosing this information to my doctor when I see him. Please shed some light on this issue. Thanks

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 25, 2016 at 12:18 pm


      Give the number of issues you are experiencing it would be best to discuss further via a free consultation at 828.708.5274. I am not entirely clear as to what specifically you are looking for advice on and to what degree.

      Much of what you describe can and is associated with post-concussion syndrome, and would make sense given your history of head trauma; although only a detailed evaluation and functional neurological testing would tell for sure what your abilities are and if in fact they might be compromised due to head injury.

      We look forward to talking with you soon.

  58. Michael on October 23, 2016 at 7:53 pm

    Hi first time commenter. I was wearing a football helmet when my head trauma occurred. I was playing as a linebacker when a football was thrown over my head. So I leaped and when I tried landing I wasn’t able to I was off balance. I fell on my back and when that happened the back of my helmet and head hit the ground quite hard. I have had long term vision problems, at the time I was wearing contacts. As I stood up my left eye was rolled to the left side of my ocular device. I thought it was just my contact that was out of place but I was wrong. I have never came out and discussed this problem with any special attention. I was seeing straight and the inside side of my eye. It was only for 10 seconds then my eye reverted back to seeing straight. This happened my junior year in high school (2006) time has passed. Since now (2016), I’ve Later on been having multiple issues with emotion, schizo episodes, loss of memory, memory blocks, control of anxiety, controlling my impulse, and tripping out when my heart rate increases, and now including a mild case of plantar fascia it is. If I were to reveal my medical history to any doctor you would understand. Did this case cause my plantar fascia. Because I have always been healthy. I play basketball and my physician says it’s just because of that. But I don’t believe it one bit. I just get feelings of voidness that is very vivid. Now when I blink I see images of colors that remind me of my disability. I feel I need to hear some medical advice. But I will also be disclosing this information to my doctor when I see him. Please shed some light on this issue. Thanks

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 25, 2016 at 12:18 pm


      Give the number of issues you are experiencing it would be best to discuss further via a free consultation at 828.708.5274. I am not entirely clear as to what specifically you are looking for advice on and to what degree.

      Much of what you describe can and is associated with post-concussion syndrome, and would make sense given your history of head trauma; although only a detailed evaluation and functional neurological testing would tell for sure what your abilities are and if in fact they might be compromised due to head injury.

      We look forward to talking with you soon.

  59. Lori on October 21, 2016 at 2:37 pm

    Thursday morning about 1:30 am, my husband said I got out of bed, went to the bathroom and was holding the door facing. I have often done this as I get dizzy, He said I let go and fell backwards and hit my head on the floor and was out for about what he said was 3 minutes but I doubt it was that long, I don’t remember any of this. This is Friday afternoon. I have NO recollection of this at all. I have fallen before starting within the last year, but I remember all of these episodes. I still have a headache but it is manageable. Hurts to shake my head from side to side and my neck and back have been stiff since then.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 22, 2016 at 5:55 pm


      Your incident on Thursday sounds quite serious and you should seek evaluation with your doctor or emergency room ASAP.

      Please call us on Monday at 828.708.5274 for free consultation to discuss potential treatment options should you care to investigate further. Given the history of dizziness and multiple episodes of falling, I would compel you to look into this as the outcomes of another fall could be devastating.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  60. Lori on October 21, 2016 at 2:37 pm

    Thursday morning about 1:30 am, my husband said I got out of bed, went to the bathroom and was holding the door facing. I have often done this as I get dizzy, He said I let go and fell backwards and hit my head on the floor and was out for about what he said was 3 minutes but I doubt it was that long, I don’t remember any of this. This is Friday afternoon. I have NO recollection of this at all. I have fallen before starting within the last year, but I remember all of these episodes. I still have a headache but it is manageable. Hurts to shake my head from side to side and my neck and back have been stiff since then.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 22, 2016 at 5:55 pm


      Your incident on Thursday sounds quite serious and you should seek evaluation with your doctor or emergency room ASAP.

      Please call us on Monday at 828.708.5274 for free consultation to discuss potential treatment options should you care to investigate further. Given the history of dizziness and multiple episodes of falling, I would compel you to look into this as the outcomes of another fall could be devastating.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  61. J on October 14, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    My Husband had lots of concussions in his younger years (he was a football player) but now he is 53 and within the past 6 months has had 3 head injuries. Once in a car accident and (2) work related where he was hit in the head with an object. This last one was just last week, where something fell on him and hit him in the back of his head, neck and spine. He has not gone to see a DR at all for all 3 of these incidents, he won’t listen to me when I tell him he needs to, he says he has had plenty of concussions and knows what they are going to do. I am very worried, since this last incident he has been in excruciating pain. Over the counter pain meds are not helping him. He has been throwing up and has sharp pains that go from his back to the back of his head. He is having trouble sleeping because he is in so much pain, he barely eats. And he won’t take time off of work. Please give me some advice on how I can help him.
    Thank you.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 14, 2016 at 3:17 pm


      So sorry to hear of his situation.

      He is in need of a comprehensive evaluation by a functional neurologist. The challenge is, as you alluded to, getting him to do that. If one is resistant to seeking care, only arming them with information will help them come to the realization they need to do something about it.

      Have him take a look at the videos on our site related to concussion where folks describe very similar stories and how they overcame their challenges.

      Also, listening to any and all podcasts related to concussion on my podcast site.

      Share this article with him as well. He will come around eventually when he knows there is hope.

      When that happens, call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for him.

      Take care!

  62. J on October 14, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    My Husband had lots of concussions in his younger years (he was a football player) but now he is 53 and within the past 6 months has had 3 head injuries. Once in a car accident and (2) work related where he was hit in the head with an object. This last one was just last week, where something fell on him and hit him in the back of his head, neck and spine. He has not gone to see a DR at all for all 3 of these incidents, he won’t listen to me when I tell him he needs to, he says he has had plenty of concussions and knows what they are going to do. I am very worried, since this last incident he has been in excruciating pain. Over the counter pain meds are not helping him. He has been throwing up and has sharp pains that go from his back to the back of his head. He is having trouble sleeping because he is in so much pain, he barely eats. And he won’t take time off of work. Please give me some advice on how I can help him.
    Thank you.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 14, 2016 at 3:17 pm


      So sorry to hear of his situation.

      He is in need of a comprehensive evaluation by a functional neurologist. The challenge is, as you alluded to, getting him to do that. If one is resistant to seeking care, only arming them with information will help them come to the realization they need to do something about it.

      Have him take a look at the videos on our site related to concussion where folks describe very similar stories and how they overcame their challenges.

      Also, listening to any and all podcasts related to concussion on my podcast site.

      Share this article with him as well. He will come around eventually when he knows there is hope.

      When that happens, call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for him.

      Take care!

  63. Rei on October 13, 2016 at 9:25 pm

    Ever since a classmate nailed me in the back of the head, I have experienced a lot of problems. My depression and anxiety got worse, I suddenly felt tired all the time, I developed a higher sensitivity to light and sound, I can’t concentrate, and I get really horrid headaches frequently. These symptoms have been happening for two years now since the incident, and have been getting worse. There are times my headaches get so bad that I have no choice but to sit down where I am, and hold my head to try and relieve the pain. My grades a slipping because I can’t concentrate or am too tired to do anything. Is there any advice you could give me?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 14, 2016 at 3:09 pm


      These symptoms and related head injury are all consistent with post-concussion syndrome.

      There is much that can be done in many cases.

      Feel free to visit this page on our site and watch the videos of those that have experienced much of what you are describing, and what they have done to get better –

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your options as evaluation and treatment are very likely your only option given the length of time you’ve been dealing with these issues.

      We hope to speak with you soon.

      Take care!

  64. Rei on October 13, 2016 at 9:25 pm

    Ever since a classmate nailed me in the back of the head, I have experienced a lot of problems. My depression and anxiety got worse, I suddenly felt tired all the time, I developed a higher sensitivity to light and sound, I can’t concentrate, and I get really horrid headaches frequently. These symptoms have been happening for two years now since the incident, and have been getting worse. There are times my headaches get so bad that I have no choice but to sit down where I am, and hold my head to try and relieve the pain. My grades a slipping because I can’t concentrate or am too tired to do anything. Is there any advice you could give me?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 14, 2016 at 3:09 pm


      These symptoms and related head injury are all consistent with post-concussion syndrome.

      There is much that can be done in many cases.

      Feel free to visit this page on our site and watch the videos of those that have experienced much of what you are describing, and what they have done to get better –

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your options as evaluation and treatment are very likely your only option given the length of time you’ve been dealing with these issues.

      We hope to speak with you soon.

      Take care!

  65. Emily on October 12, 2016 at 7:17 pm

    In August I fainted and fell straight back and hit my head on concrete. I went to the hospital and they said I probably have a minor concussion because I was having headaches and stomach aches but didn’t want to send me though a ct scan. I am still getting headaches now and I usually get car sick but now in the car my head aches are like 6 times worse and it’s awful. So I’m not sure if I should go to the doctor or not I’m turning 15 by the way thanks!

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 14, 2016 at 12:45 pm


      You should absolutely get these symptoms checked out by a qualified specialist.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 with a parent or guardian to discuss further how we may be able to help you through this.

      Take care!

  66. Emily on October 12, 2016 at 7:17 pm

    In August I fainted and fell straight back and hit my head on concrete. I went to the hospital and they said I probably have a minor concussion because I was having headaches and stomach aches but didn’t want to send me though a ct scan. I am still getting headaches now and I usually get car sick but now in the car my head aches are like 6 times worse and it’s awful. So I’m not sure if I should go to the doctor or not I’m turning 15 by the way thanks!

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 14, 2016 at 12:45 pm


      You should absolutely get these symptoms checked out by a qualified specialist.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 with a parent or guardian to discuss further how we may be able to help you through this.

      Take care!

  67. Gail on October 12, 2016 at 1:09 pm

    My adult daughter hit her head three weeks ago and went to the ER and was diagnosed with a mild concussion but had a clear CT scan. Three days ago she hit her head again, she now has a headache, neck muscle ache but otherwise is fine. Should she go to the ER again and have another scan?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 14, 2016 at 12:43 pm


      You can never be too safe when it comes to hits to the head. The CT will rule out the potential for more critical care concerns (bleeds, swelling, etc.), although most often they are normal when it comes to concussion.

      If she has persistent symptoms, the ideal situation would be to get her in for an emergency room type of eval, than contact us at 828.708.5274 when cleared from more pressing concerns to discuss options for headaches and other symptoms she might be dealing with.

      I hope she feels better soon!

  68. Gail on October 12, 2016 at 1:09 pm

    My adult daughter hit her head three weeks ago and went to the ER and was diagnosed with a mild concussion but had a clear CT scan. Three days ago she hit her head again, she now has a headache, neck muscle ache but otherwise is fine. Should she go to the ER again and have another scan?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 14, 2016 at 12:43 pm


      You can never be too safe when it comes to hits to the head. The CT will rule out the potential for more critical care concerns (bleeds, swelling, etc.), although most often they are normal when it comes to concussion.

      If she has persistent symptoms, the ideal situation would be to get her in for an emergency room type of eval, than contact us at 828.708.5274 when cleared from more pressing concerns to discuss options for headaches and other symptoms she might be dealing with.

      I hope she feels better soon!

  69. Summer on October 10, 2016 at 8:17 pm

    Today I had fallen and hit my head on the bath tub. I hit it so hard that my head started bleeding a little bit not enough tho to need stitches. I saw black for a little bit. I fell about 12pm today and it’s 7pm now. I have been dizzy and seeing black spots. My neck and shoulders hurt and my head. My eyes have been hurting ever since. I’m super tired. What should I do?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 10, 2016 at 9:06 pm


      You should most definitely get someone to take you to a local emergency room for evaluation and imaging (CT or MRI).

      You can never be to careful in these types of situations and you can get anything serious ruled out.

      If your symptoms persist after getting evaluated, please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further.

      Take care and get checked out!

  70. Summer on October 10, 2016 at 8:17 pm

    Today I had fallen and hit my head on the bath tub. I hit it so hard that my head started bleeding a little bit not enough tho to need stitches. I saw black for a little bit. I fell about 12pm today and it’s 7pm now. I have been dizzy and seeing black spots. My neck and shoulders hurt and my head. My eyes have been hurting ever since. I’m super tired. What should I do?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 10, 2016 at 9:06 pm


      You should most definitely get someone to take you to a local emergency room for evaluation and imaging (CT or MRI).

      You can never be to careful in these types of situations and you can get anything serious ruled out.

      If your symptoms persist after getting evaluated, please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further.

      Take care and get checked out!

  71. Mikail on October 5, 2016 at 3:03 pm

    Hi my father has car accident almost two years ago. After accident he started memory loss and blank episodes like he forgot what he did last half hour or where he is. This is super scary for us. We took him neuropsych appointment. They said his problems emotional just memory and concentrate is super bad but other tests looking brain injuries. He is still dealing blank episodes and when he is talking he forgot the words. Whats really going on we do not know. Any opinion you can share with us what we can do? If its not beain injury what is it? Thank you for reaponse.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 7, 2016 at 2:33 pm


      So sorry to hear of your father’s condition.

      Brain injuries such as concussion will most often show no significant findings on traditional tests like CT/MRI/laboratory analysis/etc. The fact that he is displaying poor memory on testing is evidence enough that he may be dealing with something such as post-concussion syndrome; particularly given his symptoms started after the accident.

      Without knowing any other medical history, and in the interest of his privacy here, please call the office to set up a free 15 minute consultation to discuss further and learn about options for him. Our # is 828.708.5274. There is hope in many cases like these.

      Take care!

      • Monica G on January 28, 2017 at 1:25 pm

        Hi Doctor
        In April 2016
        I was a passenger in a 4 car accident we were going 65 when someone passed us and completely stopped in the road. I broke the windshield passed out when I woke up by being tboned on my side as well. I had bleeding in the abdomen and had to have emergency surgery to fix this. All seemed ok but immediately after I complained of horrible nausea dizziness and severe headache. They said it was my migraines and passed it off. My gait was immediately compromised and I needed much assistance. I was sent home after a week. Later that week I was admitted due to slurring of speech constant fluttering of left eyelid and intractable headache. MRI was said to be fine and it was determined to be 2/2 post concussion syndrome. Almost 10 months later I am unable to stand without my walker and I can only walk with my walker to my bathroom. I am in a wheelchair all other times. I have significant dysarthria and dysphonia. It is so bad some of the Drs believe I have an undiagnosed neurological issue but no ideas. I have tried to Be as postive as possible however I see no end in sight. I need to get better I feel awful! We have spent the last 10 months going from dr to dr and therapy to therapy just to be told it will take time. More time then 10 months? Help!
        In Monica’s words typed by her son. Due to the many errors she still makes in typing.
        Thank you

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 28, 2017 at 2:13 pm


          So sorry to hear of your struggles.

          While it’s difficult at this time to determine if there were any pre-existing neurological conditions, or one that was made worse by the trauma, much of what you describe is quite common in sever post-concussion syndrome.

          Many will discount symptoms, or chalk them up to migraines and other physical and even mental health disorders. I created this webinar to explain the symptoms of concussion, how they are very real, and what can be done about them.

          This is something we see every day in practice with our unique intensive programs; and given the appropriate testing and multi-intervention approach, many can realize significantly higher levels of function in relatively short periods of time.

          Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further. We look forward to speaking with you soon!

  72. Mikail on October 5, 2016 at 3:03 pm

    Hi my father has car accident almost two years ago. After accident he started memory loss and blank episodes like he forgot what he did last half hour or where he is. This is super scary for us. We took him neuropsych appointment. They said his problems emotional just memory and concentrate is super bad but other tests looking brain injuries. He is still dealing blank episodes and when he is talking he forgot the words. Whats really going on we do not know. Any opinion you can share with us what we can do? If its not beain injury what is it? Thank you for reaponse.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 7, 2016 at 2:33 pm


      So sorry to hear of your father’s condition.

      Brain injuries such as concussion will most often show no significant findings on traditional tests like CT/MRI/laboratory analysis/etc. The fact that he is displaying poor memory on testing is evidence enough that he may be dealing with something such as post-concussion syndrome; particularly given his symptoms started after the accident.

      Without knowing any other medical history, and in the interest of his privacy here, please call the office to set up a free 15 minute consultation to discuss further and learn about options for him. Our # is 828.708.5274. There is hope in many cases like these.

      Take care!

      • Monica G on January 28, 2017 at 1:25 pm

        Hi Doctor
        In April 2016
        I was a passenger in a 4 car accident we were going 65 when someone passed us and completely stopped in the road. I broke the windshield passed out when I woke up by being tboned on my side as well. I had bleeding in the abdomen and had to have emergency surgery to fix this. All seemed ok but immediately after I complained of horrible nausea dizziness and severe headache. They said it was my migraines and passed it off. My gait was immediately compromised and I needed much assistance. I was sent home after a week. Later that week I was admitted due to slurring of speech constant fluttering of left eyelid and intractable headache. MRI was said to be fine and it was determined to be 2/2 post concussion syndrome. Almost 10 months later I am unable to stand without my walker and I can only walk with my walker to my bathroom. I am in a wheelchair all other times. I have significant dysarthria and dysphonia. It is so bad some of the Drs believe I have an undiagnosed neurological issue but no ideas. I have tried to Be as postive as possible however I see no end in sight. I need to get better I feel awful! We have spent the last 10 months going from dr to dr and therapy to therapy just to be told it will take time. More time then 10 months? Help!
        In Monica’s words typed by her son. Due to the many errors she still makes in typing.
        Thank you

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 28, 2017 at 2:13 pm


          So sorry to hear of your struggles.

          While it’s difficult at this time to determine if there were any pre-existing neurological conditions, or one that was made worse by the trauma, much of what you describe is quite common in sever post-concussion syndrome.

          Many will discount symptoms, or chalk them up to migraines and other physical and even mental health disorders. I created this webinar to explain the symptoms of concussion, how they are very real, and what can be done about them.

          This is something we see every day in practice with our unique intensive programs; and given the appropriate testing and multi-intervention approach, many can realize significantly higher levels of function in relatively short periods of time.

          Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further. We look forward to speaking with you soon!

  73. Candy on September 27, 2016 at 4:56 pm

    Hi doctor::
    Thanks for the time you take reading the comments, i had a concussion 3 months ago after i fainted for a pain i went to Emergency but they didn’t check my head, i knew i had it cuz of researching the psyntoms i went to a doctor and he saw i have rhinitis and sent me antibiotics and for allergy and told me that infection wasnt helping after that i started feeling good no problems but since 2 weeks ago i m dizzy again, i feel tired and sleepy and sometimes my head feels heavy small headaches, what do you recommend to do? I appreciate your answer.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 28, 2016 at 10:12 pm


      Thanks for reaching out!

      Best to have a qualified functional neurologist do an assessment and get you on the road to recovery as there is much that can be done, even many months after concussion.

      Please call our office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Take care and I look forward to speaking with you soon!

  74. Candy on September 27, 2016 at 4:56 pm

    Hi doctor::
    Thanks for the time you take reading the comments, i had a concussion 3 months ago after i fainted for a pain i went to Emergency but they didn’t check my head, i knew i had it cuz of researching the psyntoms i went to a doctor and he saw i have rhinitis and sent me antibiotics and for allergy and told me that infection wasnt helping after that i started feeling good no problems but since 2 weeks ago i m dizzy again, i feel tired and sleepy and sometimes my head feels heavy small headaches, what do you recommend to do? I appreciate your answer.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 28, 2016 at 10:12 pm


      Thanks for reaching out!

      Best to have a qualified functional neurologist do an assessment and get you on the road to recovery as there is much that can be done, even many months after concussion.

      Please call our office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Take care and I look forward to speaking with you soon!

  75. Hannah Murphy on September 26, 2016 at 10:52 am

    It’s unfortunate, the small amount of information I received after suffering from several concussions. I was a dumb, crazy kid, so of course I’d go out drinking, continue on playing roller derby, and riding half-tamed horses. I went to the E.R. for my first two concussions, followed up with my primary the second time, then just waited it out for my primary on the last one (all of these within one year) Only after I started having seizures did I look up what might be going on online (a big no, no, they say, but finding informative articles like these were a hell lot more helpful than any information I received prior) I’ve gone in and out of several neurologist offices for two years, had every test done (including a 72 hour EEG!) and nothing came up. Only now have I found a wonderful doctor who listened to my story and my symptoms, and believes it may be post-concussive syndrome–more than likely because I did absolutely everything one should not do after receiving a concussion.

    One good thing about the whole experience is I’ve made a little hobby of researching the brain and conditions that affect it. Thanks for your article, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 28, 2016 at 10:18 pm


      Good for you for continuing to research and find some answers.

      It seems, based on your note, that you have found someone who is understanding post-concussion syndrome, but are you having any intervention to help you get back to greater function?

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation as their is much that can be done to help persistent symptoms.

      Also. look at some of these videos with the concussion headings, some are as long as 12+ years after injury with great results!

      Take care and we hope to speak with you soon.

  76. Hannah Murphy on September 26, 2016 at 10:52 am

    It’s unfortunate, the small amount of information I received after suffering from several concussions. I was a dumb, crazy kid, so of course I’d go out drinking, continue on playing roller derby, and riding half-tamed horses. I went to the E.R. for my first two concussions, followed up with my primary the second time, then just waited it out for my primary on the last one (all of these within one year) Only after I started having seizures did I look up what might be going on online (a big no, no, they say, but finding informative articles like these were a hell lot more helpful than any information I received prior) I’ve gone in and out of several neurologist offices for two years, had every test done (including a 72 hour EEG!) and nothing came up. Only now have I found a wonderful doctor who listened to my story and my symptoms, and believes it may be post-concussive syndrome–more than likely because I did absolutely everything one should not do after receiving a concussion.

    One good thing about the whole experience is I’ve made a little hobby of researching the brain and conditions that affect it. Thanks for your article, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 28, 2016 at 10:18 pm


      Good for you for continuing to research and find some answers.

      It seems, based on your note, that you have found someone who is understanding post-concussion syndrome, but are you having any intervention to help you get back to greater function?

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation as their is much that can be done to help persistent symptoms.

      Also. look at some of these videos with the concussion headings, some are as long as 12+ years after injury with great results!

      Take care and we hope to speak with you soon.

  77. Shobiya on September 24, 2016 at 2:14 am

    I got banged in the table 4 years ago.I got hurt exactly behind my left ear side of my head.Till now i didnt have a constant pain there…but about a few days im feeling severe pain over there…and im constantly able notice the changes in my behaviour…i am able to work very briskly for smtime aftr tht i coulnt able get out of bed.Some times i feel like fainting nd if i close my eyes and sat for a minute im getting into normal…and im forgetting things very constantly…i couldnt think of anything ,evrything is ending up in a big confusion..finally im feeling like im getting mad at evry1 around me…i dont know what to do now…

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 28, 2016 at 10:23 pm


      Your symptoms sound quite serious and seem to be having a major impact on your life.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further in private as there is much that can be done to assess and likely improve your current situation.

      Take care and we look forward to speaking with you soon!

