APEX Brain Centers


NaturalNews Blog: Do Brain Games Exploit Memory Loss Fears for Profit?

Do Brain Games Exploit Memory Loss Fears for Profit? People ask me all the time if brain games “really work.” Their interest is understandable. Most people are looking tools they ...
Addictions uninstalling

Re-wiring the Addicted Brain

Drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, sex, gambling, food, and shopping are just a few of the most common behaviors and substances that people can become addicted to. Why is it that some ...

The Importance of Early Screening for Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Cognitive Decline

The Importance of Early Screening for Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Cognitive Decline. Brain decline is one of the most common fears of people over the age of 50. While Americans are ...
Can Beer Make you Smarter

Natural News Blog: Can Beer Make you Smarter

Have you ever wondered if beer can make you smarter? Read my new blog on the NaturalNews Network to learn about new scientific research into the possible brain benefits offered ...

NaturalNews Blog: What NOT to Eat While Studying

Read my new blog on the NaturalNews Network to get great tips on what not to eat while studying and why. Not all food is brain food, and my blog ...

Dr. Trayford to Attend International Neurology Conference

Dr. Trayford to Attend International Neurology Conference Dr. Trayford to Attend International Neurology Conference - The providers at APEX Brain Centers are firmly committed to continuing education and clinical excellence. ...

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