  78. Shobiya on September 24, 2016 at 2:14 am

    I got banged in the table 4 years ago.I got hurt exactly behind my left ear side of my head.Till now i didnt have a constant pain there…but about a few days im feeling severe pain over there…and im constantly able notice the changes in my behaviour…i am able to work very briskly for smtime aftr tht i coulnt able get out of bed.Some times i feel like fainting nd if i close my eyes and sat for a minute im getting into normal…and im forgetting things very constantly…i couldnt think of anything ,evrything is ending up in a big confusion..finally im feeling like im getting mad at evry1 around me…i dont know what to do now…

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 28, 2016 at 10:23 pm


      Your symptoms sound quite serious and seem to be having a major impact on your life.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further in private as there is much that can be done to assess and likely improve your current situation.

      Take care and we look forward to speaking with you soon!

  79. Makelti on September 17, 2016 at 10:09 pm

    A couple years ago I was out riding my bike without my helmet (yes, I know, bad idea), and I was going down a semi-steep hill that I’ve gone down several times before this. This time I had decided to stick to the sidewalk, since normally I was in the street. I forgot that the sidewalk abruptly ends and starts again less than halfway down, and by the time I saw it I didn’t have enough time to react. The bike hit the curb where the sidewalk abruptly starts again and it flipped. I was practically launched off the bike, hit my back and head, and the bike then landed on top of me.

    The fall really hurt and I stayed down for a while, but when I tried to get up again my head suddenly got foggy and pounded. It felt like I could feel my heartbeat in my head, and every beat brought a wave of pain that made my thoughts and vision blurry.
    I didn’t get any help for it. My parents (when I made it home and told them what happened) took it lightly and never did anything regarding it either.

    Since then I’ve had problems staying focused, frequent headaches, and more memory problems than before.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 17, 2016 at 11:54 pm


      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss you case as there is much that can be done to help with the symptoms you describe related to head injury.

      Best to call with your parents if you are under 18.

      Hope to hear from you soon.

      Take care!

  80. Makelti on September 17, 2016 at 10:09 pm

    A couple years ago I was out riding my bike without my helmet (yes, I know, bad idea), and I was going down a semi-steep hill that I’ve gone down several times before this. This time I had decided to stick to the sidewalk, since normally I was in the street. I forgot that the sidewalk abruptly ends and starts again less than halfway down, and by the time I saw it I didn’t have enough time to react. The bike hit the curb where the sidewalk abruptly starts again and it flipped. I was practically launched off the bike, hit my back and head, and the bike then landed on top of me.

    The fall really hurt and I stayed down for a while, but when I tried to get up again my head suddenly got foggy and pounded. It felt like I could feel my heartbeat in my head, and every beat brought a wave of pain that made my thoughts and vision blurry.
    I didn’t get any help for it. My parents (when I made it home and told them what happened) took it lightly and never did anything regarding it either.

    Since then I’ve had problems staying focused, frequent headaches, and more memory problems than before.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 17, 2016 at 11:54 pm


      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss you case as there is much that can be done to help with the symptoms you describe related to head injury.

      Best to call with your parents if you are under 18.

      Hope to hear from you soon.

      Take care!

  81. Tracy Collins on September 15, 2016 at 7:47 pm

    When I was 5 years old I fell and busted my head open and had to get staples in the upper back side of my head. When I was 12 all the way up to 20 years of age I suffered from Hypoglocemia which has caused me to faint and hit my head over 6-7 times. I have HORRIBLE memory loss, clumsy, headaches often, I have a very hard time explaining subjects, answering questions, or even processing any information. I’m 20 years old. Will this get better for me or is this permanent?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 18, 2016 at 12:16 am


      So sorry to hear of your struggles.

      Given the progressive nature of your symptoms, and your obvious concern about them, it would be wise to seek evaluation for them.

      This is likely not permanent, although you would need to have numerous aspects of your neurological function evaluated to tell for sure what areas you might be able to improve in.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further.

      Take care and we hope to speak with you soon!

  82. Tracy Collins on September 15, 2016 at 7:47 pm

    When I was 5 years old I fell and busted my head open and had to get staples in the upper back side of my head. When I was 12 all the way up to 20 years of age I suffered from Hypoglocemia which has caused me to faint and hit my head over 6-7 times. I have HORRIBLE memory loss, clumsy, headaches often, I have a very hard time explaining subjects, answering questions, or even processing any information. I’m 20 years old. Will this get better for me or is this permanent?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 18, 2016 at 12:16 am


      So sorry to hear of your struggles.

      Given the progressive nature of your symptoms, and your obvious concern about them, it would be wise to seek evaluation for them.

      This is likely not permanent, although you would need to have numerous aspects of your neurological function evaluated to tell for sure what areas you might be able to improve in.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss further.

      Take care and we hope to speak with you soon!

  83. Tony on September 9, 2016 at 7:44 pm

    In high school I never thought much of concussions. I played football for 8 years always a little undersized for my position so I gave my all and a lot of the time it meant leading hits with my head I can’t count the number of times I walked back to the huddle in a total haze or no remembrance what so ever. I was only diagnosed once with a concussion but never said anything when I had similar symptoms plenty of other times now have a lot of trouble focusing, I forget things and have zero attention spans. Drinking leads to total blackouts even without drinking heavy. I also have lately been noticing major mood swings. I’m 21 years old and haven’t had a concussion since high school should I get looked at?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 9, 2016 at 7:56 pm


      Everything you describe can be associated with concussion or post-concussion syndrome. If you played that long and hit as hard as you did, it’s highly likely that you’ve had many more than one.

      You should absolutely get things looked at with a comprehensive assessment of numerous physical biomarkers that can be impaired long after concussions have taken place. This is a podcast I’ve done for the past year with this link leading to concussion specific topics. Pay special attention to the ones labeled biomarkers to learn more of what needs to be looked at –

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss options for assessment and treatment. We see folks from all over the country with the same types of issues.

      Take care!

  84. Tony on September 9, 2016 at 7:44 pm

    In high school I never thought much of concussions. I played football for 8 years always a little undersized for my position so I gave my all and a lot of the time it meant leading hits with my head I can’t count the number of times I walked back to the huddle in a total haze or no remembrance what so ever. I was only diagnosed once with a concussion but never said anything when I had similar symptoms plenty of other times now have a lot of trouble focusing, I forget things and have zero attention spans. Drinking leads to total blackouts even without drinking heavy. I also have lately been noticing major mood swings. I’m 21 years old and haven’t had a concussion since high school should I get looked at?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 9, 2016 at 7:56 pm


      Everything you describe can be associated with concussion or post-concussion syndrome. If you played that long and hit as hard as you did, it’s highly likely that you’ve had many more than one.

      You should absolutely get things looked at with a comprehensive assessment of numerous physical biomarkers that can be impaired long after concussions have taken place. This is a podcast I’ve done for the past year with this link leading to concussion specific topics. Pay special attention to the ones labeled biomarkers to learn more of what needs to be looked at –

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss options for assessment and treatment. We see folks from all over the country with the same types of issues.

      Take care!

  85. Brianna on September 7, 2016 at 6:14 pm

    I am 22 years old. I live in Ontario Canada. I have all the symptoms listed above. I also have fibromyalgia. I moved back in with my parents because my panic and anxiety is so bad. Towards the end of July(I cant remember exactly when) my ex accidentally dropped a stack of 4-5 glass plates that an old roomate left ontop the fridge on top of my head. Saw spots/stars for a minute or so, I cried alot intially and had no headache after just a dull aching pain that went away. On and off all of August Id get pressure like headaches that wouldnt last long. Now the past 2 weeks my head starting hurting, feels as if my brain is being pressed upon. Extremely light sensitive (I bought UV and polarized sunglasses, as sometimes the fluorescent lighting that gets turned on here at home is too much for me) and I cant stand very long without feeling lightheaded or dizzy. My memory is horrible, can bately read for short periods of time any longer than 10 mins. Focusing on things far away is the worst and scares me so I must do everything slowly. Contantly hot but do not have a thermometer to check if I have a fever or not, always thirtsy and am urinating every 20 mins. Loose bowel movements all month or diarrhea. I also have hearing loss, went to a doctor yesterday to get wax build up cleaned out with an ear instrument and hot water but my hearing is worse than before I went so the doctor prescribed a nasal spray to see if it can help. Dont know if I should mention this or not I think jt could be helpful, my ex and I broke up after almost 6 years together because he is a narcissist I couldnt take the abuse any longer and I am suffering from complex ptsd and narcissistic victim syndome from the gaslighting and manipulation. He drugged me the night of when my head was hit with the plates with that club drug Molly and I dont know if what Im experiencing is from the trauma or an untreated concussion. Every so often I am having nightmares of repressed memories of sexual abuse from when I was a child. I am constantly afraid of everything, cant even look myself in the eyes. I dont know what to do other than see another psychologist because the one I see I am only able to see her once a month she gets booked up pretty quickly. I should mention that after my ex drugged me it really started for me anxiety wise and I had my first and only seizure, mild, went to hospital to get my blood pressure checked my heart rate and talked to a psychologist there said I was ok but presribed me 0.5mg of xanax before bed to help with my insomnia. I am in the process of switching family doctors because mine is retiring soon and he told me he cant help me. I really dont know what to do. Took me about 45 minutes to write this message out. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you very much.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 9, 2016 at 8:02 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles. Brave of you to bring all of this to light and to seek answers for your pain.

      Given the extensive nature of symptoms and history, best to call us for free consultation at 828.708.5274. We have folks travel from all over US and Canada to seek treatment at APEX for concussion, PTSD and more. That said, if you are unable to travel, please consult the website and search the doctor locator to find a functional neurologist near you. They are the ones best qualified to work with much of what you’re dealing with at this point.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  86. Brianna on September 7, 2016 at 6:14 pm

    I am 22 years old. I live in Ontario Canada. I have all the symptoms listed above. I also have fibromyalgia. I moved back in with my parents because my panic and anxiety is so bad. Towards the end of July(I cant remember exactly when) my ex accidentally dropped a stack of 4-5 glass plates that an old roomate left ontop the fridge on top of my head. Saw spots/stars for a minute or so, I cried alot intially and had no headache after just a dull aching pain that went away. On and off all of August Id get pressure like headaches that wouldnt last long. Now the past 2 weeks my head starting hurting, feels as if my brain is being pressed upon. Extremely light sensitive (I bought UV and polarized sunglasses, as sometimes the fluorescent lighting that gets turned on here at home is too much for me) and I cant stand very long without feeling lightheaded or dizzy. My memory is horrible, can bately read for short periods of time any longer than 10 mins. Focusing on things far away is the worst and scares me so I must do everything slowly. Contantly hot but do not have a thermometer to check if I have a fever or not, always thirtsy and am urinating every 20 mins. Loose bowel movements all month or diarrhea. I also have hearing loss, went to a doctor yesterday to get wax build up cleaned out with an ear instrument and hot water but my hearing is worse than before I went so the doctor prescribed a nasal spray to see if it can help. Dont know if I should mention this or not I think jt could be helpful, my ex and I broke up after almost 6 years together because he is a narcissist I couldnt take the abuse any longer and I am suffering from complex ptsd and narcissistic victim syndome from the gaslighting and manipulation. He drugged me the night of when my head was hit with the plates with that club drug Molly and I dont know if what Im experiencing is from the trauma or an untreated concussion. Every so often I am having nightmares of repressed memories of sexual abuse from when I was a child. I am constantly afraid of everything, cant even look myself in the eyes. I dont know what to do other than see another psychologist because the one I see I am only able to see her once a month she gets booked up pretty quickly. I should mention that after my ex drugged me it really started for me anxiety wise and I had my first and only seizure, mild, went to hospital to get my blood pressure checked my heart rate and talked to a psychologist there said I was ok but presribed me 0.5mg of xanax before bed to help with my insomnia. I am in the process of switching family doctors because mine is retiring soon and he told me he cant help me. I really dont know what to do. Took me about 45 minutes to write this message out. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you very much.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 9, 2016 at 8:02 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles. Brave of you to bring all of this to light and to seek answers for your pain.

      Given the extensive nature of symptoms and history, best to call us for free consultation at 828.708.5274. We have folks travel from all over US and Canada to seek treatment at APEX for concussion, PTSD and more. That said, if you are unable to travel, please consult the website and search the doctor locator to find a functional neurologist near you. They are the ones best qualified to work with much of what you’re dealing with at this point.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  87. danny on August 23, 2016 at 2:38 am

    i had a wreck last monday this is 7 days later i hit someone in the rearend on the interstate in stop and go traffic . i got a bump on my forehead a nd a bruise and sore on top of my head i end up getting arrested for dui on my way to work monday morning when i took my medications two hours earlier ive been doing this same routine for 5 years, just about all the reasons the officer said he arrested me for falls under concussion , slurred speech, off balance, said my eyes werent open, sluggish. i told him i was knocked out, and fell asleep again before he got there i was even holding top of my head telling him i hit it, but i still got arrested because my medication was oxy codone and lorzone a non narcotic muscle relaxer that took me and my doctor 3 months to get these two right to where i was not feeling drowsy… my main question is …is it to late for me to go to doctor for this ive had headaches alll week im writing with one eye closed thats only way i can read without being blurry and my head is still sore

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 1, 2016 at 9:03 pm


      It is definitely not too late to get checked out. We’ve seen many folks months and even years after head injuries with persistent symptoms. Head pain and eye symptoms are very common after concussions/mild TBI.

      Please call our office for free consultation if you’d like to discuss some options for you.

      Take care.

  88. danny on August 23, 2016 at 2:38 am

    i had a wreck last monday this is 7 days later i hit someone in the rearend on the interstate in stop and go traffic . i got a bump on my forehead a nd a bruise and sore on top of my head i end up getting arrested for dui on my way to work monday morning when i took my medications two hours earlier ive been doing this same routine for 5 years, just about all the reasons the officer said he arrested me for falls under concussion , slurred speech, off balance, said my eyes werent open, sluggish. i told him i was knocked out, and fell asleep again before he got there i was even holding top of my head telling him i hit it, but i still got arrested because my medication was oxy codone and lorzone a non narcotic muscle relaxer that took me and my doctor 3 months to get these two right to where i was not feeling drowsy… my main question is …is it to late for me to go to doctor for this ive had headaches alll week im writing with one eye closed thats only way i can read without being blurry and my head is still sore

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 1, 2016 at 9:03 pm


      It is definitely not too late to get checked out. We’ve seen many folks months and even years after head injuries with persistent symptoms. Head pain and eye symptoms are very common after concussions/mild TBI.

      Please call our office for free consultation if you’d like to discuss some options for you.

      Take care.

  89. Karen Melanson on August 19, 2016 at 7:12 pm

    I was in a car accident Feb. 4 2015 was treated for both whip lash and Post Concussion.Treatment for concussion ended in August 0f 2015, Whip lash May 2016. At first only was getting headaches once in awhile in 2015 memorie promblems once in awhile. The past year i have headaches everyday, virtigo becoming worse all the time. I hve had days where i wont even know what a screw driver is, one day i did know who my step mom was(That only last a rew seconds but scared the crap out of me). I noticed if the top of my head hurts like i hit it it effects my reasoning and the more i try to thing about things it makes that spot hurt more. There are day I can’t get out of bed because of the virtigo. And all my symptoms seams to get worse all the time. They did a 48 hourEEG and they said the left side of my brain has slowed down. I still see my doctor for all of this but seems to be going no where. I am also having some anger and anixety along with all of that too. Please Help!!!

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 22, 2016 at 6:22 pm


      So sorry to hear of your situation – this is something we see nearly every day in practice.

      With all that is going on, it’s best that you call the office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your options for relieving these increasing symptoms.

      We look forward to talking with you soon.

  90. Karen Melanson on August 19, 2016 at 7:12 pm

    I was in a car accident Feb. 4 2015 was treated for both whip lash and Post Concussion.Treatment for concussion ended in August 0f 2015, Whip lash May 2016. At first only was getting headaches once in awhile in 2015 memorie promblems once in awhile. The past year i have headaches everyday, virtigo becoming worse all the time. I hve had days where i wont even know what a screw driver is, one day i did know who my step mom was(That only last a rew seconds but scared the crap out of me). I noticed if the top of my head hurts like i hit it it effects my reasoning and the more i try to thing about things it makes that spot hurt more. There are day I can’t get out of bed because of the virtigo. And all my symptoms seams to get worse all the time. They did a 48 hourEEG and they said the left side of my brain has slowed down. I still see my doctor for all of this but seems to be going no where. I am also having some anger and anixety along with all of that too. Please Help!!!

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 22, 2016 at 6:22 pm


      So sorry to hear of your situation – this is something we see nearly every day in practice.

      With all that is going on, it’s best that you call the office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your options for relieving these increasing symptoms.

      We look forward to talking with you soon.

  91. Homz on August 17, 2016 at 11:15 am

    Gud pm dr last February 2016 i fell from a truck and my backhead had hit hard to the ground after that I can’t even stand on my own. .my vision was blurry but im not totally unconscious. .1 day after that incident i felt dizzy and it took 1 week for me to recover from that dizziness. .after 6 months i felt it again, that was last week. .i need some advice. .is it dangerous? Thank you and God bless

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 22, 2016 at 6:25 pm


      Thank you for your inquiry and sorry to hear of your persistent symptoms.

      There is a danger of persistent symptoms such as dizziness as this could lead to impaired balance, falls, and further head injury.

      Best you call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Talk to you soon.

      • homz on August 26, 2016 at 11:17 pm

        Sorry dr. Im from philippines i jus want some advic about to my problem thank you

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 1, 2016 at 9:00 pm

          would love to advise – although do not have enough information to offer any reliable assistance. Please call the office at 828.708.5274 if you’d like to discuss further. We do offer distance consulting for those out of state or country. Take care!

  92. Homz on August 17, 2016 at 11:15 am

    Gud pm dr last February 2016 i fell from a truck and my backhead had hit hard to the ground after that I can’t even stand on my own. .my vision was blurry but im not totally unconscious. .1 day after that incident i felt dizzy and it took 1 week for me to recover from that dizziness. .after 6 months i felt it again, that was last week. .i need some advice. .is it dangerous? Thank you and God bless

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 22, 2016 at 6:25 pm


      Thank you for your inquiry and sorry to hear of your persistent symptoms.

      There is a danger of persistent symptoms such as dizziness as this could lead to impaired balance, falls, and further head injury.

      Best you call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Talk to you soon.

      • homz on August 26, 2016 at 11:17 pm

        Sorry dr. Im from philippines i jus want some advic about to my problem thank you

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 1, 2016 at 9:00 pm

          would love to advise – although do not have enough information to offer any reliable assistance. Please call the office at 828.708.5274 if you’d like to discuss further. We do offer distance consulting for those out of state or country. Take care!

  93. Lauren on August 16, 2016 at 8:54 pm

    I have hit my head hard multiple times that I can remember through growing up. Once I hit the back of my head on cement, one on the ice (where I saw stars), I fell down the steps at around 4 yrs. old. I never really had immediate symptoms that I recognized. For awhile though, I have had fatigue from over stimulation. I don’t like to be on the go for long amounts of time because it just drains me. I also struggle with irritability and aniexty. Sometimes it’s hard for me to stay focused on certain things. It’s like I’m mentally tired and drained. Also my eyes seem to get tired as well and sometimes things seem brighter all of a sudden then it will go away. I do have occasional headaches as well.
    Could it be that my symptoms progressed even though my injuries were spread out and the most recent being about 8 years ago?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 22, 2016 at 6:30 pm


      Yes, symptoms related to multiple concussions and post-concussion syndrome can absolutely progress over time for many reasons. And, they need to be treated appropriately in order for resolution in most cases, particularly this long after the injury.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you as there is hope in many cases – even this long after injury.

      Talk to you soon – take care!

  94. Lauren on August 16, 2016 at 8:54 pm

    I have hit my head hard multiple times that I can remember through growing up. Once I hit the back of my head on cement, one on the ice (where I saw stars), I fell down the steps at around 4 yrs. old. I never really had immediate symptoms that I recognized. For awhile though, I have had fatigue from over stimulation. I don’t like to be on the go for long amounts of time because it just drains me. I also struggle with irritability and aniexty. Sometimes it’s hard for me to stay focused on certain things. It’s like I’m mentally tired and drained. Also my eyes seem to get tired as well and sometimes things seem brighter all of a sudden then it will go away. I do have occasional headaches as well.
    Could it be that my symptoms progressed even though my injuries were spread out and the most recent being about 8 years ago?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 22, 2016 at 6:30 pm


      Yes, symptoms related to multiple concussions and post-concussion syndrome can absolutely progress over time for many reasons. And, they need to be treated appropriately in order for resolution in most cases, particularly this long after the injury.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you as there is hope in many cases – even this long after injury.

      Talk to you soon – take care!

  95. alfred bullocks on August 16, 2016 at 7:38 pm

    Hi Doc…my.problem is last february 2016 i fall from a truck and hit back head hard so that i cant stand in my own.i felt so weak and so took 1 week of dizziness i felt after that accident..6 months later ..last week i feel the dizziness that i felt before after that accident..i just want some advice for that case ..thank you and godbless

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 22, 2016 at 6:32 pm


      Please see reply to your inquiry on 8/17 below:

      Thank you for your inquiry and sorry to hear of your persistent symptoms.

      There is a danger of persistent symptoms such as dizziness as this could lead to impaired balance, falls, and further head injury.

      Best you call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Talk to you soon.

  96. alfred bullocks on August 16, 2016 at 7:38 pm

    Hi Doc…my.problem is last february 2016 i fall from a truck and hit back head hard so that i cant stand in my own.i felt so weak and so took 1 week of dizziness i felt after that accident..6 months later ..last week i feel the dizziness that i felt before after that accident..i just want some advice for that case ..thank you and godbless

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 22, 2016 at 6:32 pm


      Please see reply to your inquiry on 8/17 below:

      Thank you for your inquiry and sorry to hear of your persistent symptoms.

      There is a danger of persistent symptoms such as dizziness as this could lead to impaired balance, falls, and further head injury.

      Best you call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Talk to you soon.

  97. Catherine Christensen on August 16, 2016 at 11:48 am

    Many years ago , about 48 to be exact, I fell and hit my head while curling. Since then I have had several falls on my head, figure skating. About twenty years ago I started to develop symptoms of what my Dr. thought was Depression – trouble sleeping, fatigue, emotional lability. My memory became progressively worse to the point that I now have little recall and have to write everything down. I have been diagnosed with Bi Polar disorder because of questionable decision making and behavior/personality changes that just are nothing like me. My balance and coordination are very poor and I have a positive Babinski sign on the left side. An MRI 7 years ago showed a communited skull fracture and some plaques that were put down to aging. I was 60 at the time. The more I read the more I wonder if my issues are related to the falls I had. I never went to be treated, because I always thought that you had to lose consciousness to have a concussion. I also was in a car accident around this time as well and was diagnosed with a Grade 3 whiplash. I appreciate the information on this site. It is so helpful

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 22, 2016 at 6:40 pm


      You definitely do not need to lose consciousness (LOC) to have a concussion. Estimates are as high as 85% of concussions not being related to LOC (whiplash injuries contributing to a large number of this percentage.) It is very likely that the vast majority of your symptoms are due to the injuries, and compensatory patterns in various systems as a result.

      Given your persistent, varied and serious symptoms, a thorough evaluation by someone in the concussion treatment arena is warranted. Many concussion ‘specialists’ are looking largely at diagnostics with no viable intervention. We are focused on both thorough evaluation and effective intervention.

      Please look at some videos under the Success Stories tab of our site to hear directly from those just like you who have gotten past many of their symptoms.

      Call us at 828.708.5274 for free consultation to discuss further.

      Take care.

  98. Catherine Christensen on August 16, 2016 at 11:48 am

    Many years ago , about 48 to be exact, I fell and hit my head while curling. Since then I have had several falls on my head, figure skating. About twenty years ago I started to develop symptoms of what my Dr. thought was Depression – trouble sleeping, fatigue, emotional lability. My memory became progressively worse to the point that I now have little recall and have to write everything down. I have been diagnosed with Bi Polar disorder because of questionable decision making and behavior/personality changes that just are nothing like me. My balance and coordination are very poor and I have a positive Babinski sign on the left side. An MRI 7 years ago showed a communited skull fracture and some plaques that were put down to aging. I was 60 at the time. The more I read the more I wonder if my issues are related to the falls I had. I never went to be treated, because I always thought that you had to lose consciousness to have a concussion. I also was in a car accident around this time as well and was diagnosed with a Grade 3 whiplash. I appreciate the information on this site. It is so helpful

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 22, 2016 at 6:40 pm


      You definitely do not need to lose consciousness (LOC) to have a concussion. Estimates are as high as 85% of concussions not being related to LOC (whiplash injuries contributing to a large number of this percentage.) It is very likely that the vast majority of your symptoms are due to the injuries, and compensatory patterns in various systems as a result.

      Given your persistent, varied and serious symptoms, a thorough evaluation by someone in the concussion treatment arena is warranted. Many concussion ‘specialists’ are looking largely at diagnostics with no viable intervention. We are focused on both thorough evaluation and effective intervention.

      Please look at some videos under the Success Stories tab of our site to hear directly from those just like you who have gotten past many of their symptoms.

      Call us at 828.708.5274 for free consultation to discuss further.

      Take care.

  99. Betty klassen on August 8, 2016 at 12:18 pm

    So im 56 year old female. Ive had three major head injurys. At 15 i was standing on a basket ball in friends basement and it went out from beneath me i fell back words and hit my head on cement. No med treatment mom put me to bed for a few days. I was hit very hard at age 19 and crushed my cheekbone had major surgery to repair and at age 26 was in a car accident hit windshield.. So i started having panic attacks some years back and they are getting worse mostly at night bring me out of sound sleep. Its very frightinging and hard to explane. Do u think its from my head tramas …

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 8, 2016 at 8:54 pm


      So sorry to hear of your misfortune.

      The long-term ramifications of multiple head injuries (especially without treatment) are far-reaching as outlined in this short article.

      The short answer to your question is yes, they can be related. The longer answer is that you would simply need to be assessed appropriately to ascertain the full extent of your deficits and what can be done to improve them.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you should you care to seek answers for your situation.

      Take care!

  100. Betty klassen on August 8, 2016 at 12:18 pm

    So im 56 year old female. Ive had three major head injurys. At 15 i was standing on a basket ball in friends basement and it went out from beneath me i fell back words and hit my head on cement. No med treatment mom put me to bed for a few days. I was hit very hard at age 19 and crushed my cheekbone had major surgery to repair and at age 26 was in a car accident hit windshield.. So i started having panic attacks some years back and they are getting worse mostly at night bring me out of sound sleep. Its very frightinging and hard to explane. Do u think its from my head tramas …

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 8, 2016 at 8:54 pm


      So sorry to hear of your misfortune.

      The long-term ramifications of multiple head injuries (especially without treatment) are far-reaching as outlined in this short article.

      The short answer to your question is yes, they can be related. The longer answer is that you would simply need to be assessed appropriately to ascertain the full extent of your deficits and what can be done to improve them.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you should you care to seek answers for your situation.

      Take care!

  101. Rob on August 3, 2016 at 10:45 pm

    I am 15 years old. I suffered a concussion about 8 months ago. What was so unfortunate about this was that i hit my head again fairly hard before recovering from my concussion. Since then i have suffered from post concussive syndrome and many of its symptoms. Throughout this time period i have hit my head dozens of times. Every time i am engulfed in anxiety and depression feeling as if i have relapsed on my road to recovery. For the most part i have felt no different but some that are hard enough increase the severity of my symptoms. At this point my family members think i am faking my symptoms and ignore my pleads. Im wondering how many more bumps on the head i can take before something very bad happens and how i can communicate with my parents about my problems.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 5, 2016 at 10:23 am


      We have sent you an email with information to contact our office with your parents for further guidance.

      Thank you and we hope to hear from you all soon!

  102. Rob on August 3, 2016 at 10:45 pm

    I am 15 years old. I suffered a concussion about 8 months ago. What was so unfortunate about this was that i hit my head again fairly hard before recovering from my concussion. Since then i have suffered from post concussive syndrome and many of its symptoms. Throughout this time period i have hit my head dozens of times. Every time i am engulfed in anxiety and depression feeling as if i have relapsed on my road to recovery. For the most part i have felt no different but some that are hard enough increase the severity of my symptoms. At this point my family members think i am faking my symptoms and ignore my pleads. Im wondering how many more bumps on the head i can take before something very bad happens and how i can communicate with my parents about my problems.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 5, 2016 at 10:23 am


      We have sent you an email with information to contact our office with your parents for further guidance.

      Thank you and we hope to hear from you all soon!

  103. Bently on August 1, 2016 at 3:36 pm

    My dad slapped me in the head and got ringing in the ears and terrible confusion. It was rapidly resolving but then mom hit me on other side of head. Afterwards not quite the same, and even small hits make me feel feint and reduce all my thoughts. This three head hits all in just one week. Now I feel feint and sluggish. Is this still pcs, or is this permanent damage?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 4, 2016 at 12:04 am


      Sorry to hear of your struggles.

      It is difficult to comment on PCS or otherwise without a thorough examination and diagnostic testing.

      Please call the office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your concerns and possible action steps.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  104. Bently on August 1, 2016 at 3:36 pm

    My dad slapped me in the head and got ringing in the ears and terrible confusion. It was rapidly resolving but then mom hit me on other side of head. Afterwards not quite the same, and even small hits make me feel feint and reduce all my thoughts. This three head hits all in just one week. Now I feel feint and sluggish. Is this still pcs, or is this permanent damage?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 4, 2016 at 12:04 am


      Sorry to hear of your struggles.

      It is difficult to comment on PCS or otherwise without a thorough examination and diagnostic testing.

      Please call the office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your concerns and possible action steps.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  105. ashley sebastian on July 31, 2016 at 3:40 pm

    while at work about a month ago i hit myself in the head very hard . right after my vision was blurred and I started to vomit . since then i wake with a severe headache and its constant . i did not go to the doctor when it happened .also my every time my neck cracks it sends sharp pains up to my head . the only time i get a small bit of relief is when my boyfriend rubs my neck .i was just wondering what your thoughts were ?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 3, 2016 at 11:57 pm


      It is very likely you suffered a concussion given the headaches, vision issues and vomiting.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      We hope to hear from you soon!

  106. ashley sebastian on July 31, 2016 at 3:40 pm

    while at work about a month ago i hit myself in the head very hard . right after my vision was blurred and I started to vomit . since then i wake with a severe headache and its constant . i did not go to the doctor when it happened .also my every time my neck cracks it sends sharp pains up to my head . the only time i get a small bit of relief is when my boyfriend rubs my neck .i was just wondering what your thoughts were ?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on August 3, 2016 at 11:57 pm


      It is very likely you suffered a concussion given the headaches, vision issues and vomiting.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      We hope to hear from you soon!

  107. Daniel on July 27, 2016 at 4:14 am

    I had a motorcycle accident when I was 20. I don’t remember the actual impact but I was told I hit the back of my head on a large rock. I do remember trying to get back on my motorcycle only to fall over several times. I think I remember everything in my vision being very low and to one side (if that is even possible). My memories of life before the accident are few and anything after are very faded. I am 45 and have felt confident and seem to be perfectly capable to do any task or job opportunity that have come my way through out the years only to lose them for reasons now I can’t remember. Recently I started withdrawing from my loved ones even though I realize I’m doing it. I just got medical insurance and don’t know how to even get the help needed.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 30, 2016 at 9:18 am

      Greetings Daniel:

      So sorry to hear of your recent struggles.

      Given the onset of challenges you describe along with the history of head injury, a discussion is warranted and help is available for these types of issues.

      Please call our office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  108. Daniel on July 27, 2016 at 4:14 am

    I had a motorcycle accident when I was 20. I don’t remember the actual impact but I was told I hit the back of my head on a large rock. I do remember trying to get back on my motorcycle only to fall over several times. I think I remember everything in my vision being very low and to one side (if that is even possible). My memories of life before the accident are few and anything after are very faded. I am 45 and have felt confident and seem to be perfectly capable to do any task or job opportunity that have come my way through out the years only to lose them for reasons now I can’t remember. Recently I started withdrawing from my loved ones even though I realize I’m doing it. I just got medical insurance and don’t know how to even get the help needed.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 30, 2016 at 9:18 am

      Greetings Daniel:

      So sorry to hear of your recent struggles.

      Given the onset of challenges you describe along with the history of head injury, a discussion is warranted and help is available for these types of issues.

      Please call our office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  109. pavithra on July 27, 2016 at 1:58 am

    Hi, One month back I met an road accident, while I was crossing the road, One two wheeler hit me, I was unconscious for 5 minutes and I didn’t remember from hitting the bike to getting consciousness like 10 minutes duration. I got injured in fore head,admitted in hospital 1 day, In my scan reports I was having scalp hematoma. Now I am feeling weakness,right leg pain , digestion problems, mild head aches for past two weeks.
    I am 30 years old and living in India, Please suggest me whether I need to go for further check ups , as my situation is maintainable can I wait for some time ?.. If I wait it will be worse ?..

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 30, 2016 at 9:15 am

      Greetings Pavithra:

      So sorry to hear of your unfortunate event.

      You would absolutely want to receive further evaluation for persistent symptoms.

      I am unaware of anyone in India utilizing the types of therapies we offer, although many folks do travel from far and wide and we have distance consulting for those unable to travel.

      Please call our office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  110. pavithra on July 27, 2016 at 1:58 am

    Hi, One month back I met an road accident, while I was crossing the road, One two wheeler hit me, I was unconscious for 5 minutes and I didn’t remember from hitting the bike to getting consciousness like 10 minutes duration. I got injured in fore head,admitted in hospital 1 day, In my scan reports I was having scalp hematoma. Now I am feeling weakness,right leg pain , digestion problems, mild head aches for past two weeks.
    I am 30 years old and living in India, Please suggest me whether I need to go for further check ups , as my situation is maintainable can I wait for some time ?.. If I wait it will be worse ?..

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 30, 2016 at 9:15 am

      Greetings Pavithra:

      So sorry to hear of your unfortunate event.

      You would absolutely want to receive further evaluation for persistent symptoms.

      I am unaware of anyone in India utilizing the types of therapies we offer, although many folks do travel from far and wide and we have distance consulting for those unable to travel.

      Please call our office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

  111. Emma on July 19, 2016 at 11:43 pm

    Hello, today when I was walking through my attic, I hit my head very hard on the slanting part of the ceiling, enough so that I fell to the ground. I put an ice pack on it and the swelling went down, but it is still a noticable bump. It doesn’t hurt much anymore. It has been about 3 hours. I am always a bit paranoid about these things and am worried about it being a concussion, should I go to the doctor?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm


      Sounds like quite a hit you took.

      There is always cause for concern with any hit to the head as symptoms are not always immediate. Some red flags are things like nausea, dizziness, visual disturbances and more.

      The only way to be completely certain there is no serious injury is to get a CT scan from your Dr. or local emergency room, especially if any symptoms develop.

      Pain is normal, but without appropriate assessment it is difficult to tell what else is going on.

      Get checked out, and please call us at 828.708.5274 if you’d care to discuss further.

      Take care!

  112. Emma on July 19, 2016 at 11:43 pm

    Hello, today when I was walking through my attic, I hit my head very hard on the slanting part of the ceiling, enough so that I fell to the ground. I put an ice pack on it and the swelling went down, but it is still a noticable bump. It doesn’t hurt much anymore. It has been about 3 hours. I am always a bit paranoid about these things and am worried about it being a concussion, should I go to the doctor?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm


      Sounds like quite a hit you took.

      There is always cause for concern with any hit to the head as symptoms are not always immediate. Some red flags are things like nausea, dizziness, visual disturbances and more.

      The only way to be completely certain there is no serious injury is to get a CT scan from your Dr. or local emergency room, especially if any symptoms develop.

      Pain is normal, but without appropriate assessment it is difficult to tell what else is going on.

      Get checked out, and please call us at 828.708.5274 if you’d care to discuss further.

      Take care!

  113. Brandy Fiegel on July 14, 2016 at 5:00 pm

    I hit my head hard knocked me on my butt about 2 weeks ago. The past few days I have been having alpt of dizzy spells blackouts numbness and tingling down both arms and a headache on and off but not to bad. The hit hurt for a few minutes that was it so I never went to get checked since I felt fine

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 14, 2016 at 10:56 pm


      With the dizzy spells, blackouts, and symptoms in the arms, you should absolutely get checked out. Call your primary care physician, go to an urgent care, or emergency room if needed.

      Once cleared, please contact us at 828.708.5274 and we can discuss options for you should you want to address these symptoms as they are concerning.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you once you get looked at for acute injury.

  114. Brandy Fiegel on July 14, 2016 at 5:00 pm

    I hit my head hard knocked me on my butt about 2 weeks ago. The past few days I have been having alpt of dizzy spells blackouts numbness and tingling down both arms and a headache on and off but not to bad. The hit hurt for a few minutes that was it so I never went to get checked since I felt fine

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 14, 2016 at 10:56 pm


      With the dizzy spells, blackouts, and symptoms in the arms, you should absolutely get checked out. Call your primary care physician, go to an urgent care, or emergency room if needed.

      Once cleared, please contact us at 828.708.5274 and we can discuss options for you should you want to address these symptoms as they are concerning.

      Take care and we hope to hear from you once you get looked at for acute injury.

  115. MIRANDA Workman on June 24, 2016 at 11:05 pm

    Hello my name is Miranda Workman and i am 36 years old. last year in June i slipped in the tub and hit and hit my head aganist the side of the shower stall. i have been to many doctors and on many meds. i also have been very sick and vomiting a lot. Also i have a tender spot on my head and it got bigger. i am going to a nurlogenist and getting botox injections soon. but it has been a long road and i do sleep more and i was in urgent care again yesterday for pain meds and oxygen.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on June 25, 2016 at 9:39 am

      So sorry to hear of your struggles, Miranda.

      Unfortunately, nothing is being done to address the cause of your symptoms resulting from the head injury and what is consistent with post-concussion syndrome (although, full work-up would be needed to determine for sure). Palliative/symptom-based care will drag on and lessen quality of life as it does nothing to help restore function that has been lost and train areas of the brain injured in the accident.

      Please contact our office at 828.708.5274 for a free brief consultation to discuss some options for you as this is an area of daily focus for us and we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to assist many folks on their path struggling with the very issues you are dealing with. There is hope to get past many of these issues.

      Take care and I hope to talk with you soon.

  116. MIRANDA Workman on June 24, 2016 at 11:05 pm

    Hello my name is Miranda Workman and i am 36 years old. last year in June i slipped in the tub and hit and hit my head aganist the side of the shower stall. i have been to many doctors and on many meds. i also have been very sick and vomiting a lot. Also i have a tender spot on my head and it got bigger. i am going to a nurlogenist and getting botox injections soon. but it has been a long road and i do sleep more and i was in urgent care again yesterday for pain meds and oxygen.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on June 25, 2016 at 9:39 am

      So sorry to hear of your struggles, Miranda.

      Unfortunately, nothing is being done to address the cause of your symptoms resulting from the head injury and what is consistent with post-concussion syndrome (although, full work-up would be needed to determine for sure). Palliative/symptom-based care will drag on and lessen quality of life as it does nothing to help restore function that has been lost and train areas of the brain injured in the accident.

      Please contact our office at 828.708.5274 for a free brief consultation to discuss some options for you as this is an area of daily focus for us and we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to assist many folks on their path struggling with the very issues you are dealing with. There is hope to get past many of these issues.

      Take care and I hope to talk with you soon.

  117. Vivian on June 24, 2016 at 3:46 pm

    I am frequently getting in trouble at work because I forget to remind my boss of meetings, forget conversations had only earlier in the day, lack concentration and focus. I am 58, have had 7 concussions that I can count, since I was 14. Most due to falls from or injuries related to horses. I only lost consciousness once (when I was 14) but hit my head on the arena wall in the most recent one two years ago, and was wearing a helmet and I still was extremely confused for at least an hour. It’s to the point where I wonder if I can still do my job.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on June 25, 2016 at 9:31 am


      Loss of consciousness does not always dictate level of injury with concussion. Many who have had seemingly simple whiplash injuries have had more severe concussions than those that have lost consciousness. That said, any concussion should be evaluated appropriately; particularly when more than one are involved.

      Cognitive decline, memory loss, etc. are all standard complaints with multiple concussions and post-concussion syndrome.

      The good news is that there is great hope for many dealing with these issues. It is never too late to address these issues, and particularly important for those in their 50s and 60s as resultant dementia is a growing concern for those with multiple injuries.

      Please call our office at 828.708.5274 as soon as able to discuss some options for you as this is an area of great focus for us here at APEX.

      Take care.

  118. Vivian on June 24, 2016 at 3:46 pm

    I am frequently getting in trouble at work because I forget to remind my boss of meetings, forget conversations had only earlier in the day, lack concentration and focus. I am 58, have had 7 concussions that I can count, since I was 14. Most due to falls from or injuries related to horses. I only lost consciousness once (when I was 14) but hit my head on the arena wall in the most recent one two years ago, and was wearing a helmet and I still was extremely confused for at least an hour. It’s to the point where I wonder if I can still do my job.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on June 25, 2016 at 9:31 am


      Loss of consciousness does not always dictate level of injury with concussion. Many who have had seemingly simple whiplash injuries have had more severe concussions than those that have lost consciousness. That said, any concussion should be evaluated appropriately; particularly when more than one are involved.

      Cognitive decline, memory loss, etc. are all standard complaints with multiple concussions and post-concussion syndrome.

      The good news is that there is great hope for many dealing with these issues. It is never too late to address these issues, and particularly important for those in their 50s and 60s as resultant dementia is a growing concern for those with multiple injuries.

      Please call our office at 828.708.5274 as soon as able to discuss some options for you as this is an area of great focus for us here at APEX.

      Take care.

  119. Lulu luis on June 23, 2016 at 4:16 pm

    yesterday i hit my head on the ground while playing football,,,,i was unconcious for about 2mins, after there i felt to vomit but i didn’t ,, then after an hour ,, i vomited and had an hadache that lasted for about 1hr 30mi ,,what could b the problem?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on June 25, 2016 at 9:24 am

      Greetings Lulu:

      Someone should have emailed you from our office. If not received, please call 828.708.5274 to schedule a free brief consult to discuss further. These are certainly symptoms you should be concerned about. This is all consistent with concussion, although we cannot tell for certain until appropriate consultation and evaluation are made.

      Hope to hear from you very soon.

  120. Lulu luis on June 23, 2016 at 4:16 pm

    yesterday i hit my head on the ground while playing football,,,,i was unconcious for about 2mins, after there i felt to vomit but i didn’t ,, then after an hour ,, i vomited and had an hadache that lasted for about 1hr 30mi ,,what could b the problem?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on June 25, 2016 at 9:24 am

      Greetings Lulu:

      Someone should have emailed you from our office. If not received, please call 828.708.5274 to schedule a free brief consult to discuss further. These are certainly symptoms you should be concerned about. This is all consistent with concussion, although we cannot tell for certain until appropriate consultation and evaluation are made.

      Hope to hear from you very soon.

  121. Danny on June 19, 2016 at 4:54 pm

    On May 15 ,2016 I got hit with a baseball from the side hitting the right side of my nose and under my eye. The hit was enough to make a small fracture in my nose. starting around June 10 I’ve been having daily headaches that linger. I wasn’t checked for a concussion but I feel like I might have had one.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on June 21, 2016 at 5:34 pm


      With any hit to the head like that, concussion is always suspect.

      Please call us at 828-708-5274 for a free consultation of you’d like to discuss further.

  122. Danny on June 19, 2016 at 4:54 pm

    On May 15 ,2016 I got hit with a baseball from the side hitting the right side of my nose and under my eye. The hit was enough to make a small fracture in my nose. starting around June 10 I’ve been having daily headaches that linger. I wasn’t checked for a concussion but I feel like I might have had one.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on June 21, 2016 at 5:34 pm


      With any hit to the head like that, concussion is always suspect.

      Please call us at 828-708-5274 for a free consultation of you’d like to discuss further.

  123. Hannah on June 10, 2016 at 12:16 am

    Last year I was skiing and I can’t really remember it but I remember I went off alone then the next thing I remember is standing back up after falling or something. I didn’t know how old I was at the time, had the worst pain I’d ever felt in my head, was super dizzy, and confused. Later I threw up, got randomly hot, couldn’t look at the TV’s or laptops in school, I couldn’t look at lights and always had them off or dimmed, I would randomly fall over while walking, and finally, my band teacher made me sit in the hallway because I couldn’t take the sound. I couldn’t read very much and was so out of it in class that a few of my teachers had to pull me out of class. I also continued to participate in sports and school. My parents never took me in because they thought that I was fine and the doctor wouldn’t do anything to make it better. I have always been a straight A student and this year I keep receiving B’s. I’ve never had to study before, but now it seems even if I do, still can’t remember things. I also started struggling with depression and it takes me hours to fall asleep. Could this have been from hitting my head? Also, do you think I actually had a concussion?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on June 21, 2016 at 5:29 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles.

      What you’re experiencing could absolutely be the late-effects of a hit to the head, or concussion.

      It doesn’t take much to cause a concussion – even whiplash alone can do it; and all the symptoms you describe are post-concussion type symptoms.

      Please call us at 828-708-5274 for a free consultation of you’d like to discuss further (please call with parent/guardian if under 18).

      Thank you and keep doing your research!

  124. Hannah on June 10, 2016 at 12:16 am

    Last year I was skiing and I can’t really remember it but I remember I went off alone then the next thing I remember is standing back up after falling or something. I didn’t know how old I was at the time, had the worst pain I’d ever felt in my head, was super dizzy, and confused. Later I threw up, got randomly hot, couldn’t look at the TV’s or laptops in school, I couldn’t look at lights and always had them off or dimmed, I would randomly fall over while walking, and finally, my band teacher made me sit in the hallway because I couldn’t take the sound. I couldn’t read very much and was so out of it in class that a few of my teachers had to pull me out of class. I also continued to participate in sports and school. My parents never took me in because they thought that I was fine and the doctor wouldn’t do anything to make it better. I have always been a straight A student and this year I keep receiving B’s. I’ve never had to study before, but now it seems even if I do, still can’t remember things. I also started struggling with depression and it takes me hours to fall asleep. Could this have been from hitting my head? Also, do you think I actually had a concussion?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on June 21, 2016 at 5:29 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles.

      What you’re experiencing could absolutely be the late-effects of a hit to the head, or concussion.

      It doesn’t take much to cause a concussion – even whiplash alone can do it; and all the symptoms you describe are post-concussion type symptoms.

      Please call us at 828-708-5274 for a free consultation of you’d like to discuss further (please call with parent/guardian if under 18).

      Thank you and keep doing your research!

  125. missy mahoney on June 1, 2016 at 1:39 pm


    I have no memory just before falling and hitting my head, so I’ll describe what I think happened. Last summer I was standing on the cement sidewalk in my back yard while my dog was doing his business, he was tied up to a chain (actually one of those thin wire type chains I now call trip wire). He tends to run around crazy after he does his job and doesn’t realize hes’ tied up. The last thing I remember was yelling for him to stop fear he would snap his neck. Next thing I remember I was laying on the cement face down, I hit the right side of my head at the temple and eye area. I don’t remember at all how I fell or hitting the cement, or how long Iayed there. What’s wierd is when I came to it was like my head hitting the cement replayed itself. I got up sat on the stairs and tried to process what had happened. There was blood dripping down my face and a huge star to the right of my eye exactly where I hit my head which lasted about 20 mins give or take. Within 2 hours I had the biggest black eye I’d ever seen. I now realize the slack from my dogs trip wire was caused me to fall, when he ran full force after his dump the wire snapped at my ankles either I walked into it or backed into it, I have no memory. There was nobody there that saw it. Calling 911 would have been useless. Let’s face it, there’s nothing you can do to treat a concussion but put ice on it. I realize it was severe, I’m full aware that there’s neuro damage, vision and memory problems. When I walk into the kitchen I forget why I went in there I have to stop and think, it happens all day long. But it is getting better I have to pace myself and focus and concentrate on doing one thing at a time. Multi tasking is not an option right now. I feel like I needed to talk about this as nobody knows I went through this. Thank you for your time.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on June 1, 2016 at 8:09 pm

      Hello Missy:

      Sorry to hear of your accident – seems you had quite an injury and the lingering symptoms are an indication of that.

      Given your symptoms are persisting after a year’s time, even though they are diminishing, it is imperative that you get this looked at. I’m not sure how old you are, or if there are other complicating factors like ADHD, metabolic challenges, etc., but what you describe is consistent with a significant concussion and persistent post-concussion syndrome. The only way to tell for sure is to get a proper evaluation and testing with a qualified functional neurologist.

      That said, please call the office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation with one of our doctors to determine what the appropriate next steps would be.

      In the meantime, take a look at the videos labeled concussion at the following link to see what can be done about what you are going through. You don’t have to live with this and in most cases folks can get significant function back.

      We look forward to hearing from you.

  126. missy mahoney on June 1, 2016 at 1:39 pm


    I have no memory just before falling and hitting my head, so I’ll describe what I think happened. Last summer I was standing on the cement sidewalk in my back yard while my dog was doing his business, he was tied up to a chain (actually one of those thin wire type chains I now call trip wire). He tends to run around crazy after he does his job and doesn’t realize hes’ tied up. The last thing I remember was yelling for him to stop fear he would snap his neck. Next thing I remember I was laying on the cement face down, I hit the right side of my head at the temple and eye area. I don’t remember at all how I fell or hitting the cement, or how long Iayed there. What’s wierd is when I came to it was like my head hitting the cement replayed itself. I got up sat on the stairs and tried to process what had happened. There was blood dripping down my face and a huge star to the right of my eye exactly where I hit my head which lasted about 20 mins give or take. Within 2 hours I had the biggest black eye I’d ever seen. I now realize the slack from my dogs trip wire was caused me to fall, when he ran full force after his dump the wire snapped at my ankles either I walked into it or backed into it, I have no memory. There was nobody there that saw it. Calling 911 would have been useless. Let’s face it, there’s nothing you can do to treat a concussion but put ice on it. I realize it was severe, I’m full aware that there’s neuro damage, vision and memory problems. When I walk into the kitchen I forget why I went in there I have to stop and think, it happens all day long. But it is getting better I have to pace myself and focus and concentrate on doing one thing at a time. Multi tasking is not an option right now. I feel like I needed to talk about this as nobody knows I went through this. Thank you for your time.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on June 1, 2016 at 8:09 pm

      Hello Missy:

      Sorry to hear of your accident – seems you had quite an injury and the lingering symptoms are an indication of that.

      Given your symptoms are persisting after a year’s time, even though they are diminishing, it is imperative that you get this looked at. I’m not sure how old you are, or if there are other complicating factors like ADHD, metabolic challenges, etc., but what you describe is consistent with a significant concussion and persistent post-concussion syndrome. The only way to tell for sure is to get a proper evaluation and testing with a qualified functional neurologist.

      That said, please call the office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation with one of our doctors to determine what the appropriate next steps would be.

      In the meantime, take a look at the videos labeled concussion at the following link to see what can be done about what you are going through. You don’t have to live with this and in most cases folks can get significant function back.

      We look forward to hearing from you.

  127. Christie on April 23, 2016 at 7:55 am

    Hi I have had multiple knocks to my head. First as a child but it was not until I was in my 30’s following another head injury finding this earlier knock had resulted in a hairline fracture above my temple lobe and anisocoria in my right eye, this went untreated and I have numerous mental health concerns throughout my life, which I have kept a lid on, however I have suffered immensely in education, work and relationships and at times need some serious time out from social environments. I am now nearly 40, and a few months ago I had another severe blow to the same area of this hairline fracture and now have a constant dull ache that fluctuates in intensity if I have any type of caffeine or a small glass of wine. Should I be worried about this or is it only another bump that too will eventually go away? Thanks

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 23, 2016 at 8:14 am


      Based on your ongoing learning/behavioral/emotional symptoms and history of multiple head injuries, this is undoubtedly something that should be looked at and, more importantly, treated.

      There is hope for many, if not all, of these symptoms and most only get worse over time if not addressed.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your options. In the meantime, please watch the first 2 videos at this link on our site and I’m sure you’ll find yourself in them.

      Take care.

  128. Christie on April 23, 2016 at 7:55 am

    Hi I have had multiple knocks to my head. First as a child but it was not until I was in my 30’s following another head injury finding this earlier knock had resulted in a hairline fracture above my temple lobe and anisocoria in my right eye, this went untreated and I have numerous mental health concerns throughout my life, which I have kept a lid on, however I have suffered immensely in education, work and relationships and at times need some serious time out from social environments. I am now nearly 40, and a few months ago I had another severe blow to the same area of this hairline fracture and now have a constant dull ache that fluctuates in intensity if I have any type of caffeine or a small glass of wine. Should I be worried about this or is it only another bump that too will eventually go away? Thanks

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 23, 2016 at 8:14 am


      Based on your ongoing learning/behavioral/emotional symptoms and history of multiple head injuries, this is undoubtedly something that should be looked at and, more importantly, treated.

      There is hope for many, if not all, of these symptoms and most only get worse over time if not addressed.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your options. In the meantime, please watch the first 2 videos at this link on our site and I’m sure you’ll find yourself in them.

      Take care.

  129. Sue on April 20, 2016 at 12:04 am

    alright so the nausea went away but my neck is still hurting and the impact point is still hurting to touch I didnt end up going to the ER due to no way up there. any suggestions to how to get the spot to go away on my head. I have had previous neck issues but not sure if its that with my neck or not but it concerns me that it is six days later and the spot of impact is still sore and feels softer to touch. Could this cause bleeding in my brain if i dont get it looked at or anything serious?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 22, 2016 at 5:03 pm

      Given the amount of time that has passed and in the absence of other symptoms, it is unlikely that you have bleeding in your brain; although this cannot be entirely ruled out without proper imaging. It is still recommended from our end that you get the appropriate assessment and imaging (usually CT scan). In order to address head and neck pain, you would ant to see a chiropractor or the like near you, and please contact us as suggested for a free consult if any symptoms continue.

  130. Sue on April 20, 2016 at 12:04 am

    alright so the nausea went away but my neck is still hurting and the impact point is still hurting to touch I didnt end up going to the ER due to no way up there. any suggestions to how to get the spot to go away on my head. I have had previous neck issues but not sure if its that with my neck or not but it concerns me that it is six days later and the spot of impact is still sore and feels softer to touch. Could this cause bleeding in my brain if i dont get it looked at or anything serious?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 22, 2016 at 5:03 pm

      Given the amount of time that has passed and in the absence of other symptoms, it is unlikely that you have bleeding in your brain; although this cannot be entirely ruled out without proper imaging. It is still recommended from our end that you get the appropriate assessment and imaging (usually CT scan). In order to address head and neck pain, you would ant to see a chiropractor or the like near you, and please contact us as suggested for a free consult if any symptoms continue.

  131. Ri on April 16, 2016 at 8:12 pm

    In my early teenage years, I was ice skating, fell backward, and hit the back of my head on the ice. When I got off the ice, the staff place an ice pack on my head and asked me questions to figure out who they could contact to come and get me (such as my parents’ names, my phone number, etc), but I wasn’t able to answer their questions. I’m not sure how long this lapse lasted, but I believe it must have been within an hour, because I was able to recall and answer by the time my father came to get me.

    I was not taken to a doctor, but I began to get headaches with increasing frequency, which have often been accompanied with sensitivity to light and sound, dizziness, fatigue and lethargy, constant neck stiffness and pain, irritability, anxiousness, and decreasing ability to remember and concentrate. A few years later, my doctor had a CT scan done in response to my headaches, and she said I’d had a sinus infection. I took antibiotics for a few weeks, and while I finished the medications, my headaches never went away.

    Because the doctor was a family friend and my parents thought I was just looking for an excuse to be lazy and not try hard, I stopped referring to this doctor with my issue. I don’t know what to do. At this point, my head pain is constantly there and only fluctuates in intensity instead of going away, and it is very, very hard to learn and remember information. I worry that a doctor would take this family friend’s word over mine and think I was just seeking attention.

    How likely is it that I did suffer some sort of damage? Or is it just all in my head (no pun intended)?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 22, 2016 at 5:07 pm


      What you describe are very common after head injuries (even years after) and should never be ignored. As you have seen, this will impact learning, memory, motivation and so much more.

      Please look at the first two videos here on our site as they address the same issues you talk about that can be treated quite successfully in most cases.

      Please call us to schedule a free consultation at 828.708.5274.

      Hope to hear from you soon!

  132. Ri on April 16, 2016 at 8:12 pm

    In my early teenage years, I was ice skating, fell backward, and hit the back of my head on the ice. When I got off the ice, the staff place an ice pack on my head and asked me questions to figure out who they could contact to come and get me (such as my parents’ names, my phone number, etc), but I wasn’t able to answer their questions. I’m not sure how long this lapse lasted, but I believe it must have been within an hour, because I was able to recall and answer by the time my father came to get me.

    I was not taken to a doctor, but I began to get headaches with increasing frequency, which have often been accompanied with sensitivity to light and sound, dizziness, fatigue and lethargy, constant neck stiffness and pain, irritability, anxiousness, and decreasing ability to remember and concentrate. A few years later, my doctor had a CT scan done in response to my headaches, and she said I’d had a sinus infection. I took antibiotics for a few weeks, and while I finished the medications, my headaches never went away.

    Because the doctor was a family friend and my parents thought I was just looking for an excuse to be lazy and not try hard, I stopped referring to this doctor with my issue. I don’t know what to do. At this point, my head pain is constantly there and only fluctuates in intensity instead of going away, and it is very, very hard to learn and remember information. I worry that a doctor would take this family friend’s word over mine and think I was just seeking attention.

    How likely is it that I did suffer some sort of damage? Or is it just all in my head (no pun intended)?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 22, 2016 at 5:07 pm


      What you describe are very common after head injuries (even years after) and should never be ignored. As you have seen, this will impact learning, memory, motivation and so much more.

      Please look at the first two videos here on our site as they address the same issues you talk about that can be treated quite successfully in most cases.

      Please call us to schedule a free consultation at 828.708.5274.

      Hope to hear from you soon!

  133. Sue on April 14, 2016 at 3:43 pm

    I was punched in the side of my head last night by a guy who is twice my size. Idk if he punched me his hardest or not but i have a huge lump on my head. I was also drinking at the time. Today i am dizzy with a head ach that wont stop and i feel sick to my stomach and a bit shacky. Could that be from a concussion or from drinking last night? The main spot of my pain is coming from the lump on my head.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 15, 2016 at 11:03 am


      Given the nausea and all, you should get to an ER or urgent care clinic for immediate evaluation. The symptoms you are describing can be from either or both the injury and drinking, but you don’t want to take chances on the head injury side.

      If you continue to experience symptoms after evaluation and getting past the after effects of the alcohol, please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Take care and get checked out!

  134. Sue on April 14, 2016 at 3:43 pm

    I was punched in the side of my head last night by a guy who is twice my size. Idk if he punched me his hardest or not but i have a huge lump on my head. I was also drinking at the time. Today i am dizzy with a head ach that wont stop and i feel sick to my stomach and a bit shacky. Could that be from a concussion or from drinking last night? The main spot of my pain is coming from the lump on my head.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 15, 2016 at 11:03 am


      Given the nausea and all, you should get to an ER or urgent care clinic for immediate evaluation. The symptoms you are describing can be from either or both the injury and drinking, but you don’t want to take chances on the head injury side.

      If you continue to experience symptoms after evaluation and getting past the after effects of the alcohol, please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Take care and get checked out!

  135. Sarah gray on April 14, 2016 at 12:15 am

    A few years back I fell off my horse while barrel racing 40+ mph.. I hit my head first.. Lately I can’t see right I can’t talk right. I’m getting extreme fatigue and can’t focus on anything. Nothing motivates me anymore and I’m getting extreme pain in my neck and shoulder and arm on the side that I fell on. The pain gets worse and worse every day I went to the neurologist and they said nothing was wrong. I’m worried I might have an untreated head injury…

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 15, 2016 at 10:59 am


      Sorry to hear of your struggles and you are correct, you may very likely have an untreated head injury. These are all quite common after effects of concussion (or Post-Concussion Syndrome) and can linger in many cases without appropriate intervention.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your concerns and options for getting past this rough patch.

      Take care and we look forward to talking with you!

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 15, 2016 at 11:05 am

      Also, please take a look at some of these videos under the concussion heading on this page of our website. You’ll find many with the same struggles that have been helped.

  136. Sarah gray on April 14, 2016 at 12:15 am

    A few years back I fell off my horse while barrel racing 40+ mph.. I hit my head first.. Lately I can’t see right I can’t talk right. I’m getting extreme fatigue and can’t focus on anything. Nothing motivates me anymore and I’m getting extreme pain in my neck and shoulder and arm on the side that I fell on. The pain gets worse and worse every day I went to the neurologist and they said nothing was wrong. I’m worried I might have an untreated head injury…

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 15, 2016 at 10:59 am


      Sorry to hear of your struggles and you are correct, you may very likely have an untreated head injury. These are all quite common after effects of concussion (or Post-Concussion Syndrome) and can linger in many cases without appropriate intervention.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your concerns and options for getting past this rough patch.

      Take care and we look forward to talking with you!

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 15, 2016 at 11:05 am

      Also, please take a look at some of these videos under the concussion heading on this page of our website. You’ll find many with the same struggles that have been helped.

  137. Courtney on March 30, 2016 at 6:00 pm

    5 or 6 years ago, I was hit on the upper-right portion of my head with an elbow. My brother and I were joking around, and as his elbow was coming down, I stood up quickly and made contact. I saw black immediately for a few seconds, and then my vision was completely blurred out. I had an immediate ringing in my ears that lasted about 10 min. I laid down for a bit thinking the pain would eventually go away. I was foolish enough to not go to the doctor afterwards and let it be, because I didn’t have health insurance at the time of injury… My current symptoms(time of injury to present) are as follows:
    I have a tick in my neck where I have to look left constantly. Sometimes, if I try to keep facing forward, my head will starting shake until I look left.
    At least once to a few times a day, I will feel a pin-pointed pain exactly where the elbow made contact. It feels like a thumb, or something similar, is pressing on with great intensity. As this happens, the right side of my head will feel hot, including my ear and, sometimes, the top part of my right jaw.
    Intense tremors in my hands, to the point where I will spill coffee that I’m holding if I don’t hold it with both hands.

    This might be paranoia on my end, but I find it to be concerning. I’m not sure of what to do, or if I should do anything at all.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 5, 2016 at 1:56 pm


      You should absolutely do something about the symptoms you describe as they appear to only be getting worse and something can likely be done to improve some, if not all, of them.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Take care and we hope to chat with you soon.

  138. Courtney on March 30, 2016 at 6:00 pm

    5 or 6 years ago, I was hit on the upper-right portion of my head with an elbow. My brother and I were joking around, and as his elbow was coming down, I stood up quickly and made contact. I saw black immediately for a few seconds, and then my vision was completely blurred out. I had an immediate ringing in my ears that lasted about 10 min. I laid down for a bit thinking the pain would eventually go away. I was foolish enough to not go to the doctor afterwards and let it be, because I didn’t have health insurance at the time of injury… My current symptoms(time of injury to present) are as follows:
    I have a tick in my neck where I have to look left constantly. Sometimes, if I try to keep facing forward, my head will starting shake until I look left.
    At least once to a few times a day, I will feel a pin-pointed pain exactly where the elbow made contact. It feels like a thumb, or something similar, is pressing on with great intensity. As this happens, the right side of my head will feel hot, including my ear and, sometimes, the top part of my right jaw.
    Intense tremors in my hands, to the point where I will spill coffee that I’m holding if I don’t hold it with both hands.

    This might be paranoia on my end, but I find it to be concerning. I’m not sure of what to do, or if I should do anything at all.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 5, 2016 at 1:56 pm


      You should absolutely do something about the symptoms you describe as they appear to only be getting worse and something can likely be done to improve some, if not all, of them.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Take care and we hope to chat with you soon.

  139. Daniel on March 27, 2016 at 10:05 pm

    On December 31 2014 10 PM I fell off my skateboard. And went unconscious for 10 minutes. I had a big bruise under my right eye and on the left side of my forehead. My parents only iced it and I didn’t go to the doctor. Now I’m developing cysts on the hairline on my face. I read that cysts can be cancerous. Now I’m worried that I might have cancer because of falling off my skateboard. I’m 13 turning 14 on may 8 if thats helps.

  140. Someone123 on March 21, 2016 at 4:04 pm

    A few years ago I went on a cruise vacation and went to St. Maarten. I was on a zipline and spun around and hit the tree full speed. I got knocked back up the zipline about 5 feet, and it started hurting and tingling. I don’t remember much of that entire trip. Then, a month ago, I was in a soccer game and another player kicked the ball up very hard and it knocked my head. I didn’t start crying, but water kept coming out of my eye, and I had to sit out for the rest of the game and could barely see. I felt a little sick, and had a headache. I immediately got unusually tired.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 23, 2016 at 9:04 pm

      These are certainly signs to be concerned about, particularly given you’ve had multiple injuries.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 if you’d like to discuss options for treatment.

  141. Someone123 on March 21, 2016 at 4:04 pm

    A few years ago I went on a cruise vacation and went to St. Maarten. I was on a zipline and spun around and hit the tree full speed. I got knocked back up the zipline about 5 feet, and it started hurting and tingling. I don’t remember much of that entire trip. Then, a month ago, I was in a soccer game and another player kicked the ball up very hard and it knocked my head. I didn’t start crying, but water kept coming out of my eye, and I had to sit out for the rest of the game and could barely see. I felt a little sick, and had a headache. I immediately got unusually tired.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 23, 2016 at 9:04 pm

      These are certainly signs to be concerned about, particularly given you’ve had multiple injuries.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 if you’d like to discuss options for treatment.

  142. Dr. Michael Trayford on March 17, 2016 at 4:51 pm


    You obviously sustained a severe injury and should seek immediate attention if you have not already.

    Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss options once you’ve had the appropriate imaging (CT scans, etc.) to rule out anything more serious than concussion.

    Take care and get checked out!

  143. Tina Scott on March 13, 2016 at 4:18 pm

    My son is 24, he was leaving work he tripped and the corner of a bench caught him on the left side of his forehead which he does have a laceration, when I ask him what happened he couldn’t remember so he called a friend that was with him to find out exactly what did happen, this happened on Friday and it is now Sunday, his balance is off, he can not remember what all he did Friday or who he even seen for that matter, he had some new phone numbers in his phone and he doesn’t recall talking to anyone, this really has me concerned. He did just recently start a 3rd ship job so between the combination of him switching ours and the fall he took really makes me think he does have a concussion, he doesn’t want to go to the hospital but I feel he needs to be evaluated. Please advise on the best steps to take. Thank You

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 17, 2016 at 5:03 pm


      Fatigue is a big issue when one has had a concussion – which he may very well have had.

      It would be in his best interest to get it checked out and intensive programs such as ours are ideal to work with these types of injuries and get people back on track from the symptoms they are experiencing.

      Please look on our site under success stories to watch videos of concussion/TBI cases. Here is a very recent one –

      Also, we’d advise you giving a call to set up a free consultation to discuss some options for him – 828.708.5274.

      Take care.

  144. Tina Scott on March 13, 2016 at 4:18 pm

    My son is 24, he was leaving work he tripped and the corner of a bench caught him on the left side of his forehead which he does have a laceration, when I ask him what happened he couldn’t remember so he called a friend that was with him to find out exactly what did happen, this happened on Friday and it is now Sunday, his balance is off, he can not remember what all he did Friday or who he even seen for that matter, he had some new phone numbers in his phone and he doesn’t recall talking to anyone, this really has me concerned. He did just recently start a 3rd ship job so between the combination of him switching ours and the fall he took really makes me think he does have a concussion, he doesn’t want to go to the hospital but I feel he needs to be evaluated. Please advise on the best steps to take. Thank You

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 17, 2016 at 5:03 pm


      Fatigue is a big issue when one has had a concussion – which he may very well have had.

      It would be in his best interest to get it checked out and intensive programs such as ours are ideal to work with these types of injuries and get people back on track from the symptoms they are experiencing.

      Please look on our site under success stories to watch videos of concussion/TBI cases. Here is a very recent one –

      Also, we’d advise you giving a call to set up a free consultation to discuss some options for him – 828.708.5274.

      Take care.

  145. Grace on March 11, 2016 at 8:21 pm

    When I was about 11 or so I got a bad concussion and again this year I was in a minor car accident but I did not hit my head, I was only jarred around a little. It’s been almost two weeks and I’ve been having headaches just on the left side of my head that last for a greater portion of the day. I’ve got another doctor appointment but I don’t think they’ll do much other than say it’s still a concussion from then.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 17, 2016 at 4:54 pm


      More than likely you will get advice to wait it out, and possibly some type of imaging.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss your options should you care to seek treatment for this as we can help quite a bit in most cases.

      View our concussion testimonials on our site under success stories as most have had headaches resolved.

      Take care.

  146. Grace on March 11, 2016 at 8:21 pm

    When I was about 11 or so I got a bad concussion and again this year I was in a minor car accident but I did not hit my head, I was only jarred around a little. It’s been almost two weeks and I’ve been having headaches just on the left side of my head that last for a greater portion of the day. I’ve got another doctor appointment but I don’t think they’ll do much other than say it’s still a concussion from then.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 17, 2016 at 4:54 pm


      More than likely you will get advice to wait it out, and possibly some type of imaging.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss your options should you care to seek treatment for this as we can help quite a bit in most cases.

      View our concussion testimonials on our site under success stories as most have had headaches resolved.

      Take care.

  147. Spencer on March 9, 2016 at 11:21 pm

    I was at a party last Friday an I was going at it with a buddy. An I grabbed him an went to throw him an I fell an his knee hit my head an thwn my head smacked the concrete an I blacked out or somethung for about 3-4 hours. An I finally came back. An yes I have some symptoms of a concussion but im.not sure an I’m afraid of what’s going to happen. Should I get this checked out? Or am I to far gone?

  148. Spencer on March 9, 2016 at 11:21 pm

    I was at a party last Friday an I was going at it with a buddy. An I grabbed him an went to throw him an I fell an his knee hit my head an thwn my head smacked the concrete an I blacked out or somethung for about 3-4 hours. An I finally came back. An yes I have some symptoms of a concussion but im.not sure an I’m afraid of what’s going to happen. Should I get this checked out? Or am I to far gone?

  149. Spencer on March 9, 2016 at 11:28 pm

    An I laid there on the concrete for awhile but I’m not sure for how long an then they got me on the couch an from what I was told is I was unresponsive but my eyes were moving an stuff like that. An they said I was jukeing around an squirming an stuff like that an I couldn’t move anything. I could hear that they were talking ti me but I couldn’t do anything. An honestly. I’m scared. Like Idk what’s gonna happen. Oh an they said I was panting like a dog on a very very hot day. Like crazy. LIke I’m scared… crazy scared….help me, please jl

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 17, 2016 at 4:51 pm


      You obviously sustained a severe injury and should seek immediate attention if you have not already.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss options once you’ve had the appropriate imaging (CT scans, etc.) to rule out anything more serious than concussion.

      Take care and get checked out!

  150. Tim on March 1, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    I was a child and remember getting thrown off a merry go round and striking my head on the ground. From that point I had headaches and dizzy spells. Later in life I remember receiving several head injuries playing football but i did nothing. Nine years ago while in the Army, i jumped from an airplane and my helmet immediately came off. When I landed on the ground i hit head first but backwards. With all of this I have severe headaches, dizziness, depression, and confusion. Its so bad I cannot ride any rides at the park because i will blackout. Is this all concussion related even after all of this time? I do plan to go to the TBI clinic to get checked out.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 1, 2016 at 12:50 pm


      These are classic concussion/post-concussion syndrome symptoms.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss possible treatment options for you.

      There is great hope in treating these symptoms/disorders; even long after injuries have occurred.

      We look forward to hearing from you.

  151. Tim on March 1, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    I was a child and remember getting thrown off a merry go round and striking my head on the ground. From that point I had headaches and dizzy spells. Later in life I remember receiving several head injuries playing football but i did nothing. Nine years ago while in the Army, i jumped from an airplane and my helmet immediately came off. When I landed on the ground i hit head first but backwards. With all of this I have severe headaches, dizziness, depression, and confusion. Its so bad I cannot ride any rides at the park because i will blackout. Is this all concussion related even after all of this time? I do plan to go to the TBI clinic to get checked out.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 1, 2016 at 12:50 pm


      These are classic concussion/post-concussion syndrome symptoms.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss possible treatment options for you.

      There is great hope in treating these symptoms/disorders; even long after injuries have occurred.

      We look forward to hearing from you.

  152. Noah on March 1, 2016 at 12:57 am

    On the first of August of 2015 i fell asleep at the wheel and went of a bridge and im pretty sure i broke the window with my head and whatever else i hit on the way down as i rolled multiple times, i woke up upside down and it was only about 6 a.m. I luckily was able to get out of the vehicle i couldnt find my phone so i ran to my friends house right down the road(we both lived about 15 miles out of town) and they then called the police and ambulance the EMT then checked me out and insisted that i go to the hospital but i denied and didnt get help but reading above the symptoms, i struggle with these on a daily basis, the fatigue, depression, anxiety, stuff that i suffer on a day to day basis

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 1, 2016 at 12:48 pm


      If you are looking to work at improving the symptoms you are experiencing since the accident, please call us at 828.708.5274 to schedule a free brief consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Possible concussion and post-concussion syndrome should not be left alone.

      Take care.

  153. Noah on March 1, 2016 at 12:57 am

    On the first of August of 2015 i fell asleep at the wheel and went of a bridge and im pretty sure i broke the window with my head and whatever else i hit on the way down as i rolled multiple times, i woke up upside down and it was only about 6 a.m. I luckily was able to get out of the vehicle i couldnt find my phone so i ran to my friends house right down the road(we both lived about 15 miles out of town) and they then called the police and ambulance the EMT then checked me out and insisted that i go to the hospital but i denied and didnt get help but reading above the symptoms, i struggle with these on a daily basis, the fatigue, depression, anxiety, stuff that i suffer on a day to day basis

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 1, 2016 at 12:48 pm


      If you are looking to work at improving the symptoms you are experiencing since the accident, please call us at 828.708.5274 to schedule a free brief consultation to discuss some options for you.

      Possible concussion and post-concussion syndrome should not be left alone.

      Take care.

  154. piper on February 28, 2016 at 1:10 am

    I think i had a concussion a fewdays ago im gonna go see a doctor tomorrow i cant tonight…i fell off a bench in gym and slammed my head on the lockers

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 1, 2016 at 12:43 pm


      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for free consultation to see if we can be of service once everything has been checked out.

      Take care and keep a watchful eye on any symptoms apart from how you normally feel.

  155. piper on February 28, 2016 at 1:10 am

    I think i had a concussion a fewdays ago im gonna go see a doctor tomorrow i cant tonight…i fell off a bench in gym and slammed my head on the lockers

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 1, 2016 at 12:43 pm


      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for free consultation to see if we can be of service once everything has been checked out.

      Take care and keep a watchful eye on any symptoms apart from how you normally feel.

  156. claud on February 21, 2016 at 12:11 am

    I’ve had 7 concussions since I was 12. I’m 20 now. I have been having more problems with head aches and mood swings since I was 16. Headaches, pain on my shoulders, numbness and tingling, mood swings, and many other things are now part of my every day lifestyle. I feel like it can be because of the several concussions I’ve had, but have also had a few MRI’s, as well as X-rays and a nerve test done and still nothing showed up wrong or unusual. I’m honestly tired of taking tests and coming up with another “you’re ok” answer at the end. It may sound bad of me saying that, but I have been trying to figure out a reason why I continue to have headaches and other pains when all of my tests come out ok. I just want to know what I’m supposed to do next. I would very much appreciate an opinion and some advice.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on February 22, 2016 at 2:50 pm


      Thank you for sharing – typically nothing structurally will show up on conventional tests like x-rays and MRIs when one has suffered a concussion, or multiple concussions for that matter.

      Given the large number of concussions you report, it is highly likely that your are dealing with post-concussion syndrome (PCS); which can provide all you describe plus many more symptoms.

      As far as advice goes, you need to have this looked at by someone who understands concussions and related symptoms, and, more importantly, one who treats concussion.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss some options for you. In the meantime, please watch this recent webinar I did on understanding concussion symptoms.

      Take care.

  157. claud on February 21, 2016 at 12:11 am

    I’ve had 7 concussions since I was 12. I’m 20 now. I have been having more problems with head aches and mood swings since I was 16. Headaches, pain on my shoulders, numbness and tingling, mood swings, and many other things are now part of my every day lifestyle. I feel like it can be because of the several concussions I’ve had, but have also had a few MRI’s, as well as X-rays and a nerve test done and still nothing showed up wrong or unusual. I’m honestly tired of taking tests and coming up with another “you’re ok” answer at the end. It may sound bad of me saying that, but I have been trying to figure out a reason why I continue to have headaches and other pains when all of my tests come out ok. I just want to know what I’m supposed to do next. I would very much appreciate an opinion and some advice.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on February 22, 2016 at 2:50 pm


      Thank you for sharing – typically nothing structurally will show up on conventional tests like x-rays and MRIs when one has suffered a concussion, or multiple concussions for that matter.

      Given the large number of concussions you report, it is highly likely that your are dealing with post-concussion syndrome (PCS); which can provide all you describe plus many more symptoms.

      As far as advice goes, you need to have this looked at by someone who understands concussions and related symptoms, and, more importantly, one who treats concussion.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss some options for you. In the meantime, please watch this recent webinar I did on understanding concussion symptoms.

      Take care.

  158. Mary on February 17, 2016 at 12:23 am

    25 yrs ago, major motorcycle accident. Of course a head injury, but was sent home without being examined. Now for the last few years have noticed much happening. Seizures began apprx. 5-6 yrs. I am on seizure meds. Loss of memory in of areas of life. I could list a few other ways this has affected me. I am on seizure meds, and I do function well on the meds. All of this has/is beginning to come on faster and stronger. Could this be related to the accident? Which direction, do you recommend?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on February 17, 2016 at 9:44 pm


      There is a possibility that this could be related to an older head injury/concussion. Either way, you need to get this looked at given the progression you noted. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to schedule a free 10-15 minute consultation to discuss some options. Take care and we look forward to speaking with you.

  159. Mary on February 17, 2016 at 12:23 am

    25 yrs ago, major motorcycle accident. Of course a head injury, but was sent home without being examined. Now for the last few years have noticed much happening. Seizures began apprx. 5-6 yrs. I am on seizure meds. Loss of memory in of areas of life. I could list a few other ways this has affected me. I am on seizure meds, and I do function well on the meds. All of this has/is beginning to come on faster and stronger. Could this be related to the accident? Which direction, do you recommend?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on February 17, 2016 at 9:44 pm


      There is a possibility that this could be related to an older head injury/concussion. Either way, you need to get this looked at given the progression you noted. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to schedule a free 10-15 minute consultation to discuss some options. Take care and we look forward to speaking with you.

  160. Jaseel on February 14, 2016 at 4:03 am

    Hello. My name is Jaseel. When I was 12 i fell and hit my head on the edge of a glass table resulting in an open wound. It was never medically treated; just got poured (possibly dirty) water on it while it was bleeding and pressured applied until it stopped bleeding which took hours. I still have a 3 inch scar where the wound healed itself. When i was 13, i got a massive headache to the point of losing reason and eyesight and it lasted hours. Then at 14 i started suffering from depression. Now at 20 i have only have social anxiety and certain episodes of self-harm. Plus the mometary blurry sight and headache has happened 3 more times in the 7 seven years. A week ago it happened again. But instead of blurry sight i saw this lines through my right eye after two sharp pangs on the right sight of my head. This lasted almost 3 days. And i still see some dots in my vision. I went to the oftamologist and was told that an “optic nerve is swollen”. I’m not sure if maybe i’m just being paranoid and it’s not probable that it’s related. Or should i be concerned and visit a neurologist or something? It might be caused by a circulatory problem or high blood pressure considering i’m a few pounds overweight and those are common problems for people with overweight. I would appreciate some advice.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on February 17, 2016 at 9:50 pm


      Thanks for sharing and so sorry to hear of your struggles. Being a few pounds overweight at your age would not necessarily indicate circulatory problems and I’m unclear as to how the optic nerve inflammation was diagnosed. Bottom line is you have a constellation of signs and symptoms that could be consistent with a post-concussion syndrome. There are other conditions such as multiple sclerosis that can cause eye/head pain along with visual disturbances. I’m not saying this is what you have, although evaluation by a qualified neurologist with appropriate testing is in order. Not sure where you live, but if you want to consult further, please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss options for you. Our initial consultations (10-15 minutes) are free of charge.

  161. Jaseel on February 14, 2016 at 4:03 am

    Hello. My name is Jaseel. When I was 12 i fell and hit my head on the edge of a glass table resulting in an open wound. It was never medically treated; just got poured (possibly dirty) water on it while it was bleeding and pressured applied until it stopped bleeding which took hours. I still have a 3 inch scar where the wound healed itself. When i was 13, i got a massive headache to the point of losing reason and eyesight and it lasted hours. Then at 14 i started suffering from depression. Now at 20 i have only have social anxiety and certain episodes of self-harm. Plus the mometary blurry sight and headache has happened 3 more times in the 7 seven years. A week ago it happened again. But instead of blurry sight i saw this lines through my right eye after two sharp pangs on the right sight of my head. This lasted almost 3 days. And i still see some dots in my vision. I went to the oftamologist and was told that an “optic nerve is swollen”. I’m not sure if maybe i’m just being paranoid and it’s not probable that it’s related. Or should i be concerned and visit a neurologist or something? It might be caused by a circulatory problem or high blood pressure considering i’m a few pounds overweight and those are common problems for people with overweight. I would appreciate some advice.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on February 17, 2016 at 9:50 pm


      Thanks for sharing and so sorry to hear of your struggles. Being a few pounds overweight at your age would not necessarily indicate circulatory problems and I’m unclear as to how the optic nerve inflammation was diagnosed. Bottom line is you have a constellation of signs and symptoms that could be consistent with a post-concussion syndrome. There are other conditions such as multiple sclerosis that can cause eye/head pain along with visual disturbances. I’m not saying this is what you have, although evaluation by a qualified neurologist with appropriate testing is in order. Not sure where you live, but if you want to consult further, please call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss options for you. Our initial consultations (10-15 minutes) are free of charge.

  162. Kortnie on January 25, 2016 at 11:11 pm

    Could effects of an untreated concussion show up suddenly after 9 years?
    Fell hard on a gym floor while in high school cheer camp so hard I lost vision in my eyes for a good 20min. Was never treated. Was sore for a few day and then fine, well atleast I thought so. Now out of the blue I am experiencing really bad anxiety. It started about a year after the concussion but just recently it’s gotten so bad I can’t hardly go in public without freaking out.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 26, 2016 at 4:10 pm


      Given the symptoms started a year after the concussion, there is a good probability that the two can be related. It would be best to explore further through a free 10-15 minute consultation with one of our doctors to discuss what might be going on and what your options are. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to do so. Take care and we hope to hear from you soon!

  163. Kortnie on January 25, 2016 at 11:11 pm

    Could effects of an untreated concussion show up suddenly after 9 years?
    Fell hard on a gym floor while in high school cheer camp so hard I lost vision in my eyes for a good 20min. Was never treated. Was sore for a few day and then fine, well atleast I thought so. Now out of the blue I am experiencing really bad anxiety. It started about a year after the concussion but just recently it’s gotten so bad I can’t hardly go in public without freaking out.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 26, 2016 at 4:10 pm


      Given the symptoms started a year after the concussion, there is a good probability that the two can be related. It would be best to explore further through a free 10-15 minute consultation with one of our doctors to discuss what might be going on and what your options are. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to do so. Take care and we hope to hear from you soon!

  164. Xavier on January 25, 2016 at 8:57 pm

    A few years ago i hit my head pretty hard during a basketball game. Now lately I’ve been experiencing some of the symptoms listed above, is there any way these two things could be related?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 26, 2016 at 4:06 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles. They could absolutely be related and it is advisable to look into it as it is having an impact on your life. It would be best to explore further through a free 10-15 minute consultation with one of our doctors to discuss what options would be best for you. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to do so. Take care and we hope to hear from you soon!

  165. Xavier on January 25, 2016 at 8:57 pm

    A few years ago i hit my head pretty hard during a basketball game. Now lately I’ve been experiencing some of the symptoms listed above, is there any way these two things could be related?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 26, 2016 at 4:06 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles. They could absolutely be related and it is advisable to look into it as it is having an impact on your life. It would be best to explore further through a free 10-15 minute consultation with one of our doctors to discuss what options would be best for you. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to do so. Take care and we hope to hear from you soon!

  166. megan on January 24, 2016 at 3:31 am

    I think I may have some old concussions. As a child I’ve fallen out of trees, I once fell off a wall and landed hard right on the top of my head (I don’t know how I didn’t break my neck). I’ve bounced my head off a dashboard and window in two separate car wrecks. I’ve also had my head punched, squeezed and slammed into walls and floors many times.

    I’ve always had a hard time remembering and learning things no matter how much I want to. I do things and have whole conversations I won’t remember. My vision sometimes gets blurry but when I get my eyes checked everything’s fine. I get awful headaches that are just sharp pains at one small point on the front, side or back of my head that will last only for a moment but it’s gotten to wear it happens at least once or twice a day now. There are many other symptoms that I deal with too. Many of these symptoms start in my early teens but they have gotten far worse over the years and I’m 30 now.

    As much as my head has been through I wonder if I may have any old injuries. But I’ve also been diagnosed with ptsd, depression and anxiety. And many of the symptoms from all that are the same as head injuries. I’ve thought about seeing a Dr about it but I don’t want to go in and make a big deal out of something that’s nothing. Is it worth it to get it checked out?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 26, 2016 at 4:04 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles and we completely understand that the symptoms you are experiencing are very real, and that in most cases something can be done about them. From what you describe, there are very likely old injuries leading to some, if not all, of your current symptoms. You should absolutely look further into things as you’ve experienced, things typically get worse and more complicated over time. It would be best to explore further through a free 10-15 minute consultation with one of our doctors to discuss what options would be best for you. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to do so. Take care and we hope to hear from you soon!

  167. megan on January 24, 2016 at 3:31 am

    I think I may have some old concussions. As a child I’ve fallen out of trees, I once fell off a wall and landed hard right on the top of my head (I don’t know how I didn’t break my neck). I’ve bounced my head off a dashboard and window in two separate car wrecks. I’ve also had my head punched, squeezed and slammed into walls and floors many times.

    I’ve always had a hard time remembering and learning things no matter how much I want to. I do things and have whole conversations I won’t remember. My vision sometimes gets blurry but when I get my eyes checked everything’s fine. I get awful headaches that are just sharp pains at one small point on the front, side or back of my head that will last only for a moment but it’s gotten to wear it happens at least once or twice a day now. There are many other symptoms that I deal with too. Many of these symptoms start in my early teens but they have gotten far worse over the years and I’m 30 now.

    As much as my head has been through I wonder if I may have any old injuries. But I’ve also been diagnosed with ptsd, depression and anxiety. And many of the symptoms from all that are the same as head injuries. I’ve thought about seeing a Dr about it but I don’t want to go in and make a big deal out of something that’s nothing. Is it worth it to get it checked out?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 26, 2016 at 4:04 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles and we completely understand that the symptoms you are experiencing are very real, and that in most cases something can be done about them. From what you describe, there are very likely old injuries leading to some, if not all, of your current symptoms. You should absolutely look further into things as you’ve experienced, things typically get worse and more complicated over time. It would be best to explore further through a free 10-15 minute consultation with one of our doctors to discuss what options would be best for you. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to do so. Take care and we hope to hear from you soon!

  168. Miranda on January 21, 2016 at 8:33 pm

    A few months ago probably around July 2015 I started geting a bad headache. I went to see if I could walk it off I started feeling funny my legs went limp & I passed out and hit my head, i tried to catch myself and grabed the back tire. I was out for a few seconds I then came out of. It and quickly picked myself up. Trying to hide it since i was embarrassed I was standing behind the car still dizzy I passed out again and hit my head the second time. As I layed there fully aware I started getting my movement back. Thinking it was over once again when i could move I thought it was all over. I slowly grabbed the car thinking I was okay and just generally dizzy picked myself up. I hate not being incontrol of a situation. Once up again my bf noticed I was gone. Oddly when I thought it was over I passed out again completely standing fully aware of my surroundings imy body went limp and I fell directly on my head. By then my bf noticed and tryed to help me up not knowing what had already happened. I once again fell catching myself on the side of the garage door. Apparently my eyes were fully open I remember the entire experience. I could see and remember but couldn’t move or talk my body kept going limp. I believe I passed out a total of 4-6 times within 3-5mins.Lately I’ve been forgetting the dumbest things. I’ll be doing something and totally forget what I was doing. I get dizzy and have to sit down. Making a sandwich I have to sit down between steps. I get headaches in the spot I hit and just the spot. I remember seeing visually and being completely coherent. Just not being able to move. Almost like a short comatose.All I remember feeling when I passed out it sounds creepy but it was extremely peaceful. I didn’t feel the pain and suffering like you should when you hurt yourself.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 26, 2016 at 4:00 pm


      So sorry to hear of your recent events. It would be best to explore further through a free 10-15 minute consultation with one of our doctors to discuss what options would be best for you as there are many reasons for your episodes of passing out. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to do so. Take care and we hope to hear from you soon!

  169. Miranda on January 21, 2016 at 8:33 pm

    A few months ago probably around July 2015 I started geting a bad headache. I went to see if I could walk it off I started feeling funny my legs went limp & I passed out and hit my head, i tried to catch myself and grabed the back tire. I was out for a few seconds I then came out of. It and quickly picked myself up. Trying to hide it since i was embarrassed I was standing behind the car still dizzy I passed out again and hit my head the second time. As I layed there fully aware I started getting my movement back. Thinking it was over once again when i could move I thought it was all over. I slowly grabbed the car thinking I was okay and just generally dizzy picked myself up. I hate not being incontrol of a situation. Once up again my bf noticed I was gone. Oddly when I thought it was over I passed out again completely standing fully aware of my surroundings imy body went limp and I fell directly on my head. By then my bf noticed and tryed to help me up not knowing what had already happened. I once again fell catching myself on the side of the garage door. Apparently my eyes were fully open I remember the entire experience. I could see and remember but couldn’t move or talk my body kept going limp. I believe I passed out a total of 4-6 times within 3-5mins.Lately I’ve been forgetting the dumbest things. I’ll be doing something and totally forget what I was doing. I get dizzy and have to sit down. Making a sandwich I have to sit down between steps. I get headaches in the spot I hit and just the spot. I remember seeing visually and being completely coherent. Just not being able to move. Almost like a short comatose.All I remember feeling when I passed out it sounds creepy but it was extremely peaceful. I didn’t feel the pain and suffering like you should when you hurt yourself.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 26, 2016 at 4:00 pm


      So sorry to hear of your recent events. It would be best to explore further through a free 10-15 minute consultation with one of our doctors to discuss what options would be best for you as there are many reasons for your episodes of passing out. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to do so. Take care and we hope to hear from you soon!

  170. Zaerein on January 17, 2016 at 10:36 pm

    Last year, we were playing softball along with my classmates and unfortunately I got hit on my head. It was quite strong that I felt dizzy and my vision started to blur. I didn’t worry that much though. A month after, I began feeling anxious towards other people. I am also having a persistent headaches. And after 4 months of the incident, I was diagnosed with dysphoria and started cognitive behavioral therapy. But I always felt like it’s not helping, and when I talked to my psychiatrist, she told me that I am having a major depressive disorder. She gave me medications. I realized I was having a problem with my speech (I am always stammering which is very unusual), and trouble with my memories (I can’t even elaborately remember what happened yesterday). My grades started to fall because I am not able to concentrate, and I was overly stressed because I am not used to having 70 in my marks. I thought it was one of the effects of the drug but she told me that it shouldn’t affect my cognition. Until now, I’m still having headaches, vision problems (sometimes it’s just blurry and sometimes my eyes are twitching and my vision is shifting to color red), social problems, I even feel like I’ve become dumb. I think I still need help but I don’t know who to approach.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 26, 2016 at 3:57 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles and we completely understand that the symptoms you are experiencing are very real, and that in most cases something can be done about them. It would be best to explore further through a free 10-15 minute consultation with one of our doctors to discuss what options would be best for you. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to do so. Take care and we hope to hear from you soon!

  171. Zaerein on January 17, 2016 at 10:36 pm

    Last year, we were playing softball along with my classmates and unfortunately I got hit on my head. It was quite strong that I felt dizzy and my vision started to blur. I didn’t worry that much though. A month after, I began feeling anxious towards other people. I am also having a persistent headaches. And after 4 months of the incident, I was diagnosed with dysphoria and started cognitive behavioral therapy. But I always felt like it’s not helping, and when I talked to my psychiatrist, she told me that I am having a major depressive disorder. She gave me medications. I realized I was having a problem with my speech (I am always stammering which is very unusual), and trouble with my memories (I can’t even elaborately remember what happened yesterday). My grades started to fall because I am not able to concentrate, and I was overly stressed because I am not used to having 70 in my marks. I thought it was one of the effects of the drug but she told me that it shouldn’t affect my cognition. Until now, I’m still having headaches, vision problems (sometimes it’s just blurry and sometimes my eyes are twitching and my vision is shifting to color red), social problems, I even feel like I’ve become dumb. I think I still need help but I don’t know who to approach.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 26, 2016 at 3:57 pm


      So sorry to hear of your struggles and we completely understand that the symptoms you are experiencing are very real, and that in most cases something can be done about them. It would be best to explore further through a free 10-15 minute consultation with one of our doctors to discuss what options would be best for you. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to do so. Take care and we hope to hear from you soon!

  172. J.D. Stratton on January 15, 2016 at 12:59 am

    I’m a 17 year old guy that has had multiple concussions. My first one I know for sure I had was in 7th grade football and have had multiple concussions since. I never really notices until not that before I had my first concussion I did well in school, I was a happy guy, got along with almost everybody, my family and I were close. After my first one in 7t grade football I began to struggle in school, I got diagnosed with depression, I lost many friends all from me going off on them and not meaning to, I would get easily irritated and angry. I began to fight with my family constantly and would rather be in my room by myself then being with anybody. I quit football after my 8th grade season. I slowly got my friends back, I started to be more social, headaches still occurred but not as much as they used to, I slowly got closer with my family. I got along with everybody and would rather be out of my house socializing, everything was going great, my depression slowly decreased to where I was not depressed anymore, my grades started to get better and life became easier. I decided to play football my senior, ever since then everything is happening again, I’m depressed, easily agitated, starting arguments all the time just because I’m pissed, I lost all my friends, my grades got worse, I can’t concentrate, and would rather be by myself in my room then to see my my family or anybody in that case. I can’t keep a stable relationship, I don’t fell like myself anymore and I’m not sure what to do to change that, I’ve thought about getting help but I would rather not going to see anyone about it, I’m not sure what to do and I would like advice.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 16, 2016 at 11:55 am


      Sorry to hear of your struggles, seems like you’ve been through quite a bit. As far as advice goes, it would be best to call the office at 828.708.5274 to set up a free consultation to discuss what options are available to you. You would need to call with a parent/guardian given you are under 18. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

  173. J.D. Stratton on January 15, 2016 at 12:59 am

    I’m a 17 year old guy that has had multiple concussions. My first one I know for sure I had was in 7th grade football and have had multiple concussions since. I never really notices until not that before I had my first concussion I did well in school, I was a happy guy, got along with almost everybody, my family and I were close. After my first one in 7t grade football I began to struggle in school, I got diagnosed with depression, I lost many friends all from me going off on them and not meaning to, I would get easily irritated and angry. I began to fight with my family constantly and would rather be in my room by myself then being with anybody. I quit football after my 8th grade season. I slowly got my friends back, I started to be more social, headaches still occurred but not as much as they used to, I slowly got closer with my family. I got along with everybody and would rather be out of my house socializing, everything was going great, my depression slowly decreased to where I was not depressed anymore, my grades started to get better and life became easier. I decided to play football my senior, ever since then everything is happening again, I’m depressed, easily agitated, starting arguments all the time just because I’m pissed, I lost all my friends, my grades got worse, I can’t concentrate, and would rather be by myself in my room then to see my my family or anybody in that case. I can’t keep a stable relationship, I don’t fell like myself anymore and I’m not sure what to do to change that, I’ve thought about getting help but I would rather not going to see anyone about it, I’m not sure what to do and I would like advice.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 16, 2016 at 11:55 am


      Sorry to hear of your struggles, seems like you’ve been through quite a bit. As far as advice goes, it would be best to call the office at 828.708.5274 to set up a free consultation to discuss what options are available to you. You would need to call with a parent/guardian given you are under 18. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

  174. Angela on January 12, 2016 at 6:23 pm

    I hit my head extremely hard on arm When police man put his arm behind my head while I was thrashing because they had me tied to tightly to the table. Don’t know if the policeman and all 15 doctors and nurses I was with are retarded or not But he shouldn’t have put his fucking arm behind my head. I passed out almost immediately But because I was then thrashing they tranquilizer me with ketamine and ativan. Those probably don’t treat or mix with a concussion. I didn’t wake up But could still move for 4-5 days. Then the ICU treated me for “schizophrenia” WTF. So now I’m incredibly fucked up from powerful antipsychotics when I wasn’t even schizophrenic. And I have diabetes from seroquel. I have nightmares every night and they never treated me at all for my concussion.

  175. Luke on January 8, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    I took up boxing with a few friends a couple weeks ago and so far we have gotten together and boxed twice. Both times I sparred multiple times. Afterwards both times I had a headache and I got frustrated easier than usual. Also I have been noticing that I have mild headaches more often, although it’s possible I’m just noticing more. I don’t have any other symptoms you described. Concussion or just fatigue and headaches?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 8, 2016 at 1:27 pm


      Thanks for sharing your story.

      In most settings where people are in the beginning stages of martial arts, boxing, etc., hits to the head are not recommended. It takes time to develop control and the proper form necessary for sparring without causing injury.

      The fact that you are getting headaches and having emotional concerns is a bit troubling as this indicates trauma to the brain. Some may have headaches alone, and others may have 20+ symptoms – each brain is unique in how it presents.

      I would exercise extreme caution and re-think getting hits to the head so early, and, at the very least, headgear is a must.

      If you would like to discuss your symptoms further, please call us at 828.708.5274 for free consultation.

      Take care and be safe!

  176. Luke on January 8, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    I took up boxing with a few friends a couple weeks ago and so far we have gotten together and boxed twice. Both times I sparred multiple times. Afterwards both times I had a headache and I got frustrated easier than usual. Also I have been noticing that I have mild headaches more often, although it’s possible I’m just noticing more. I don’t have any other symptoms you described. Concussion or just fatigue and headaches?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 8, 2016 at 1:27 pm


      Thanks for sharing your story.

      In most settings where people are in the beginning stages of martial arts, boxing, etc., hits to the head are not recommended. It takes time to develop control and the proper form necessary for sparring without causing injury.

      The fact that you are getting headaches and having emotional concerns is a bit troubling as this indicates trauma to the brain. Some may have headaches alone, and others may have 20+ symptoms – each brain is unique in how it presents.

      I would exercise extreme caution and re-think getting hits to the head so early, and, at the very least, headgear is a must.

      If you would like to discuss your symptoms further, please call us at 828.708.5274 for free consultation.

      Take care and be safe!

  177. Weill Marie on January 7, 2016 at 2:22 pm

    I had a concussion 2 months ago. Since i had 2 minors bumps wich get me back all the symptoms come back strong as after my first injury. I am really worry. I am afraid to don t manage to recover. Sorry my english i am a french woman of 36 years old. Thanck you by advance.
    Marie Weill

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 8, 2016 at 1:20 pm

      Hello Marie:

      It would be best for you to call the office to discuss your situation and potential options. There is much that can be done about persistent concussion symptoms. Our number is 828.708.5274 – initial consultation is free of charge (approximately 15 minutes).

      Take care and we hope to speak with you soon.

  178. Weill Marie on January 7, 2016 at 2:22 pm

    I had a concussion 2 months ago. Since i had 2 minors bumps wich get me back all the symptoms come back strong as after my first injury. I am really worry. I am afraid to don t manage to recover. Sorry my english i am a french woman of 36 years old. Thanck you by advance.
    Marie Weill

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 8, 2016 at 1:20 pm

      Hello Marie:

      It would be best for you to call the office to discuss your situation and potential options. There is much that can be done about persistent concussion symptoms. Our number is 828.708.5274 – initial consultation is free of charge (approximately 15 minutes).

      Here is a recent case we had great success with when symptoms were quite severe as you describe –

      Take care and we hope to speak with you soon.

  179. Doris on January 5, 2016 at 7:38 pm

    When I was 16 fell off a bridge was unconscious treatment in hospital for a week head injury and memory loss when I was 25 had a car accident also hit my head at age 35 had another car accident hit my head again at that point I started getting severe headaches nausea dizziness went to different doctors neurologist migraine specialist all kinds of medications on top of that go to a psychologist for depression still in pain

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 6, 2016 at 7:56 am


      Sorry to hear of your struggles. If you would like to discuss with one of our skilled clinicians, please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation.

      Take care.

  180. Doris on January 5, 2016 at 7:38 pm

    When I was 16 fell off a bridge was unconscious treatment in hospital for a week head injury and memory loss when I was 25 had a car accident also hit my head at age 35 had another car accident hit my head again at that point I started getting severe headaches nausea dizziness went to different doctors neurologist migraine specialist all kinds of medications on top of that go to a psychologist for depression still in pain

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 6, 2016 at 7:56 am


      Sorry to hear of your struggles. If you would like to discuss with one of our skilled clinicians, please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation.

      Take care.

  181. Kayla on December 23, 2015 at 7:53 pm

    My friend was recently hit by a car, and I am afraid that she has a Concussion, but she doesn’t want to go to the hospital. What do I do to treat it myself?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 23, 2015 at 9:20 pm

      Hello Kayla:

      I sincerely appreciate your concern for your friend. I’m not certain when exactly this happened, but if she’s having persistent symptoms like headaches, dizziness, or possibly worse, she needs to seek medical attention immediately. There could be complications beyond concussion, such as hematoma, that can have devastating consequences if not addressed properly.

      This is not something you can treat yourself as appropriate evaluation is critical for determining the extent of injury and what type of intervention would be necessary. Only experts in this arena should work with her.

      If she would like to seek consult at our office after any immediate critical scenarios have been ruled out, we can discuss effective intervention for the longer term. Our # is 828.708.5274.

      Please don’t have her wait any longer to get evaluated.

      Thank you.

  182. Kayla on December 23, 2015 at 7:53 pm

    My friend was recently hit by a car, and I am afraid that she has a Concussion, but she doesn’t want to go to the hospital. What do I do to treat it myself?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 23, 2015 at 9:20 pm

      Hello Kayla:

      I sincerely appreciate your concern for your friend. I’m not certain when exactly this happened, but if she’s having persistent symptoms like headaches, dizziness, or possibly worse, she needs to seek medical attention immediately. There could be complications beyond concussion, such as hematoma, that can have devastating consequences if not addressed properly.

      This is not something you can treat yourself as appropriate evaluation is critical for determining the extent of injury and what type of intervention would be necessary. Only experts in this arena should work with her.

      If she would like to seek consult at our office after any immediate critical scenarios have been ruled out, we can discuss effective intervention for the longer term. Our # is 828.708.5274.

      Please don’t have her wait any longer to get evaluated.

      Thank you.

  183. Marisol on December 9, 2015 at 1:16 pm

    About 1 year ago … I was hit on the top of my head with a soccer ball. As soon as it hit me I felt a shooting pain down my neck and the perimeter of my head. 3 days later I had a severe panick attack and it’s been down hill from there. Since then I’ve suffered from agoraphobia and depression from the severe anxiety. I have brain fog and I forget things all the time. My consintration is non existent. And I feel dizzy and have headaches almost all the time. My vision is always foggy, my eyes are sensitive to light, and my ears sometimes feel like I’m in an airplane. At first I thought it was just i was going through a rough patch in my life and all these symptoms were do to my severe anxiety but now after reading this article itconcerns me that it might be something to do with that hit in the head. I don’t know why I never put two and two together. I’ve tried anti depressants and anti anxiety medication and they would just make me feel worse so I stuck to just therapy which has helped a bit. What’s the first step I should take to figure out if this really has to do with that hit in the head?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 12, 2015 at 3:58 pm


      Thank you for your inquiry and so sorry to hear of your situation.

      Everything you describe, even the phobia/fear/anxiety, is commonplace after head injury/concussion. Post-concussion syndrome, which is likely from what you describe, can last for years if not appropriately treated.

      The first step would be to call us at 828.708.5274 for a free 10-15 minute consultation to learn a bit more and discuss your options with you.

      There is great hope in most cases like this. The challenge is, the longer one waits, the greater the likelihood of more troubling symptoms.

      In the meantime – take a peek at this case study and video from a young lady with a similar situation who now has her life back on track.

      Take care and we hope to talk with you soon!

  184. Marisol on December 9, 2015 at 1:16 pm

    About 1 year ago … I was hit on the top of my head with a soccer ball. As soon as it hit me I felt a shooting pain down my neck and the perimeter of my head. 3 days later I had a severe panick attack and it’s been down hill from there. Since then I’ve suffered from agoraphobia and depression from the severe anxiety. I have brain fog and I forget things all the time. My consintration is non existent. And I feel dizzy and have headaches almost all the time. My vision is always foggy, my eyes are sensitive to light, and my ears sometimes feel like I’m in an airplane. At first I thought it was just i was going through a rough patch in my life and all these symptoms were do to my severe anxiety but now after reading this article itconcerns me that it might be something to do with that hit in the head. I don’t know why I never put two and two together. I’ve tried anti depressants and anti anxiety medication and they would just make me feel worse so I stuck to just therapy which has helped a bit. What’s the first step I should take to figure out if this really has to do with that hit in the head?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 12, 2015 at 3:58 pm


      Thank you for your inquiry and so sorry to hear of your situation.

      Everything you describe, even the phobia/fear/anxiety, is commonplace after head injury/concussion. Post-concussion syndrome, which is likely from what you describe, can last for years if not appropriately treated.

      The first step would be to call us at 828.708.5274 for a free 10-15 minute consultation to learn a bit more and discuss your options with you.

      There is great hope in most cases like this. The challenge is, the longer one waits, the greater the likelihood of more troubling symptoms.

      In the meantime – take a peek at this case study and video from a young lady with a similar situation who now has her life back on track.

      Take care and we hope to talk with you soon!

  185. Danielle on December 8, 2015 at 12:46 pm

    Hi. I am a 27 year old female just curious about the long term affects as it is not always the main topic discussed in brain injuries. I was in a recreational tubing acc. at age 14. The people on the tube said I was unconscious in the water for a couple minutes and then came to only to not know anything. I only had a memory span of 5 minutes and then would forget everything all over again. Had no recollection of who I was, where I was, what happened and couldn’t take in new memories. No one ever took me to a hospital. I finally regained my memory a day later and I started having debilitating migraines a week following and hard to start taking imitrex shots in my thigh. I had hit someone else’s head so hard, we were boating quite fast, they had to have stitches across their entire face. I still don’t remember the accident and have had trouble with my memory since. It’s like I have no concept of time of my childhood and I can’t remember a lot of it. Had a brain mri a year ago in which they found a cyst on my cerebellum. I had been having ischemic stroke like symptoms all of a sudden a couple years ago whenever doing physical activity. What are the long term effects with an untreated head injury of that status?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 12, 2015 at 4:11 pm


      That sounds like quite an accident – sorry to hear you are still having trouble.

      The long-term effects of an injury of this type are far reaching. You have read about some in this article, and can Google more quite easily.

      If you take a look at and read this video/case study, this young lady had extensive symptoms, most of which have been resolved through Brain Training. Some of her symptoms are quite similar to what you describe.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help. There is great hope for these types of situations given the right type of intervention.

      We hope to hear from you soon!

  186. Danielle on December 8, 2015 at 12:46 pm

    Hi. I am a 27 year old female just curious about the long term affects as it is not always the main topic discussed in brain injuries. I was in a recreational tubing acc. at age 14. The people on the tube said I was unconscious in the water for a couple minutes and then came to only to not know anything. I only had a memory span of 5 minutes and then would forget everything all over again. Had no recollection of who I was, where I was, what happened and couldn’t take in new memories. No one ever took me to a hospital. I finally regained my memory a day later and I started having debilitating migraines a week following and hard to start taking imitrex shots in my thigh. I had hit someone else’s head so hard, we were boating quite fast, they had to have stitches across their entire face. I still don’t remember the accident and have had trouble with my memory since. It’s like I have no concept of time of my childhood and I can’t remember a lot of it. Had a brain mri a year ago in which they found a cyst on my cerebellum. I had been having ischemic stroke like symptoms all of a sudden a couple years ago whenever doing physical activity. What are the long term effects with an untreated head injury of that status?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 12, 2015 at 4:11 pm


      That sounds like quite an accident – sorry to hear you are still having trouble.

      The long-term effects of an injury of this type are far reaching. You have read about some in this article, and can Google more quite easily.

      If you take a look at and read this video/case study, this young lady had extensive symptoms, most of which have been resolved through Brain Training. Some of her symptoms are quite similar to what you describe.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help. There is great hope for these types of situations given the right type of intervention.

      We hope to hear from you soon!

  187. derek w.h on December 4, 2015 at 7:44 pm

    i am now 42 yrs old now i played semi pro football and jr hockey in canadai , i was known to be able to hit like a frieght train and remember many games puking , dizziness etc but back than u got a whiff of smelling salts and back out you went. Now ive had 2 divorces and experienced alot of personal trauma , my most recent wife of 10yrs (just been a yr since break up) told me all the time that i was always depressed , anxious, angry, sad etc, she described me as an emotional rollercoaster. This break up really brought out alot of emotions that i dont know where they are coming from , i dont eat or sleep and hate now going out in public , i believe along with the personal trauma and i know few if not many undiagnosed concussions play a major role in my emotions now, what can i do ?,,who do i see as my family doctor just tells me to rest. Its effecting all my relationships and my life , im fighting this everyday and would like some advice to move forward and fix this without zombie making drugs?
    Please anyone help

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 7, 2015 at 10:19 am


      Thank you for sharing and so sorry to hear of your struggles – we hear these types of stories all too often. The challenges you’ve been having over the years can very likely be related to multiple concussions sustained in sports and otherwise. Your family doctor, as most, are not trained, not equipped to deal with these type of injuries. Please call us at 828.708.5274 as soon as you are able for a free consult to discuss your options. There is hope in many cases such as yours and the sooner the intervention, the better. Take care!

  188. derek w.h on December 4, 2015 at 7:44 pm

    i am now 42 yrs old now i played semi pro football and jr hockey in canadai , i was known to be able to hit like a frieght train and remember many games puking , dizziness etc but back than u got a whiff of smelling salts and back out you went. Now ive had 2 divorces and experienced alot of personal trauma , my most recent wife of 10yrs (just been a yr since break up) told me all the time that i was always depressed , anxious, angry, sad etc, she described me as an emotional rollercoaster. This break up really brought out alot of emotions that i dont know where they are coming from , i dont eat or sleep and hate now going out in public , i believe along with the personal trauma and i know few if not many undiagnosed concussions play a major role in my emotions now, what can i do ?,,who do i see as my family doctor just tells me to rest. Its effecting all my relationships and my life , im fighting this everyday and would like some advice to move forward and fix this without zombie making drugs?
    Please anyone help

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 7, 2015 at 10:19 am


      Thank you for sharing and so sorry to hear of your struggles – we hear these types of stories all too often. The challenges you’ve been having over the years can very likely be related to multiple concussions sustained in sports and otherwise. Your family doctor, as most, are not trained, not equipped to deal with these type of injuries. Please call us at 828.708.5274 as soon as you are able for a free consult to discuss your options. There is hope in many cases such as yours and the sooner the intervention, the better. Take care!

  189. M. BYNUM on December 2, 2015 at 11:06 pm

    Years ago I remember falling from up side down on my head from about 8ft from a swing set I was about 7or8 (somewhere near that age). I didn’t go unconscious but it did “knock the wind out of me”. Now 17 years old I’ve experienced terrible headaches (from the feeling of ice pick or tension headaches), depression, and recently memory loss, neck aches, and back aches . But I went to the doctor and told him but he just assumed it was from me getting older basically just telling me not to worry about.but I never mentioned the fall or the fact my knee swells as if I have fluid in my leg.. but reading this is it truly possible that these symptoms be an after affect of a concussion? Or something else.? Or just nothing?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 7, 2015 at 10:23 am


      What you describe are not normal signs of getting older, especially given you are only 17. These can absolutely be the after effects of concussion. WE see these types of problems every day and oftentimes something can be done about them. Please call us with a parent or guardian at 828.708.5274 as soon as you can to set up a free phone consult to discuss your options. Take care and we look forward to hearing from you.

  190. M. BYNUM on December 2, 2015 at 11:06 pm

    Years ago I remember falling from up side down on my head from about 8ft from a swing set I was about 7or8 (somewhere near that age). I didn’t go unconscious but it did “knock the wind out of me”. Now 17 years old I’ve experienced terrible headaches (from the feeling of ice pick or tension headaches), depression, and recently memory loss, neck aches, and back aches . But I went to the doctor and told him but he just assumed it was from me getting older basically just telling me not to worry about.but I never mentioned the fall or the fact my knee swells as if I have fluid in my leg.. but reading this is it truly possible that these symptoms be an after affect of a concussion? Or something else.? Or just nothing?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 7, 2015 at 10:23 am


      What you describe are not normal signs of getting older, especially given you are only 17. These can absolutely be the after effects of concussion. WE see these types of problems every day and oftentimes something can be done about them. Please call us with a parent or guardian at 828.708.5274 as soon as you can to set up a free phone consult to discuss your options. Take care and we look forward to hearing from you.

  191. Jordan on December 1, 2015 at 7:58 pm

    I hit my head just recently. Since then I have been a mixed bag of emotions. One minute I am crying for no reason, the next I am angry over nothing. When I think, I do it in third person and then I correct myself. Right now I have a headache. Like my brain is getting too big for my skull. My parents won’t take me to the hospital and thought I was faking.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 1, 2015 at 8:10 pm

      Greetings Jordan:

      Challenges with emotional regulation and cognitive function are fairly common after hits to the head and potential concussions. Please feel free to call us at 828.708.5274 (with your parents if your under the age of 18) for a free consultation to discuss further as there are things that can be done to help these and other related symptoms. Take care!

  192. Jordan on December 1, 2015 at 7:58 pm

    I hit my head just recently. Since then I have been a mixed bag of emotions. One minute I am crying for no reason, the next I am angry over nothing. When I think, I do it in third person and then I correct myself. Right now I have a headache. Like my brain is getting too big for my skull. My parents won’t take me to the hospital and thought I was faking.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 1, 2015 at 8:10 pm

      Greetings Jordan:

      Challenges with emotional regulation and cognitive function are fairly common after hits to the head and potential concussions. Please feel free to call us at 828.708.5274 (with your parents if your under the age of 18) for a free consultation to discuss further as there are things that can be done to help these and other related symptoms. Take care!

  193. Jenna on November 30, 2015 at 6:20 pm

    Hi Doctor,
    I hit my head extremely hard on a sharp corner of a fake fireplace. I bent over to pick sometjing up, came up too fast and slammed my head. I did not lose consciousness but was in terrible pain (shooting pain) and felt strange for the rest of the day. This was is August 2015. I still have recurring symptoms such as headache, forgetfulness and mostly the feeling of complete exhaustion. I can’t get enough sleep, but the sleep I do get is interrupted several times a night. I feel ridiculous for saying I think it’s a concussion after this all this time, But even more so for not going to the ER when it happened.
    Any thoughts?
    Jenna W.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 1, 2015 at 8:15 pm

      Hello Jenna:

      These are common symptoms of post-concussion syndrome. You do not have to lose consciousness to have a concussion and that is very likely what happened given the long duration of your symptoms. More information would be necessary to render an appropriate diagnosis, so feel free to call us at 828.708.5274 to see what options there are for you. There is hope for remediation of symptoms long after head injuries. We hope to hear from you soon – take care!

  194. Jenna on November 30, 2015 at 6:20 pm

    Hi Doctor,
    I hit my head extremely hard on a sharp corner of a fake fireplace. I bent over to pick sometjing up, came up too fast and slammed my head. I did not lose consciousness but was in terrible pain (shooting pain) and felt strange for the rest of the day. This was is August 2015. I still have recurring symptoms such as headache, forgetfulness and mostly the feeling of complete exhaustion. I can’t get enough sleep, but the sleep I do get is interrupted several times a night. I feel ridiculous for saying I think it’s a concussion after this all this time, But even more so for not going to the ER when it happened.
    Any thoughts?
    Jenna W.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on December 1, 2015 at 8:15 pm

      Hello Jenna:

      These are common symptoms of post-concussion syndrome. You do not have to lose consciousness to have a concussion and that is very likely what happened given the long duration of your symptoms. More information would be necessary to render an appropriate diagnosis, so feel free to call us at 828.708.5274 to see what options there are for you. There is hope for remediation of symptoms long after head injuries. We hope to hear from you soon – take care!

  195. Bailey on November 17, 2015 at 10:28 am

    I’m fifteen, and I was working on our farm pounding posts; when I was using the pounder the heavy tool can and hit me in the head this was only two days ago… of course I have a bump on the head but since I have had a really bad headache a stomachache, pain that is like behind my eye (on the side where I was hit) and it has been hard to read. Is it possible that I could have a concussion?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 17, 2015 at 2:46 pm


      It is highly probable that you have had a concussion based on the persistent symptoms you mention. Have you had any type of evaluation? What you would need to do is notify your parent/guardian about what happened and what you are still experiencing, and seek evaluation immediately as it is a new injury and your symptoms may vary widely. Your primary care, ER, or walk-in clinic is your best bet for initial screening. Do not let these symptoms go un-checked. After that, please call us (with a parent or guardian) and we can consult with you on the residual symptoms. 828.708.5274.

  196. Bailey on November 17, 2015 at 10:28 am

    I’m fifteen, and I was working on our farm pounding posts; when I was using the pounder the heavy tool can and hit me in the head this was only two days ago… of course I have a bump on the head but since I have had a really bad headache a stomachache, pain that is like behind my eye (on the side where I was hit) and it has been hard to read. Is it possible that I could have a concussion?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 17, 2015 at 2:46 pm


      It is highly probable that you have had a concussion based on the persistent symptoms you mention. Have you had any type of evaluation? What you would need to do is notify your parent/guardian about what happened and what you are still experiencing, and seek evaluation immediately as it is a new injury and your symptoms may vary widely. Your primary care, ER, or walk-in clinic is your best bet for initial screening. Do not let these symptoms go un-checked. After that, please call us (with a parent or guardian) and we can consult with you on the residual symptoms. 828.708.5274.

  197. Dave on November 13, 2015 at 1:39 pm

    I am in my 40’s now. When I was a kid 14yrs old at camp, I fell and landed on the side of face and blacked out for a second. Camp counselor asked me if I was allright and of course I said I was alrirght (I was just a kid) and the counselor never took me to the hospital to get checked out. A couple years later,I started to get anxiety,panic attacks,heart palpatations,headaches,tinnitus,ear fullness and then diagnosed with TMJ . The worst is the anxiety comes from nowhere.. even when I am at a relaxed state. I Missed out on alot of things in life. Doctors never helped at all.

    I live in Canada, not working at all for the past year and half,living on my savings, almost broke. I dont know if I can even apply for disability because my doctor thinks its all in my head.

    Do you know anywhere I can go to get checked out here in Toronto,Ontario Canada ?. Any advice?

    Also,what type of procedure do you do to help someone with these type of cuncussion problems?.


    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 13, 2015 at 3:13 pm


      Sorry to hear of your struggles.

      Our procedures are diverse and many. We look at cognitive abilities, brainwave activity, balance, eye movements, metabolic function and so much more. Treatments are based on test results and used to target deficits found with testing. You can read of several modalities on the brain training page of this site.

      Please visit the doctor locator on to find a provider near you. You may also call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your options. We are familiar with a Dr. Peter Scheuring in the area.

      I hope you are able to get to an evaluation soon!

      Take care

  198. Dave on November 13, 2015 at 1:39 pm

    I am in my 40’s now. When I was a kid 14yrs old at camp, I fell and landed on the side of face and blacked out for a second. Camp counselor asked me if I was allright and of course I said I was alrirght (I was just a kid) and the counselor never took me to the hospital to get checked out. A couple years later,I started to get anxiety,panic attacks,heart palpatations,headaches,tinnitus,ear fullness and then diagnosed with TMJ . The worst is the anxiety comes from nowhere.. even when I am at a relaxed state. I Missed out on alot of things in life. Doctors never helped at all.

    I live in Canada, not working at all for the past year and half,living on my savings, almost broke. I dont know if I can even apply for disability because my doctor thinks its all in my head.

    Do you know anywhere I can go to get checked out here in Toronto,Ontario Canada ?. Any advice?

    Also,what type of procedure do you do to help someone with these type of cuncussion problems?.


    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 13, 2015 at 3:13 pm


      Sorry to hear of your struggles.

      Our procedures are diverse and many. We look at cognitive abilities, brainwave activity, balance, eye movements, metabolic function and so much more. Treatments are based on test results and used to target deficits found with testing. You can read of several modalities on the brain training page of this site.

      Please visit the doctor locator on to find a provider near you. You may also call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your options. We are familiar with a Dr. Peter Scheuring in the area.

      I hope you are able to get to an evaluation soon!

      Take care

  199. sheila on November 12, 2015 at 8:33 pm

    When i was 13, i got in a fight with another girl, needless to say i incured a blow to the head with a tire tool and imediately blacked out. And now i am almost 46 and have been experiencing migrain headaches when i am not having just a regular headache. I also deal with forgetting, dizzy spells, difficulty keeping my balance, anger, depression, anxiety. Them are the more important things that has come out of this and other head injuries.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 13, 2015 at 3:16 pm

      Greetings Sheila:

      Sorry to hear of your struggles – these are common problems with head injury/concussion and can last a long time as you are unfortunately experiencing.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your concerns and options should you choose to do so.

      We hope to hear from you soon.

  200. sheila on November 12, 2015 at 8:33 pm

    When i was 13, i got in a fight with another girl, needless to say i incured a blow to the head with a tire tool and imediately blacked out. And now i am almost 46 and have been experiencing migrain headaches when i am not having just a regular headache. I also deal with forgetting, dizzy spells, difficulty keeping my balance, anger, depression, anxiety. Them are the more important things that has come out of this and other head injuries.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 13, 2015 at 3:16 pm

      Greetings Sheila:

      Sorry to hear of your struggles – these are common problems with head injury/concussion and can last a long time as you are unfortunately experiencing.

      Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your concerns and options should you choose to do so.

      We hope to hear from you soon.

  201. Bhavana on November 5, 2015 at 10:37 am

    I had a concussion about 2 years ago , I did not loose consciousness nor did I have amnesia , but I have had severe head aches since I did not seek medical attention so far I also face occupational dizziness , should I be worried ?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 7, 2015 at 10:41 pm


      Thank you for your inquiry and sorry to hear about your headaches and dizziness. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to schedule a free consultation to discuss further as there is reason for concern with the persistent symptoms you describe. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

  202. Bhavana on November 5, 2015 at 10:37 am

    I had a concussion about 2 years ago , I did not loose consciousness nor did I have amnesia , but I have had severe head aches since I did not seek medical attention so far I also face occupational dizziness , should I be worried ?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 7, 2015 at 10:41 pm


      Thank you for your inquiry and sorry to hear about your headaches and dizziness. Please call us at 828.708.5274 to schedule a free consultation to discuss further as there is reason for concern with the persistent symptoms you describe. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

  203. Name Entered on November 2, 2015 at 3:16 am

    Doctor, thank you for offering to help people with concussions regardless of when they occurred. There is still a stigma attached to seeking help for mental issues associated with these injuries, but it’s needed for survival. We have lost too many sports players, teenagers and veterans, due to the barbaric spectator sports we call “entertainment”. Why we enjoy watching someone get knocked unconscious or pummeled to the ground is beyond my understanding. I pray that contact is one day banned from sports. Soft or not, no one should suffer such horrific symptoms in the name of fame or money. America, let’s wake up and beome responsible, humane people who care about our kids, brothers, and fathers too much to let them go through this.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 3, 2015 at 10:10 am

      Well said – thank you so much for your view on this very complicated subject. There is hope; unfortunately the norm for most is still the ‘wait and see’ approach. We are working with a wide range of concussion/TBI daily with great results in most cases; although it is a grassroots effort to educate the masses in understating the need for intervention beyond testing..

  204. Name Entered on November 2, 2015 at 3:16 am

    Doctor, thank you for offering to help people with concussions regardless of when they occurred. There is still a stigma attached to seeking help for mental issues associated with these injuries, but it’s needed for survival. We have lost too many sports players, teenagers and veterans, due to the barbaric spectator sports we call “entertainment”. Why we enjoy watching someone get knocked unconscious or pummeled to the ground is beyond my understanding. I pray that contact is one day banned from sports. Soft or not, no one should suffer such horrific symptoms in the name of fame or money. America, let’s wake up and beome responsible, humane people who care about our kids, brothers, and fathers too much to let them go through this.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 3, 2015 at 10:10 am

      Well said – thank you so much for your view on this very complicated subject. There is hope; unfortunately the norm for most is still the ‘wait and see’ approach. We are working with a wide range of concussion/TBI daily with great results in most cases; although it is a grassroots effort to educate the masses in understating the need for intervention beyond testing..

  205. mark on October 26, 2015 at 7:30 am

    5 years ago I fell from 25′ landing evenly on my left side broke both hips and palvis in 2 places. Days after I remember when fell wipping the dirt off left side of my face and out of my ear hole. Headaches, dizziness, nausea, never ware glasses but went straight to bifocals, depression, cannot get along with people. Just like to be by my self.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 28, 2015 at 10:39 am

      So sorry to hear of your struggles, Mark. If you would like to discuss further, please feel free to call our center at 828.708.5274 and set up a free brief consultation. There is hope for many with post-concussion and related head injury syndromes.

  206. mark on October 26, 2015 at 7:30 am

    5 years ago I fell from 25′ landing evenly on my left side broke both hips and palvis in 2 places. Days after I remember when fell wipping the dirt off left side of my face and out of my ear hole. Headaches, dizziness, nausea, never ware glasses but went straight to bifocals, depression, cannot get along with people. Just like to be by my self.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 28, 2015 at 10:39 am

      So sorry to hear of your struggles, Mark. If you would like to discuss further, please feel free to call our center at 828.708.5274 and set up a free brief consultation. There is hope for many with post-concussion and related head injury syndromes.

  207. Moises Barrios on October 25, 2015 at 11:34 pm

    I’m a high school student-athlete and I recently got a huge head to head contact hit and had a headache. At first I thought it was normal because it was during a football game but then I kept on having these constant headaches throughout the weekend and was wondering could this be a sign if a concussion?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 28, 2015 at 10:46 am

      Moises – Persistent headaches are a very likely sign that you did in fact sustain a concussion. Please feel free to call our center at 828.708.5274 and set up a free brief consultation (or have your parent/s contact us if you are under 18). There is hope for many with post-concussion and related head injury syndromes.

  208. Moises Barrios on October 25, 2015 at 11:34 pm

    I’m a high school student-athlete and I recently got a huge head to head contact hit and had a headache. At first I thought it was normal because it was during a football game but then I kept on having these constant headaches throughout the weekend and was wondering could this be a sign if a concussion?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 28, 2015 at 10:46 am

      Moises – Persistent headaches are a very likely sign that you did in fact sustain a concussion. Please feel free to call our center at 828.708.5274 and set up a free brief consultation (or have your parent/s contact us if you are under 18). There is hope for many with post-concussion and related head injury syndromes.

  209. Lester Steedley on October 15, 2015 at 8:15 pm

    So I have fallen several times. The first was at 6 when I fell out of a neighbors doorway and hit the concrete steps. The second was off the see saw and I remember feeling very disoriented and deaf, not able to recognize my surroundings for about a min. The last was a car accident which I was hit from behind. I do not re,ember hitting my head, but for the next two days I tried to go to work but was sick and had a constant headache and ended up vomitting due to the headaches and sound/ light issues. To this day I have a tender spot on the crown of my head, and I deal with chronic fatigue, depression, migraines, ADHD etc… I really do think I have some sort of issue going on. Any thoughts? I’m tired of being 27 and sick

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 19, 2015 at 8:32 am

      Hello Lester:

      Thank you for sharing and so sorry to hear of your struggles. We see the after-effects of untreated concussion on a daily basis here in our center. Please call the office at 828-708.5274 for a free consult to discuss some options for you, as it is never too late to get moving in a positive direction with these issues. We hope to hear from you soon.

  210. Lester Steedley on October 15, 2015 at 8:15 pm

    So I have fallen several times. The first was at 6 when I fell out of a neighbors doorway and hit the concrete steps. The second was off the see saw and I remember feeling very disoriented and deaf, not able to recognize my surroundings for about a min. The last was a car accident which I was hit from behind. I do not re,ember hitting my head, but for the next two days I tried to go to work but was sick and had a constant headache and ended up vomitting due to the headaches and sound/ light issues. To this day I have a tender spot on the crown of my head, and I deal with chronic fatigue, depression, migraines, ADHD etc… I really do think I have some sort of issue going on. Any thoughts? I’m tired of being 27 and sick

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 19, 2015 at 8:32 am

      Hello Lester:

      Thank you for sharing and so sorry to hear of your struggles. We see the after-effects of untreated concussion on a daily basis here in our center. Please call the office at 828-708.5274 for a free consult to discuss some options for you, as it is never too late to get moving in a positive direction with these issues. We hope to hear from you soon.

  211. Joe on October 1, 2015 at 7:27 am

    I hit my head playing football I fell very fatigued and have had a long lasting headache I take Tylenol but it doesn’t help. What should I do?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 2, 2015 at 8:50 am

      Greetings Joe:

      Many experience persistent headaches after hits to the head – which is indicative of a concussion having occurred.

      Please read this article I just published today for more info –

      Bottom line – you need to get it checked out. Please call us at 828.708.5274 if you’d like to discuss further. Our brief 10-15 minute consults to discuss your options are always free of charge.

      Take care.

      • Tom Scharneck on March 8, 2016 at 11:04 pm

        I had alot of the same problems on the list above. Depression, foggy memory,anxiety, lack of cordination. Im 18, had untreated concusions when i was 14,15. I know they where concussions because you don’t hit your head and feel nautious for no reason. Than a 3rd one in the winter of 2014 slipping on ice. My life was perfect until of all of this happened, lost friends, hurt family, lost athletic college asperations due to bad grades and most of all lost myself. Got so bad i landed myself in a phsyc word for depression. 18 now, im striving to better my life because this was a journey of a lifetime fit into a time span of 4 years. Someone help me fix this problem so I don’t have to deal with re accuring deppression and mental fogginess. I forget EVERYTHING!!!!

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 17, 2016 at 4:44 pm


          So sorry to hear of your struggles at such a young age. Folks can get through many if not most post-concussion symptoms.

          Watch this video – – and give us a call at 828.708.5274 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your options. This is what we do at APEX. You can also find similar videos on or site under success stories.

          Take care.

  212. Joe on October 1, 2015 at 7:27 am

    I hit my head playing football I fell very fatigued and have had a long lasting headache I take Tylenol but it doesn’t help. What should I do?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 2, 2015 at 8:50 am

      Greetings Joe:

      Many experience persistent headaches after hits to the head – which is indicative of a concussion having occurred.

      Please read this article I just published today for more info -

      Bottom line – you need to get it checked out. Please call us at 828.708.5274 if you’d like to discuss further. Our brief 10-15 minute consults to discuss your options are always free of charge.

      Take care.

      • Tom Scharneck on March 8, 2016 at 11:04 pm

        I had alot of the same problems on the list above. Depression, foggy memory,anxiety, lack of cordination. Im 18, had untreated concusions when i was 14,15. I know they where concussions because you don’t hit your head and feel nautious for no reason. Than a 3rd one in the winter of 2014 slipping on ice. My life was perfect until of all of this happened, lost friends, hurt family, lost athletic college asperations due to bad grades and most of all lost myself. Got so bad i landed myself in a phsyc word for depression. 18 now, im striving to better my life because this was a journey of a lifetime fit into a time span of 4 years. Someone help me fix this problem so I don’t have to deal with re accuring deppression and mental fogginess. I forget EVERYTHING!!!!

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on March 17, 2016 at 4:44 pm


          So sorry to hear of your struggles at such a young age. Folks can get through many if not most post-concussion symptoms.

          Watch this video – – and give us a call at 828.708.5274 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your options. This is what we do at APEX. You can also find similar videos on or site under success stories.

          Take care.

  213. Frank on September 24, 2015 at 2:59 pm

    I had my first of a few concussions when I was in the 3rd grade due to a playground accident. The worst in 1994 when I was involved in a car accident. I was unconscious for at least a few minutes after the accident. I have had at least two more and on one occasion was knocked unconscious again. I have been suffering from mild memory loss and pretty bad depression lately and am worried it is steaming from all these bumps to the head. It is very hard for me to live a “normal” life the past few years and I would like to fix the problem, if it is fixable.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 2, 2015 at 9:00 am

      Greetings Frank:

      There is always a higher level of function folks can obtain – even after multiple head injuries.

      Please view this article I just published on repetitive concussions –

      It is essential that you get evaluated and pursue some type of rehabilitation as these more recent symptoms are often related to multiple head injuries.

      Feel free to call us and schedule a consultation at 828.708.5274. We provide free 10-15 minute consultations to discuss options for care and those can be done via phone or in person.

      We look forward to hearing from you.

  214. Frank on September 24, 2015 at 2:59 pm

    I had my first of a few concussions when I was in the 3rd grade due to a playground accident. The worst in 1994 when I was involved in a car accident. I was unconscious for at least a few minutes after the accident. I have had at least two more and on one occasion was knocked unconscious again. I have been suffering from mild memory loss and pretty bad depression lately and am worried it is steaming from all these bumps to the head. It is very hard for me to live a “normal” life the past few years and I would like to fix the problem, if it is fixable.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on October 2, 2015 at 9:00 am

      Greetings Frank:

      There is always a higher level of function folks can obtain – even after multiple head injuries.

      Please view this article I just published on repetitive concussions –

      It is essential that you get evaluated and pursue some type of rehabilitation as these more recent symptoms are often related to multiple head injuries.

      Feel free to call us and schedule a consultation at 828.708.5274. We provide free 10-15 minute consultations to discuss options for care and those can be done via phone or in person.

      We look forward to hearing from you.

  215. Dr. Michael Trayford on September 21, 2015 at 10:54 pm

    Greetings Caleb:

    Thank you for your inquiry and so sorry to hear of your struggles.

    All of what you are describing and more are potential side-effects/after-effects of brain jury and concussion.

    It is never too late to get evaluated – and is advisable in the presence of continued symptoms.

    Please call the office as you are able for a free 15 minute consult to discuss what your options are. This is something we work with daily and seeing great results with in most cases. Please see our success stories portion of our website to view concussion stories of those that have been through our program.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

  216. Dr. Michael Trayford on September 21, 2015 at 10:54 pm

    Greetings Caleb:

    Thank you for your inquiry and so sorry to hear of your struggles.

    All of what you are describing and more are potential side-effects/after-effects of brain jury and concussion.

    It is never too late to get evaluated – and is advisable in the presence of continued symptoms.

    Please call the office as you are able for a free 15 minute consult to discuss what your options are. This is something we work with daily and seeing great results with in most cases. Please see our success stories portion of our website to view concussion stories of those that have been through our program.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

  217. Concerned on August 25, 2015 at 11:53 am

    My child who is 6 now has had a couple of nasty bumps to the head over his short life. The first was at the age of 1 when I was tossing him up in the air, I misjudged the ceiling height and bumped his head. The second was at the age of 5 at daycare when he tripped and bumped his forehead on a rock. Neither times did he lose consciousness. The first time was more to the top of the head and the second was the forehead. Now at the age of six I notice things more with his behaviour that, though may have always been there, are worrisome now such as short attention span, forgetting things just seconds or minutes later, poor coordination, and easily frustrated. Should I be worried and if so what options so I have?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 2, 2015 at 9:49 pm

      Thank you for your inquiry and sorry to hear about your son. While they are quite resilient and can take a bit more than most of us ‘older folks’, any hit to the head should be taken seriously and multiple injuries can have compounded effects on the brain and behavior in the long-term. Without having full history and examination info, it is hard to say whether current issues are related to these injuries or not. Even with that information it might still be difficult to establish causal relatedness. Either way, if there are physical and behavioral complaints that are troubling you, there should be some type of intervention. Feel free to call us at 828.708.5274 for a free 15 minute consultation to discuss your options. We look forward to hearing from you.

    • Linda Seibold on November 11, 2015 at 3:48 pm

      I hit my head about two weeks ago and I feel ‘OFF’ the best way to explain it. I am slightly dizzy and and am sleeping a lot . I also have cold and am coughing. The Dr is treating the cold but now I feel something is no right. No energy, sleeping too much and memory problems,. What should I do?

      • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 12, 2015 at 10:55 am

        Greetings Linda:

        Very common with dizziness, sleep, energy, memory disturbances after a hit to the head and possible concussion. Please call us right away at 828.708.5274 to discuss some options as these do need to be addressed and you are not too far into symptoms just yet. Initial consultations are always free of charge. We look forward to hearing from you.

  218. Concerned on August 25, 2015 at 11:53 am

    My child who is 6 now has had a couple of nasty bumps to the head over his short life. The first was at the age of 1 when I was tossing him up in the air, I misjudged the ceiling height and bumped his head. The second was at the age of 5 at daycare when he tripped and bumped his forehead on a rock. Neither times did he lose consciousness. The first time was more to the top of the head and the second was the forehead. Now at the age of six I notice things more with his behaviour that, though may have always been there, are worrisome now such as short attention span, forgetting things just seconds or minutes later, poor coordination, and easily frustrated. Should I be worried and if so what options so I have?

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 2, 2015 at 9:49 pm

      Thank you for your inquiry and sorry to hear about your son. While they are quite resilient and can take a bit more than most of us ‘older folks’, any hit to the head should be taken seriously and multiple injuries can have compounded effects on the brain and behavior in the long-term. Without having full history and examination info, it is hard to say whether current issues are related to these injuries or not. Even with that information it might still be difficult to establish causal relatedness. Either way, if there are physical and behavioral complaints that are troubling you, there should be some type of intervention. Feel free to call us at 828.708.5274 for a free 15 minute consultation to discuss your options. We look forward to hearing from you.

    • Linda Seibold on November 11, 2015 at 3:48 pm

      I hit my head about two weeks ago and I feel ‘OFF’ the best way to explain it. I am slightly dizzy and and am sleeping a lot . I also have cold and am coughing. The Dr is treating the cold but now I feel something is no right. No energy, sleeping too much and memory problems,. What should I do?

      • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 12, 2015 at 10:55 am

        Greetings Linda:

        Very common with dizziness, sleep, energy, memory disturbances after a hit to the head and possible concussion. Please call us right away at 828.708.5274 to discuss some options as these do need to be addressed and you are not too far into symptoms just yet. Initial consultations are always free of charge. We look forward to hearing from you.

  219. Evangelina K. on April 23, 2015 at 3:18 am

    I just had a head injury two days ago. I fell in the shower. I don’t even remember what happened. My head was bleeding in the back, but a sharp pain from the back to the front of my head was very intense and painful. It took me a while for my head to stop hurting. I was very confused and dizzy. My mom looked at it, but said I was not showing any symptoms of a concussion. She used to work in an ER, so I trust her judgment. Did I make the right call in not going to the emergency room?

    • ed hane on July 7, 2016 at 2:56 am

      No cause what she cant see she dont know get a cat scan done on it by a nerolgist they will test you first to see if you have one ,its a closed head concusssion ,its just as bad as a Open head one over time ,to be sure get it check out

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 12, 2016 at 1:54 pm

      Greetings Evangelina:

      As you can see, we reply to all posts that we receive. For some reason I never received this one and just saw as someone else replied to you (thank you, Ed Hane).

      Ed (reply above) is right, these types of injuries should always be investigated and never ignored.

      Even though it is now several months after the injury, if you are having continued symptoms, seek evaluation. You can also call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss options for you or to help find someone in your area qualified to investigate this type of injury.

      Take care!

  220. Evangelina K. on April 23, 2015 at 3:18 am

    I just had a head injury two days ago. I fell in the shower. I don’t even remember what happened. My head was bleeding in the back, but a sharp pain from the back to the front of my head was very intense and painful. It took me a while for my head to stop hurting. I was very confused and dizzy. My mom looked at it, but said I was not showing any symptoms of a concussion. She used to work in an ER, so I trust her judgment. Did I make the right call in not going to the emergency room?

    • ed hane on July 7, 2016 at 2:56 am

      No cause what she cant see she dont know get a cat scan done on it by a nerolgist they will test you first to see if you have one ,its a closed head concusssion ,its just as bad as a Open head one over time ,to be sure get it check out

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 12, 2016 at 1:54 pm

      Greetings Evangelina:

      As you can see, we reply to all posts that we receive. For some reason I never received this one and just saw as someone else replied to you (thank you, Ed Hane).

      Ed (reply above) is right, these types of injuries should always be investigated and never ignored.

      Even though it is now several months after the injury, if you are having continued symptoms, seek evaluation. You can also call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss options for you or to help find someone in your area qualified to investigate this type of injury.

      Take care!

  221. Cookie414 on April 18, 2015 at 8:58 pm

    Was I was a child I can account the times when I’ve hit my head extremely hard two times I can rember blacking out for a few moments now I adult I’ve been told I’m bipolar and also have trouble rembering things could this be from all the blows to my head

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 22, 2015 at 8:26 am

      Absolutely, memory and behavioral issues are often related to untreated head injuries, even concussions. They are more likely to appear later in life when one has had multiple injuries. Best to have an evaluation to see what can be done, as it’s never to late to improve function.

      Here are more articles I have written on the subject…

    • Bob on April 17, 2016 at 12:14 pm

      A hard hit to the head can also trigger thyroid disorders also. It will cause memory issues( brain fog) muscle and tendon weakness, pain in different areas. Swelling as well. To be on the safe side you can google 300 symptoms of Hypothyroidism .

  222. Cookie414 on April 18, 2015 at 8:58 pm

    Was I was a child I can account the times when I’ve hit my head extremely hard two times I can rember blacking out for a few moments now I adult I’ve been told I’m bipolar and also have trouble rembering things could this be from all the blows to my head

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 22, 2015 at 8:26 am

      Absolutely, memory and behavioral issues are often related to untreated head injuries, even concussions. They are more likely to appear later in life when one has had multiple injuries. Best to have an evaluation to see what can be done, as it’s never to late to improve function.

      Here are more articles I have written on the subject…

    • Bob on April 17, 2016 at 12:14 pm

      A hard hit to the head can also trigger thyroid disorders also. It will cause memory issues( brain fog) muscle and tendon weakness, pain in different areas. Swelling as well. To be on the safe side you can google 300 symptoms of Hypothyroidism .

  223. Paul Acosta on March 16, 2015 at 6:08 pm

    I bumped my head 1year ago then it marked cause I didn’t put ice on it. and until now the mark is still on my head but its not aching, is this dangarous? cause im worrying right now of what could happen to me. thankyou!

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 22, 2015 at 8:30 am

      As far as a mark on the head goes, that is likely a non-issue if it is not bothering you in any way. It is the learning, behavioral and physical problems that develop from head injuries that are the biggest reason for concern. If purely cosmetic, might be wise to visit a plastic surgeon to see what can be done. If it is a bump of sorts, some types of modalities can be done to reduce swelling or fluid collection. Consult your doctor for more details and possible referral to physical or massage therapists, among others.

  224. Paul Acosta on March 16, 2015 at 6:08 pm

    I bumped my head 1year ago then it marked cause I didn’t put ice on it. and until now the mark is still on my head but its not aching, is this dangarous? cause im worrying right now of what could happen to me. thankyou!

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on April 22, 2015 at 8:30 am

      As far as a mark on the head goes, that is likely a non-issue if it is not bothering you in any way. It is the learning, behavioral and physical problems that develop from head injuries that are the biggest reason for concern. If purely cosmetic, might be wise to visit a plastic surgeon to see what can be done. If it is a bump of sorts, some types of modalities can be done to reduce swelling or fluid collection. Consult your doctor for more details and possible referral to physical or massage therapists, among others.

  225. brandon on January 27, 2015 at 11:33 pm

    I once had been to scout camp in some cabins and I fell off the top bunk bed while I has sleeping, admittedly I woke up, stood up and walked around unable to recognize my surroundings, and super dizzy. I felt as I was gonna throw up. finally I fell to the floor again. As I woke up the next morning in a lot of pain. I had no memory of what happened, only brief flashes. I was so confused. That was about 2 or 3 years ago and I had never struggled with any of the symptoms above until then. I still feel if I have a bruises on the top of my head.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 28, 2015 at 9:31 pm

      Brandon; if you’d like to consult about your condition, please call the office at 828.708.5274. There is much that can be done if your symptoms continue to give you trouble. We look forward to hearing from you.

      • Pamela on May 7, 2016 at 2:39 pm

        On March 24, 2016 I took a nasty fall on at work hitting my head on the floor. I hit so hard I saw stars and felt an electrical charge surge through my head and arms. I have been suffering with concentration issues, anxiety, fatigue, blurred vision and headaches. I just recently seen a neurologist who placed me with a chiropractor who made adjustments to my necks which seemed to intensify the symptoms. I have an MRI finally scheduled for May 9th. There has been no treat thus far other than an anticonvulsant medication. Just would like your opinion on this matter.

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on May 21, 2016 at 9:59 am


          All of what you describe is related to post-concussion syndrome.

          The fact that you had symptoms intensify with chiropractic care is troubling. I assume this is not a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist?! This is who you would need to see and who is best trained for these sensitive injuries and symptoms.

          The MRI will likely show nothing at this late time after injury. You would need to get appropriate consultation and treatment with a qualified specialist as outlined.

          Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

          Thank you.

  226. brandon on January 27, 2015 at 11:33 pm

    I once had been to scout camp in some cabins and I fell off the top bunk bed while I has sleeping, admittedly I woke up, stood up and walked around unable to recognize my surroundings, and super dizzy. I felt as I was gonna throw up. finally I fell to the floor again. As I woke up the next morning in a lot of pain. I had no memory of what happened, only brief flashes. I was so confused. That was about 2 or 3 years ago and I had never struggled with any of the symptoms above until then. I still feel if I have a bruises on the top of my head.

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on January 28, 2015 at 9:31 pm

      Brandon; if you’d like to consult about your condition, please call the office at 828.708.5274. There is much that can be done if your symptoms continue to give you trouble. We look forward to hearing from you.

      • Pamela on May 7, 2016 at 2:39 pm

        On March 24, 2016 I took a nasty fall on at work hitting my head on the floor. I hit so hard I saw stars and felt an electrical charge surge through my head and arms. I have been suffering with concentration issues, anxiety, fatigue, blurred vision and headaches. I just recently seen a neurologist who placed me with a chiropractor who made adjustments to my necks which seemed to intensify the symptoms. I have an MRI finally scheduled for May 9th. There has been no treat thus far other than an anticonvulsant medication. Just would like your opinion on this matter.

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on May 21, 2016 at 9:59 am


          All of what you describe is related to post-concussion syndrome.

          The fact that you had symptoms intensify with chiropractic care is troubling. I assume this is not a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist?! This is who you would need to see and who is best trained for these sensitive injuries and symptoms.

          The MRI will likely show nothing at this late time after injury. You would need to get appropriate consultation and treatment with a qualified specialist as outlined.

          Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you.

          Thank you.

  227. brian on October 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm

    I had a concussion when I was 6 years old I fell about 30 feet and landed on my back unconscious for about 2 hours my brothers woke me up and I was dizzy and could barely walk I couldn’t move my kneck left or right for 2 weeks I soon felt anxiety going to gatherings and certain places then about my early 20’s I experienced serious depression difficulty staying in one place and keeping a job also doing drugs now in my 40’s I have serious memory gaps and I can’t remember what I’m doing 5 min’s after I did something I always had memory problems test were impossible etc. i’ going im to see an neurologist to get help for the memory or advice soon as I get medical insurance.. do you have any suggestions this has been one long nightmare of problem after problem im my life….

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 1, 2014 at 5:07 pm

      Thank you for your inquiry and so sorry to hear of your ongoing struggles. Given the involved nature and long duration of your symptoms, it would be best to call our office for consultation. It is not in your best interest for us to dispense any advice on your condition until we have a thorough understanding of your history. We look forward to hearing from you – 828.708.5274.

      • Carl on July 19, 2016 at 9:58 am

        I play football, and I sustained a concussion last fall. I took a few weeks to recover from that concussion. I went to the dentist, and they diagnosed me with severe TMJ on both sides. Sometimes when I get hit in the head during games my head will start to hurt, but I do not have any other symptoms other than my head hurting. No nausea, vomiting, or anything of that sort. I did well in school last semester as well. I have been told that the headaches from being hit in the head are because of TMJ. I do have anxiety, but I have had anxiety ever since I was in high school. What do you think?

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 20, 2016 at 6:58 pm


          There are a number of reasons for headache. It could certainly be your TMJ, although it could be due to a host of other causes (i.e. metabolic, vascular, coming from your neck – common from whiplash injuries, etc.). If they are related to anxiety, it could be more of a vascular issues and stress related.

          Only a detailed functional neurological evaluation and testing can tell for sure.

          Please call the office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss possible options for you.

          Take care!

      • Rodrigo H. on July 29, 2016 at 12:37 am

        Hi about a year ago I ran into a mailbox head on while playing football I did blackout for a couple seconds and had a big bump on my forehead and I also was bleeding my neighbor was a nurse and he told me that I was fine but I did feel dizzy and sleepy it’s now a year later and I’m having symptoms I don’t know if it is brain damage or concussion I recently went to a doctor but he said I was fine but I still have the symptoms and develop anxiety what should I do ?

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 30, 2016 at 9:23 am

          Greetings Rodrigo:

          So sorry to hear of your struggles.

          The symptoms you describe are consistent with symptoms experienced by many with post-concussion syndrome. Most primary care physicians are not well versed in this arena, therefore do not recommend much in the way of intervention.

          Please call our office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you as only a thorough history and assessment can tell for certain if these are related to the concussion, and, more importantly, what can be done to help you out.

          Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

      • Shawn Kostek on September 1, 2016 at 7:18 pm

        Dr. Trayford,
        About 12 years ago a future familey member flipped off the back of a 4 wheeler. I know it knocked me out, but for how long I don’t know. When I came to I was dizzy, my whole body was weak, felt sick, tunnel vision, and more. I played it off that I wasn’t hurt got back on the 4 wheeler and went for a ride. I don’t remember much about it, except feeling like I was falling off the hole ride.
        When I got back I felt terrible my GF wife now told me to go lay down for a bit. I know now WRONG.

        Fast forward to now.
        I have anger issues, constant ringing in my ears, dizzy spells, hours of time I can not account for (sometimes while driving, working, playing cards, socializing). Is any of this in your experience reversable after so long?

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 1, 2016 at 9:09 pm


          Sorry to hear of your continued issues – this is quite common after concussions or mild traumatic brain injury.

          We have seen folks many years past their injuries to varied degrees of success. There are many factors that play into one’s ability to recover (e.g. extent of injury, sleep, stress, social habits, environment, etc.).

          If we are able to improve your brain’s experience of life (i.e. decrease dizziness, improve balance and eye movements, regulate brainwave activity, etc.), than many of the other cognitive and behavioral issues can settle down.

          Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your options as this is something we work with every day!

          Take care.

          • Wendy on September 6, 2016 at 6:58 pm

            My husband fell backwards this morning and knocked his head on the kitchen floor. He laid there for awhile holding his head, my first instinct was to put something cold on the spot where he bumped it to prevent swelling. While he was recovering, he stated he was feeling nauseated but did not vomit. We had an appointment, by coincidence, with a neurologist this afternoon and I was going to mention it, but he seemed okay. But he seems to have problems with short-term memory right now and even earlier before his appointment. At dinner, he didn’t even remember falling, saying that he trips so often (he does) that it is all a blur.

            I wanted to have him checked out right after he fell but he wanted to go to his appointment. I feel like I’m doing him a disservice and maybe harming him if he does not have this checked out. Is he in any danger if he does not have this looked at?

          • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 6, 2016 at 7:21 pm


            Given the lapse in memory, coupled with the nausea earlier today, it would be very wise to have him checked out. A simple CT scan at the ER could rule out severe complications of hits to the head that could lead to much bigger issues than he is dealing with. Often these are normal and ruled in as concussions, but better safe than sorry.

            Please call us at 828.708.5274 after if you would like to discuss options for recovery should his symptoms persist.

            Take care and our best to your husband.

      • Amie stevenson on November 18, 2016 at 10:20 pm

        I am 39…i have had a trunk of a car slammed on my head and it looked like someone got killed from all the blood…i have been kicked very hard with steel toed boots in my face and went back so hard i BOUNCED back up off the hardwood floor…i was in a very bad car wreck and my head broke the driver window and i hit my head on the passengers head and when we stopped they said i didnt move for several minutes…the only time a doctor looked at me was with the car wreck…i have had several blows to the head since…im away from the HORRIBLE person that did this to me thank god but now i feel like im GOING CRAZY kinda…i HAVE HORRIBLE MIGRAINES..HEADACHES…i have lost almost all memories and i cant remember ten minutes ago…i feel like HOW MUCH MORE do i have to suffer…i was on benzos for ten years just so i could make it thru another day..i took four 2mg a day and i went cold turkey off them it almost killed me…is there anything OR ANYONE that could help me PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME…THANK U

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 19, 2016 at 7:13 am


          So sorry to hear of your struggles and glad to hear you are away from the cause of some of the injuries.

          It is never too late to address these injuries and symptoms and there is great hope in many cases for partial, if not full, recovery of some to all symptoms related to head injuries and potential concussions.

          Best for you to call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss further during a free 10-15 minute consultation. Here we can get into a bit more preliminary detail and discuss the best plan of action for you.

          Take care and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

  228. brian on October 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm

    I had a concussion when I was 6 years old I fell about 30 feet and landed on my back unconscious for about 2 hours my brothers woke me up and I was dizzy and could barely walk I couldn’t move my kneck left or right for 2 weeks I soon felt anxiety going to gatherings and certain places then about my early 20’s I experienced serious depression difficulty staying in one place and keeping a job also doing drugs now in my 40’s I have serious memory gaps and I can’t remember what I’m doing 5 min’s after I did something I always had memory problems test were impossible etc. i’ going im to see an neurologist to get help for the memory or advice soon as I get medical insurance.. do you have any suggestions this has been one long nightmare of problem after problem im my life….

    • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 1, 2014 at 5:07 pm

      Thank you for your inquiry and so sorry to hear of your ongoing struggles. Given the involved nature and long duration of your symptoms, it would be best to call our office for consultation. It is not in your best interest for us to dispense any advice on your condition until we have a thorough understanding of your history. We look forward to hearing from you – 828.708.5274.

      • Carl on July 19, 2016 at 9:58 am

        I play football, and I sustained a concussion last fall. I took a few weeks to recover from that concussion. I went to the dentist, and they diagnosed me with severe TMJ on both sides. Sometimes when I get hit in the head during games my head will start to hurt, but I do not have any other symptoms other than my head hurting. No nausea, vomiting, or anything of that sort. I did well in school last semester as well. I have been told that the headaches from being hit in the head are because of TMJ. I do have anxiety, but I have had anxiety ever since I was in high school. What do you think?

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 20, 2016 at 6:58 pm


          There are a number of reasons for headache. It could certainly be your TMJ, although it could be due to a host of other causes (i.e. metabolic, vascular, coming from your neck – common from whiplash injuries, etc.). If they are related to anxiety, it could be more of a vascular issues and stress related.

          Only a detailed functional neurological evaluation and testing can tell for sure.

          Please call the office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss possible options for you.

          Take care!

      • Rodrigo H. on July 29, 2016 at 12:37 am

        Hi about a year ago I ran into a mailbox head on while playing football I did blackout for a couple seconds and had a big bump on my forehead and I also was bleeding my neighbor was a nurse and he told me that I was fine but I did feel dizzy and sleepy it’s now a year later and I’m having symptoms I don’t know if it is brain damage or concussion I recently went to a doctor but he said I was fine but I still have the symptoms and develop anxiety what should I do ?

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on July 30, 2016 at 9:23 am

          Greetings Rodrigo:

          So sorry to hear of your struggles.

          The symptoms you describe are consistent with symptoms experienced by many with post-concussion syndrome. Most primary care physicians are not well versed in this arena, therefore do not recommend much in the way of intervention.

          Please call our office at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss some options for you as only a thorough history and assessment can tell for certain if these are related to the concussion, and, more importantly, what can be done to help you out.

          Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.

      • Shawn Kostek on September 1, 2016 at 7:18 pm

        Dr. Trayford,
        About 12 years ago a future familey member flipped off the back of a 4 wheeler. I know it knocked me out, but for how long I don’t know. When I came to I was dizzy, my whole body was weak, felt sick, tunnel vision, and more. I played it off that I wasn’t hurt got back on the 4 wheeler and went for a ride. I don’t remember much about it, except feeling like I was falling off the hole ride.
        When I got back I felt terrible my GF wife now told me to go lay down for a bit. I know now WRONG.

        Fast forward to now.
        I have anger issues, constant ringing in my ears, dizzy spells, hours of time I can not account for (sometimes while driving, working, playing cards, socializing). Is any of this in your experience reversable after so long?

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 1, 2016 at 9:09 pm


          Sorry to hear of your continued issues – this is quite common after concussions or mild traumatic brain injury.

          We have seen folks many years past their injuries to varied degrees of success. There are many factors that play into one’s ability to recover (e.g. extent of injury, sleep, stress, social habits, environment, etc.).

          If we are able to improve your brain’s experience of life (i.e. decrease dizziness, improve balance and eye movements, regulate brainwave activity, etc.), than many of the other cognitive and behavioral issues can settle down.

          Please call us at 828.708.5274 for a free consultation to discuss your options as this is something we work with every day!

          Take care.

          • Wendy on September 6, 2016 at 6:58 pm

            My husband fell backwards this morning and knocked his head on the kitchen floor. He laid there for awhile holding his head, my first instinct was to put something cold on the spot where he bumped it to prevent swelling. While he was recovering, he stated he was feeling nauseated but did not vomit. We had an appointment, by coincidence, with a neurologist this afternoon and I was going to mention it, but he seemed okay. But he seems to have problems with short-term memory right now and even earlier before his appointment. At dinner, he didn’t even remember falling, saying that he trips so often (he does) that it is all a blur.

            I wanted to have him checked out right after he fell but he wanted to go to his appointment. I feel like I’m doing him a disservice and maybe harming him if he does not have this checked out. Is he in any danger if he does not have this looked at?

          • Dr. Michael Trayford on September 6, 2016 at 7:21 pm


            Given the lapse in memory, coupled with the nausea earlier today, it would be very wise to have him checked out. A simple CT scan at the ER could rule out severe complications of hits to the head that could lead to much bigger issues than he is dealing with. Often these are normal and ruled in as concussions, but better safe than sorry.

            Please call us at 828.708.5274 after if you would like to discuss options for recovery should his symptoms persist.

            Take care and our best to your husband.

      • Amie stevenson on November 18, 2016 at 10:20 pm

        I am 39…i have had a trunk of a car slammed on my head and it looked like someone got killed from all the blood…i have been kicked very hard with steel toed boots in my face and went back so hard i BOUNCED back up off the hardwood floor…i was in a very bad car wreck and my head broke the driver window and i hit my head on the passengers head and when we stopped they said i didnt move for several minutes…the only time a doctor looked at me was with the car wreck…i have had several blows to the head since…im away from the HORRIBLE person that did this to me thank god but now i feel like im GOING CRAZY kinda…i HAVE HORRIBLE MIGRAINES..HEADACHES…i have lost almost all memories and i cant remember ten minutes ago…i feel like HOW MUCH MORE do i have to suffer…i was on benzos for ten years just so i could make it thru another day..i took four 2mg a day and i went cold turkey off them it almost killed me…is there anything OR ANYONE that could help me PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME…THANK U

        • Dr. Michael Trayford on November 19, 2016 at 7:13 am


          So sorry to hear of your struggles and glad to hear you are away from the cause of some of the injuries.

          It is never too late to address these injuries and symptoms and there is great hope in many cases for partial, if not full, recovery of some to all symptoms related to head injuries and potential concussions.

          Best for you to call us at 828.708.5274 to discuss further during a free 10-15 minute consultation. Here we can get into a bit more preliminary detail and discuss the best plan of action for you.

          Take care and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

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